A-Rod Retiring


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A-Rod Retiring

Post by dogknot17@yahoo.co »

What are people's take on Alex Rodriguez retiring on Friday?

I think it is kind of weird that he won't finish out the season. He isn't a liked person and I wouldn't expect a Jeter-like farewell tour, but he can certainly help off the bench. He only need four HRs for 700.

He one of the greatest players of my lifetime and will go down as one. His PED/Steroid issues will always follow him, but we really can't deny the talent he was on the field.

It looks like the Yankees are forcing him out and "letting" him retire on his own terms. Any thoughts? Do people even care?
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A-Rod Retiring

Post by Jonathan34 »

Busted twice for PEDs...talent is undeniable, but I have to think he did PEDs for basically his entire peak career.

Glad he didn't hit 700 home runs...it still bums me out the Bonds bested Aaron. For me, it is really tough to get over The Steroid Era and believe any of the crazy numbers players were putting up.
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A-Rod Retiring

Post by BucAndEer »

I'd really like to hear Cervelli's honest thoughts on A-Rod. ... Francisco is such a class act, though, that there's no way he'd publicly discuss them.
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A-Rod Retiring

Post by iabucco »

I don't really care about it. Even with his resurgent year last year, A-Rod really hasn't been relevant for quite a while. Cheating or not, Bonds was relevant up to the end. I never liked A-Rod. He always seemed like Eddie Haskell. He was a jerk but wanted to be liked. Bonds was a jerk but didn't really care about being liked.

Maybe, it is because he was a Pirate, but I have always thought it was a bit unfair that Bonds, McGwire and Sosa were the face of the PED's and are kind of pariahs in baseball when so many others cheated and baseball buried its head in the sand. Ortiz will have a lovefest when he retires and he was caught cheating. That whole 90's early 2000's era was tainted. However, I am also not naïve enough to believe that many players during Aaron's era were taking amphetamines to focus for games after travel or long nights.

I am not defending Bonds just stating that I think he gets a disproportionate amount of criticism when it comes to PED's. I have a little less sympathy for those that have cheated after testing was implemented because they seem to serve their suspension and are forgiven.
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A-Rod Retiring

Post by Ecbucs »

6A62617660606C030 wrote: I don't really care about it.  Even with his resurgent year last year, A-Rod really hasn't been relevant for quite a while.  Cheating or not, Bonds was relevant up to the end.  I never liked A-Rod.  He always seemed like Eddie Haskell.  He was a jerk but wanted to be liked.  Bonds was a jerk but didn't really care about being liked. 

Maybe, it is because he was a Pirate, but I have always thought it was a bit unfair that Bonds, McGwire and Sosa were the face of the PED's and are kind of pariahs in baseball when so many others cheated and baseball buried its head in the sand.  Ortiz will have a lovefest when he retires and he was caught cheating.  That whole 90's early 2000's era was tainted. However, I am also not naïve enough to believe that many players during Aaron's era were taking amphetamines to focus for games after travel or long nights. 

I am not defending Bonds just stating that I think he gets a disproportionate amount of criticism when it comes to PED's. I have a little less sympathy for those that have cheated after testing was implemented because they seem to serve their suspension and are forgiven.   

I've never taken an amphetamine and don't believe players should have taken them either. Although if I remember correctly, often team trainers supplied these so I think that is a little different the peds. At the time they were used by many people who had to perform when fatigued (truck drivers etc) and a lot of people thought they were just stronger no doze.
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A-Rod Retiring

Post by RichD »

764D474C60240 wrote: Seems like a lot of former teammates really like A-Rod .So that  there should tell you about the man. From all I have ever read on the guy, It`s that he loves the game . He is like some baseball nerd and very uncomfortable off the field.

Folks just pissed that he has made so much money. So what, everyone was doing them back in mid 90 - 02 .Hell i would of done them too.

Um lets see, I CAN get bigger stronger and faster with a little help.No brainer since the MLB wasnt testing for them . What happend was the drugs got really good AND DID WHAT THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO DO .They got too good.I mean look at Ron Gant back in the day or Bagwell or Giles or , etc etc. and that was mid 1995 or so.

Many men do this today is called Viagra. :-X

Bonds got a late start on the PEDS and man oh man did he catch up.


A-Rod Retiring

Post by DemDog »

As the Emperor Chuck Noll used to say when one of his players got so bad like ARod is now, Its time for ARod to get on with his lifes work.

Good bye ARod, have a nice time spending all those millions. Just go away quietly.
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A-Rod Retiring

Post by PMike »

6A5D4B69464C6D4D5A280 wrote: I'd really like to hear Cervelli's honest thoughts on A-Rod. ... Francisco is such a class act, though, that there's no way he'd publicly discuss them.

Would that be the Francisco Cervelli who has been indicted and had a 50 game bad for using PEDs? And, of whom stories have been written about his dislike of Arod? Unbiased opinion there.

A-Rod Retiring

Post by dogknot17@yahoo.co »

2C24273026262A450 wrote: I don't really care about it.  Even with his resurgent year last year, A-Rod really hasn't been relevant for quite a while.  Cheating or not, Bonds was relevant up to the end.  I never liked A-Rod.  He always seemed like Eddie Haskell.  He was a jerk but wanted to be liked.  Bonds was a jerk but didn't really care about being liked. 

Maybe, it is because he was a Pirate, but I have always thought it was a bit unfair that Bonds, McGwire and Sosa were the face of the PED's and are kind of pariahs in baseball when so many others cheated and baseball buried its head in the sand.  Ortiz will have a lovefest when he retires and he was caught cheating.  That whole 90's early 2000's era was tainted. However, I am also not naïve enough to believe that many players during Aaron's era were taking amphetamines to focus for games after travel or long nights. 

I am not defending Bonds just stating that I think he gets a disproportionate amount of criticism when it comes to PED's. I have a little less sympathy for those that have cheated after testing was implemented because they seem to serve their suspension and are forgiven.   

Good post. I really agree with you.

I hate that was the era that I really fell in love with the game. The 1998 HR chase really saved baseball in my opinion. Some players are treated unfairly too.

I respect A-Rod and his talent. Its a shame that he felt he had to "cheat" even after testing was done. I really don't condone the guys before the testing as it wasn't baseball illegal, just very unethical.

Fans will be biased. How many here loved Marlon Byrd for a few months? I think so many players (pitchers too) were on something. It probably paid off for many too as they really started to rake in some money during that period too.

A-Rod Retiring

Post by DemDog »

Hold on, hold on, check out this article from a trusted source at the Onion.   ::)

Yankees sign ARod to 10 year 420 million Front Office Position

Can you believe that?  Remember the source!   8-)
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