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Master plan from 6-7 years ago

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 2:50 pm
by ArnoldRothstein
Does anyone recall that early in the time of the current management team (I'd guess no later than the 2009-2010 offseason) there was a brochure the team did that laid out their plan for talent development? I think it was part of the annual season ticket solicitation. Does anyone know if it can still be found in some corner of the internet? I'm sure it was discussed back on the old board, but I can't crack into that anymore.

Master plan from 6-7 years ago

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 3:05 pm
by Bobster21
I don't know about the plan but I think they've done a great job of developing their talent. The problem is that champions are not built exclusively that way. Great teams can be built from developing a strong core and adding key players externally. But that's the extra step the Pirates shy away from. Yes, they signed Martin, Cervelli and Liriano but those weren't huge contracts by MLB standards. In most cases they try to make due with reclamation projects to fill the holes that can't be filled from within. So the development of talent was done very well but can't be the whole plan for creating a championship team. That's why the Pirates had strong teams 3 years in a row but not strong enough.