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September 1st and no call ups

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 7:55 pm
by fjk090852-7
It is very strange that not one single player from the minors was called up today. I am thinking that Nutting is holding the FO feet to the fire regarding the player budget. If this is so I expect Neal Huntington will hand in his resignation towards the end of September and whoever becomes the new GM will want to bring in his manager. If they stay in house it will be Kyle Stark as GM and Tom Prince as manager. If Nutting is pinching pennies by not letting the roster expand then he better consider selling the team, and oversee his ski resorts in The Laurel Highlands.

September 1st and no call ups

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 8:19 pm
by Bobster21
515D5C070E070F02051A00370 wrote: It is very strange that not one single player from the minors was called up today. I am thinking that Nutting is holding  the FO feet to the fire regarding the player budget. If this is so I expect Neal Huntington will hand in his resignation towards the end of September and whoever becomes the new GM will want to bring in his manager. If they stay in house it will be Kyle Stark as GM and Tom Prince as manager.  If Nutting is pinching pennies by not letting the roster expand then he better consider selling the team, and oversee his ski resorts in The Laurel Highlands.
Not that strange. It's not uncommon for teams to wait until their AAA team's season ends. Indy could play for their championship. Not likely to raid their roster before that.

September 1st and no call ups

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 8:37 pm
by MaineBucs
In addition, quite a bit of the Indians bullpen, as well as Luplow and Diaz are already with the Pirates.

While many things with the Pirates likely revolve around money, I don't think that this is one of them.

September 1st and no call ups

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 8:39 pm
by JollyRoger
No worries; LeBlanc is coming back ?

September 1st and no call ups

Posted: Fri Sep 01, 2017 9:44 pm
by Aaron
Anyone that has an issue with no players being called up is wrong.

I know this because although he hasn't yet, Dogknot is going to tell us why this was not only the right move, but it was the absolutely perfect thing to do.


September 1st and no call ups

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2017 12:23 pm
5070637E7F110 wrote: Anyone that has an issue with no players being called up is wrong.

I know this because although he hasn't yet, Dogknot is going to tell us why this was not only the right move, but it was the absolutely perfect thing to do.


Do you want an autograph picture too?

The Indians and Curve made the playoffs.