Game thread - 6/16 - Bucs @ Brewers


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Game thread - 6/16 - Bucs @ Brewers

Post by GreenWeenie »

I kept hearing how Cherington set about to improve our development program. I'm not bashing him. I'll take him for his word. I haven't seen it.

I could be wrong, but I think that the Dodgers have brought up two pitchers recently.

In addition to your suggestion for promoting our kids, I would just hand a bat to Crews on draft day, put him on a plane to Greater Pitt and have you tell TCBT where he goes in the lineup the very next day.

If kids coming out of college are capable of running NFL offenses, the ones who play baseball can at least perform adequately in the major leagues. It's not nuclear physics.

Not all of them- in either league. The special ones.

That's how I see it, anyway.

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Game thread - 6/16 - Bucs @ Brewers

Post by Surgnbuck »

1. What the heck does TCBT mean?

2. How many players have the Pirates brought up already this season? I'll accept "a lot", an exact figure isn't necessary.

3. Comparing the NFL to MLB is like comparing apples to nail guns.

4. Have you asked a nuclear physicist lately their thoughts on what to do with the Pirates?
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Game thread - 6/16 - Bucs @ Brewers

Post by GreenWeenie »

103631242D21362028430 wrote: 1. What the heck does TCBT mean?

2. How many players have the Pirates brought up already this season? I'll accept "a lot", an exact figure isn't necessary.

3. Comparing the NFL to MLB is like comparing apples to nail guns.

4. Have you asked a nuclear physicist lately their thoughts on what to do with the Pirates?

1.  The Collaborative Brain Trust, of course.

2.  None who matter.

3.  Not true.  You can't convince me- so don't bother- that playing MLB is any more complicated than running an NFL offense.  That's just something that people have been convinced to believe for generations.  A NFL QB is expected to lead his offense and speak for his club.  A rookie MLB player is not.  Again, I wasn't referring to every MLB player and I wasn't talking about every NFL rookie QB.  I was talking about the generational ones. I stand by what I wrote- the generational player can play at least adequately at the MLB level. I didn't say exceptionally. Maybe some can do that, too. Who knows?

4.  Don't talk stupid.

Game thread - 6/16 - Bucs @ Brewers

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

664047525B5740565E350 wrote: 1. What the heck does TCBT mean?

2. How many players have the Pirates brought up already this season? I'll accept "a lot", an exact figure isn't necessary.

3. Comparing the NFL to MLB is like comparing apples to nail guns.

4. Have you asked a nuclear physicist lately their thoughts on what to do with the Pirates?
:D ;D :D ;D
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Game thread - 6/16 - Bucs @ Brewers

Post by MaineBucs »

The Reds and the Pirates both have .500 records.  The Pirate's built most of their record from an unbelievable (and unsustainable) run at the start of the season, and the Reds by digging out of a hole and now playing good ball.  The Reds' GM just talked about adding at the deadline if there is a chance to make the playoffs.  I don't recall any such comment by BC.

I have the impression that the Pirates are hoping that internal replacements --- Choi in 3 weeks, Cruz in 8 weeks, Crowe, and a few others --- may give the Bucs a bump.  I believe that is fanciful thinking as the starting rotation, bullpen, and the offense all seem to be sputtering.  While there doesn't appear to be any single savior in the minors, I believe a collective infusion of talent could help, with the knowledge that they (like all players) will struggle.

Ortiz, Bido, Contreras, Oviedo, and even Hill have had struggles going deep into games.  Bring up Priester and use him as a long man in the pen.  Or, put him in the starting rotation, and use Bido or Ortiz out of the pen.

Rodriguez should be in the majors tomorrow and Davis should not be far behind.  I know that the pitchers appear to like Hedges, but he is a significant hole in a line-up that needs help.  And, I can't see him being with the team next year.   Davis and Rodriguez appear to have some versatility and perhaps Cutch can play in the field twice per week to get the young bats in the line-up.

The Pirates don't appear to have a lot to offer in trade.  Perhaps Gonzalez could net some value.

I never expected this team to have a .500 record after 68 games.  Now that they do, and no one in the NL Central is running away with it, I would like to see Pirate management make more of a push to go for the ring.
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Game thread - 6/16 - Bucs @ Brewers

Post by Surgnbuck »

271205050E3705050E0905600 wrote: 1. What the heck does TCBT mean?

2. How many players have the Pirates brought up already this season? I'll accept "a lot", an exact figure isn't necessary.

3. Comparing the NFL to MLB is like comparing apples to nail guns.

4. Have you asked a nuclear physicist lately their thoughts on what to do with the Pirates?

1.  The Collaborative Brain Trust, of course.

2.  None who matter.

3.  Not true.  You can't convince me- so don't bother- that playing MLB is any more complicated than running an NFL offense.  That's just something that people have been convinced to believe for generations.  A NFL QB is expected to lead his offense and speak for his club.  A rookie MLB player is not.  Again, I wasn't referring to every MLB player and I wasn't talking about every NFL rookie QB.  I was talking about the generational ones.  I stand by what I wrote- the generational player can play at least adequately at the MLB level.  I didn't say exceptionally.  Maybe some can do that, too.  Who knows?

4.  Don't talk stupid.

1. You state that as if it were a known acronym...did you make it up?

2. You obviously don't know.

3. Now it's gone from, "kids coming out of college running NFL offenses" to generational talents. So who exactly are you referring to? And what's there to running an NFL offense if all you are doing is handing off, working with a scaled down playbook, and throwing more INT's than TD's? Are you truly "running anything"? Yes, it's apples to nail guns.

4. Momma always told me, "Stupid is as stupid does."
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Game thread - 6/16 - Bucs @ Brewers

Post by GreenWeenie »

Bobster and I were writing about our most highly-regarded suspects. I should have made it clearer, but didn't realize the necessity. I didn't write "all." I didn't write "some," either. It was a general statement, not a precise one.
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