GDT 5/22/2022 Cardinals vs. Bucs


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GDT 5/22/2022 Cardinals vs. Bucs

Post by Bobster21 »

624E46414A6D5A4C5C2F0 wrote: Two of the five starters from the beginning of the season, Wilson and Keller, have failed miserably.   Brubaker and Thompson have shown some signs of life, but they are not dependable.  Quintana has been the lone bright spot, but I could see him sliding into the darkness like Ivan Nova did in 2018. 

Peters, on the other hand, has performed well when he has started (except for the 1 inning blow-out).   I am not suggesting that Peters is the be all and end all of starters, but his pitching this year suggests that he is at least a better option than Wilson. 

Just checked the score and I too am glad that I am not watching this game. 

I am also a bit miffed that I pay for the DirecTV baseball package and this is the 3rd of the last 4 Pirate games that have not been broadcast because MLB is looking to make more money by broadcasting games through alternative sources.   
I agree about the SP assessment. I realize Cherington has done a lot via drafting and trades to bring talent to the organization which, for the most part, is still a year or 2 away. But that doesn't mean this season has to be treated like it's Grapefruit League ball. The fans deserve at least a token effort to win games now.

VanMeter is a nobody who's never been able to hit for any of his 3 teams. He has no business on the roster. Bae is a 2Bman hitting .286 at AAA. If the alternative is VanMeter then Bae should be here playing 2B everyday. He at least has a future with the team. Cruz needs to start hitting for a recall but it's hard to justify when he's at .188 in AAA. Suwinski at .164 needs the AAA experience he skipped. And Calvin Mitchell, hitting .308 at AAA, needs to acclimate to MLB with the ABs currently going to the overmatched Suwinski. Cherington must have assured Nutting that 4 million to sign Yoshi was a good deal. So he's probably not going to replace Yoshi. But Yoshi is hitting like a pitcher and Mason Martin could use those ABs to get his MLB career started.

Cherington punted on the starting rotation this year. Quintana was a reclamation project who has exceeded expectations. The other 4 had low expectations anyway. At this point, recall Contreras and let him be an actual SP. Not a 3-inning opener or a "you'll face a lineup a 3rd time over my dead body" starter. Peters and Crowe are pitching well in long relief. But what's the end game there? If within 2 years the rotation has legit starters now in AA and AAA, how much will they need Peters and Crowe for long relief? Why not see if Peters and Crowe can transition into effective starters now? This season should be used to get prospects PT at the MLB level. They've done it with Castro, Castillo and Suwinski. A lot more of that needs to be done instead of playing people like VanMeter and a starting rotation with little or no potential.

GDT 5/22/2022 Cardinals vs. Bucs

Post by Bobster21 »

Peacock TV has now signed the Pirates to do a comedy baseball series.
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GDT 5/22/2022 Cardinals vs. Bucs

Post by MaineBucs »

Too bad that couldn't have found a way to end the game rather than just briefly stopping for a rain delay.

Of course, with Molina now pitching for the Cards, some Pirate hitters may have a chance to improve their BA's.

Oh well. Another really bad loss soon to be recorded.

Time for the Bucs to make additional moves to try and instill some life in the team.

I assume Castro will go down when Newman is activated.

Suggest they DFA either/both Cole or VanMeter and add Bae to the roster to split time at 2nd with Castillo.

If they DFA both, add Mitchell to the roster to see if he can help the outfield situation.

Also, someone among Hembree, Beede, and perhaps even Banda could be eliminated from the roster to give Del Santos a shot in the pen.

Tsutugo should also be on the short leash. Perhaps another 3 weeks to see if he can improve. That said, I have maydoubts as his current performance is more in line with his stats with the Dodgers and Rays last year. His brief flurry with the Pirates last season may have been a mirage.

I wouldn't expect any great turn-around from the above moves, but maybe the team can find one or two players who can hit more than .150.


GDT 5/22/2022 Cardinals vs. Bucs

Post by Bobster21 »

Ha! Yoshi owns Molina. The Bucs are fightin' back! 17 more runs and it's a brand new game! :D

GDT 5/22/2022 Cardinals vs. Bucs

Post by Bobster21 »

18-4. Game winning 19 run rally coming up!

GDT 5/22/2022 Cardinals vs. Bucs

Post by Bobster21 »

Cardinals were lucky to escape with a win.

GDT 5/22/2022 Cardinals vs. Bucs

Post by SteadyFreddy »

Shelton will say getting 4 runs off Molina in 9th will be something to build off of.
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GDT 5/22/2022 Cardinals vs. Bucs

Post by bucs607179 »

604D40515647501013220 wrote: Cardinals were lucky to escape with a win.

;D ;D ;D ;D
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GDT 5/22/2022 Cardinals vs. Bucs

Post by bucs607179 »

Always a bright side for the boys. They'll outdraw the Pittsburgh Maulers. ;)

Fox Sports may have failed with the USFL. I'm thinking their were no more then 50 people in the stands in New Orleans. They may even pipe fan noise in?? ::)

GDT 5/22/2022 Cardinals vs. Bucs

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

Green Weenie loves games like this
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