Polanco Slumping


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Polanco Slumping

Post by fjk090852-7 »

Another knock on him is his base running skills. I cannot recall if he has had any blunders so far this season, but there have been some very bad base running accidents in the past. I recall one late last season when he attempted to stretch a single into a double in a late inning and he was out by a mile.
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Polanco Slumping

Post by dmetz »

Ok so heres a plus. He walk rate is way up this year. He's being more patient, it's assumed, more selective.


Polanco Slumping

Post by Bobster21 »

232A22333D470 wrote: Ok so heres a plus.   He walk rate is way up this year.  He's being more patient, it's assumed,  more selective.   

Very true. Which makes it all the more puzzling as to why his BA this year so far is his all time worst (and poor by any standard). If he's selectively avoiding swinging at bad pitches, why isn't he hitting better on the pitches he opts for? Meanwhile, altho his walks are up, I still see him whiffing on high, outside pitches that no one should swing at. He's an enigma.
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Polanco Slumping

Post by INbuc »

406D60717667703033020 wrote: Ok so heres a plus.   He walk rate is way up this year.  He's being more patient, it's assumed,  more selective.   

Very true. Which makes it all the more puzzling as to why his BA this year so far is his all time worst (and poor by any standard). If he's selectively avoiding swinging at bad pitches, why isn't he hitting better on the pitches he opts for? Meanwhile, altho his walks are up, I still see him whiffing on high, outside pitches that no one should swing at. He's an enigma.

This the first full game I have seen in a couple weeks, but I think I know the reason Polanco has so many walks and such a poor average....he gets nothing to hit. Everything was up and/or in, or down and away. Nobody wants him to extend his arms on something in the strike zone. Nonetheless, it is Polanco's job to adjust, not to give in and swing at pitcher's pitches. Heck, take 4 walks a game if you can, but don't marginalize yourself by swinging at chest-high heaters or pitches that start at your knees and finish in the dirt.

And Bell didn't look any better. The high pitches are eating him up as well. Meadows though.....nice start.
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