Game Thread - 9/14 - Bucs @ Reds - 12:35 start


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Game Thread - 9/14 - Bucs @ Reds - 12:35 start

Post by maher.timothy20@gm »

As others have noted above, if Cruz would move to 1B or OF it would solve a lot of problems. It would help clear out the infield logjam, for one thing.

But would it piss him off? He's a guy I'd like to keep happy.

Game Thread - 9/14 - Bucs @ Reds - 12:35 start

Post by CarolinaBucco »

This is a point I've wondered about and raised before.

Cruz has superstar potential.

If he really wants to play SS, I'm inclined to let him play SS.

I want him feeling positive with his mind in the right place ... not sulking, not frustrated or ticked off.

He seems competent at SS, not great of course, but very athletic and maybe he can develop into above average.

So he won't win a Gold Glove, but he might hit .250 / 30 / 100 and lord this team needs that kind of production from someone.

Based on what I've seen since his call-up, I would absolutely pencil him in as my starting SS next year.

The Pirates have so many problems, Cruz at SS should be the least of their concerns.
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Game Thread - 9/14 - Bucs @ Reds - 12:35 start

Post by mouse »

The other problem, and it's minor, but a move to first would negate one of his strengths, which is his throwing arm.

Game Thread - 9/14 - Bucs @ Reds - 12:35 start

Post by Bobster21 »

6D4B4C59505C4B5D553E0 wrote: Newman has the highest batting  average among the regulars. Do we keep him?
He's also their best defensive SS and is under control for 2 more years.  
The only thing correct in this statement is the years of control. He has a significant lower fielding percentage than Cruz. Newman has 5 errors in 28 games started at SS and a fielding percentage of .947, Cruz has 10 in  63 games started as a SS and a fielding percentage of .967.

Newman had one exceptional season as a SS, last year when he only made 3 errors at SS in 132 games. That was not the real Newman. He was .956 in 2018, .973 in 2019, and .930 in 2020. Newman can't hit a lick compared to Cruz. But you want Newman playing SS?

Newman's best position is 2B. Good luck with that with Castro and Castillo on board.

Newman should be jettisoned if he can't be traded. He has no future with the Pirates.

Newman is steady but not flashy. Cruz is flashy but not steady. The highlight reel plays by Cruz are exciting but you never know when he's going to turn a routine throw into an error. Fielding percentage is one of the least accurate stats in MLB. It depends on whether or not the fielder got to the ball and whether the official scorer decided to call it a hit vs an error. And those calls are entirely subjective.

"Newman can't hit a lick compared to Cruz." Two entirely different types of hitters and there's a need for both. Cruz has raw power and has been raising his BA lately. That's good to see. For the season, he's at .223 but I think he's going to hit for a better average as he gains more experience. After 2 disappointing seasons with the bat, Newman made adjustments to his swing and leads the team at .272. So I don't think it's reasonable to say the team leader can't hit a lick compared to the .223 hitter. Just as with their defense, Cruz is flashy but not steady and Newman is steady but not flashy. Teams need both types. So I'm not ready to run Newman out of town because he's not a HR hitter.

When I look at this roster moving forward I see a glaring need for a power hitting 1Bman and ideally someone tall with a wide wingspan to turn off-target throws into outs instead of 2-base errors. I see exactly such a player currently at SS where his defense in the minors was always questionable and his strong arm has been erratic at the MLB level. The Pirates have no top 1B prospects and will not pay to bring in an established, productive 1Bman. But they have other options at SS with Newman and Peguero, who is 2 years away and considered their top defensive SS and can hit a little too.

If the Pirates had a slugging 1Bman, maybe also getting power from the SS position would be worth whatever errors Cruz might make on routine throws. But considering their resources such as they are, Cruz could be the 1Bman they need and can't get anywhere else while Newman could hold down SS until Peguero is ready. And between Castro and Castillo they have 2B covered.

(Hopefully, there's more than 1 correct thing in that statement this time.) ;D
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Game Thread - 9/14 - Bucs @ Reds - 12:35 start

Post by SammyKhalifa »

Do people really think Cruz has been that much of a butcher at short?

Game Thread - 9/14 - Bucs @ Reds - 12:35 start

Post by Bobster21 »

093B37372311323B36333C3B5A0 wrote: Do people really think Cruz has been that much of a butcher at short?
I haven't seen anyone say that.

But has made bad throws on routine plays. SS is a position that needs a steady hand more than the ability to make sensational plays. IMO Cruz would be perfect as the big power hitting 1Bman they always need but usually lack and could potentially be one of their best 1Bmen ever. He would supply size, power and outstanding defense at 1B. The need there is much greater than the need at SS where they have Newman with Peguero in the pipeline. Cruz doesn't have to be a butcher at SS to make him a good fit at 1B when they have other options at SS but no other top options at 1B.
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Game Thread - 9/14 - Bucs @ Reds - 12:35 start

Post by Ecbucs »

5B767B6A6D7C6B2B28190 wrote: Do people really think Cruz has been that much of a butcher at short?
I haven't seen anyone say that.

But has made bad throws on routine plays. SS is a position that needs a steady hand more than the ability to make sensational plays. IMO Cruz would be perfect as the big power hitting 1Bman they always need but usually lack and could potentially be one of their best 1Bmen ever. He would supply size, power and outstanding defense at 1B. The need there is much greater than the need at SS where they have Newman with Peguero in the pipeline. Cruz doesn't have to be a butcher at SS to make him a good fit at 1B when they have other options at SS but no other top options at 1B.   

Newman is a decent player to have on a team. However, he also doesn't do well enough to say, he is someone that can be replaced to improve the team. His batting average is fairly empty as he has a low oba since he rarely walks. Surprising to me to see that Cruz has walked more.

Newman, Castro and Cruz should all make next year's team and divide shortstop and second between them. Newman should be on field at least against lefties. Cruz needs to play enough short to figure out if he can become more reliable defensively.
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Game Thread - 9/14 - Bucs @ Reds - 12:35 start

Post by SammyKhalifa »

406D60717667703033020 wrote: Do people really think Cruz has been that much of a butcher at short?
I haven't seen anyone say that.

But has made bad throws on routine plays. SS is a position that needs a steady hand more than the ability to make sensational plays. IMO Cruz would be perfect as the big power hitting 1Bman they always need but usually lack and could potentially be one of their best 1Bmen ever. He would supply size, power and outstanding defense at 1B. The need there is much greater than the need at SS where they have Newman with Peguero in the pipeline. Cruz doesn't have to be a butcher at SS to make him a good fit at 1B when they have other options at SS but no other top options at 1B.   

I hear you. I think this point, if he takes a move I think I'd rather to the OF to take advantage of his arm.
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Game Thread - 9/14 - Bucs @ Reds - 12:35 start

Post by MaineBucs »

I first started talking about moving Cruz to first even prior to his recall. I also have stated that the most important move that BC may make this off-season is the team's decision regarding what position Cruz plays next year. Cruz has as much if not more talent than any player on the Pirate roster, and his future success is critical to the team's future success.

On the whole, I believe Cruz's play at SS has been a bit better than I had anticipated; but I had really low expectations. In watching him play, my main current concern involves his throws to first. I often find myself holding my breath when he needs to make a routine throw on a play when he has lots of time. To me, he seems to have greater accuracy when he fields a ball and must quickly get off a throw. There are no questions regarding his arm strength, but consistency and dependability are critical at the SS position, and may be even more so next year when the new defensive shift rules takes effect.

In the past month, Cruz has demonstrated that he has both the talent and the desire to grow. There is some likelihood that as he develops more familiarity with playing SS at the major league level he irons out the current throwing issues. Next year, he could be steadier at SS. He may never be considered a gold glove candidate, but perhaps he could progress to making nearly all of the routine plays while continuing to pull off the outstanding play now and then; a good, but unspectacular SS.

At present, I am squarely in the torn camp. I believe the Pirates could field a stronger line-up next year and moving forward if Cruz was at first, but it also could be best to keep Cruz at SS if it aids his offensive production. The Pirates have never had a SS (a Trevor Story) who makes most of the plays and who hits 30 HR while driving in 100.

I also note that it now appears that neither Peguero or Gonzalez will be ready for the majors at the start of next year (need time at AAA). Thus, the Pirates likely could delay a decision on moving Cruz and keep him at SS for another season to see how he progresses. This should not cause irreparable short term damage to the team, but it could fall into the category of why delay the longer term decision.

The Pirates also appear to have options, particularly with the development of Castro as a potential regular. Castro can play 2nd next year in tandem with Cruz at SS , and can keep both Cruz and he could be options to play 3rd if the Bucs determine that some combination of Cruz - Castro - Peguero - Gonzalez (with a dash of Castillo or Marcano) is a better path going forward than keeping Hayes and then using Hayes in a trade. In addition, Peguero has the skill set and speed to play CF, and they could move him to center and use other folks in the infield.

To me, the best news is that it appears the Pirates have some talented players on their roster, and that more of the higher ranked prospect talent is not too far away at AA. At a minimum, Cruz and Castro appear to possess the combination of athleticism and power that have all too often being missing on the Pirates.

Cruz and Castro are still very inexpensive, as are Castillo and Marcano. Hayes (as well as Reynolds) is signed to a reasonable long-term deal, and resigning either or both of Newman or Chavis would not break the bank. A good first baseman (a never ending quest for the Pirates) still seems like a must. Perhaps Mitchell could handle 1st, and Endy Rodriguez could be a near-term internal option.

A final comment --- Cruz seems like the real deal more than Alvarez (one of the more recent great hopes), and that he will not become such a liability at a position (like Alvarez did at 3rd) that he would not be a productive player.

Looking forward to see how all of this plays out.
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