2021 Baseball HOF Ballots


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2021 Baseball HOF Ballots

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

527473666F6374626A010 wrote: And Ken Griffey, Jr. He could have recovered from injuries a lot more quickly under steroids. I don't respect any of those inflated records.

those records show how bad MLB was at drug enforcement.

Of course who knows how many Olympic records are tainted by drugs too.

A favorite SNL skit:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAdG-iT ... AdG-iTilWU

I laughed and laughed.

2021 Baseball HOF Ballots

Post by DemDog »

346274606F75656E637446616B676F6A2865060 wrote: And Ken Griffey, Jr. He could have recovered from injuries a lot more quickly under steroids. I don't respect any of those inflated records.

those records show how bad MLB was at drug enforcement.

Of course, who knows how many Olympic records are tainted by drugs too.

A favorite SNL skit:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAdG-iT ... AdG-iTilWU

I laughed and laughed.

I laughed too but then I remember the live event when Dave Dravecky threw a pitch and his left arm just came loose due to cancer. He lost the arm but has remained healthy since.
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Joined: Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:53 pm

2021 Baseball HOF Ballots

Post by Ecbucs »

062027323B3720363E550 wrote: And Ken Griffey, Jr. He could have recovered from injuries a lot more quickly under steroids. I don't respect any of those inflated records.

those records show how bad MLB was at drug enforcement.

Of course who knows how many Olympic records are tainted by drugs too.

A favorite SNL skit:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAdG-iT ... AdG-iTilWU

very good, hadn't seen this in a long time. How about some Get Smart sports clips? Maybe with Mary Jack Armstrong? or ping pong?

2021 Baseball HOF Ballots

Post by DemDog »

We talk about the MLB doping era of the past but now you look at the players and see how they have grown without 'roids.  Instead, they are going all out for personal trainers, hitting and pitching gurus.  If an athlete wants to spend the money he can go out and find one of these gurus to improve his performance.

In my opinion, it is 6 of 1 and a half-dozen of the other.

I also get a kick out of Pete Rose who gambled and admitted it. Nowadays, there are tons of ads on tv and radio about sports gambling before, during, and after games and recap shows. So why not let Pete be eligible for the HOF.

2021 Baseball HOF Ballots

Post by johnfluharty »

I wasn't a huge Rose fan, but he definitely needs to be in the hall. He has like a million career hits or some such.
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2021 Baseball HOF Ballots

Post by JollyRoger »

Sorry but the whole HOF balloting process is a joke.

You have Ty Cobb in the Hall but not Pete Rose.

Barry Bonds is one of the if not THE best hitter the game has seen.

Yes he was a first class ass and people can bitch and moan all they want about HGH and Steroids but the fact of the matter is that MLB did not ban those substances at the time.

Base the HOF on stats.

If you want to pass moral judgement in addition to baseball skill then you need to reevaluate who is in the Hall.

In the early decades of baseball; players used “uppers”. What about pitchers who used foreign substances or spitballs like Gaylord Perry? Take the politics out. If players violated rules in place at the time then fine; take that into consideration.

The Rose issue is a tough one. He indeed broke the rule about gambling and then lied about it. Supposedly he only bet on his team to win therefore he tried as a Manager to win as he should.

He deserved to be punished and baseball hit him hard with a ban.

However I just think he deserves to be in the HOF but I understand those who disagree

2021 Baseball HOF Ballots

Post by ArnoldRothstein »

I think about the minimum that the Hall can do now is take that "character" question away from the writers. Give whoever prepares the ballot a clear instruction that only formally banned players or guys who are currently doing time should be kept off for character issues. Then let the writers vote based purely on the baseball career.

There's a weird thing on the Hall website, where it lists rules changes through the years. It says: "CHARACTER, INTEGRITY AND SPORTSMANSHIP

Implemented in 1945. Rule applies to how the game was played on the field, more so than character off the field."

That explanation isn't in the official voting rules, but it's sat on the Hall website for probably ten years. They should make it clear that that is the intent of the rule.
Posts: 12205
Joined: Wed Mar 04, 2020 6:42 pm

2021 Baseball HOF Ballots

Post by Surgnbuck »

06272F062D25420 wrote: We talk about the MLB doping era of the past but now you look at the players and see how they have grown without 'roids.  Instead, they are going all out for personal trainers, hitting and pitching gurus.  If an athlete wants to spend the money he can go out and find one of these gurus to improve his performance.

In my opinion, it is 6 of 1 and a half-dozen of the other.

I also get a kick out of Pete Rose who gambled and admitted it.  Nowadays, there are tons of ads on tv and radio about sports gambling before, during, and after games and recap shows.  So why not let Pete be eligible for the HOF.

Big complaint I've had for years, the Dodgers for years now have had a prominent casino ad plastered in the outfield. So many stadiums have them.

Not that I was complaining, but in 2013 the Pirates probably had the best coupon on a ticket stub in the history of sports. It was a BOGO free dinner buffet at Rivers Casino, Mon-thurs. I'll never forget the lines there for the WC game and for game 4 of the NLDS. I had a bunch of extra stubs, and I was handing them out in line. Some idiot actually thought I was trying to scam him, his GF was like, "Are you freaking stupid? He didn't ask anything of you!" He actually went up and asked if they were legit. Lady told him, "didn't you just see him hand out about 40 of these things to the people in front of you?"

In their gameday program, they also have a coupon for the Rivers to use after every game.

2021 Baseball HOF Ballots

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

76575F765D55320 wrote: And Ken Griffey, Jr. He could have recovered from injuries a lot more quickly under steroids. I don't respect any of those inflated records.

those records show how bad MLB was at drug enforcement.

Of course, who knows how many Olympic records are tainted by drugs too.

A favorite SNL skit:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAdG-iT ... AdG-iTilWU

I laughed and laughed.

I laughed too but then I remember the live event when Dave Dravecky threw a pitch and his left arm just came loose due to cancer.  He lost the arm but has remained healthy since.

Yes, the Dravecky situation was tragic. While Ray Chapman's death was the worst thing ever to happen on a baseball field, Dravecky's injury has to be the worst such incident to occur.

As for your later comment on Pete Rose, although he was one of my favorite players ever because of how hard he played, how determined he was to win, his accomplishments, and his durability, he violated the most important rule of them all. To me, he must suffer the penalty to the fullest. It doesn't matter that he was betting on his team to win. It's what can happen when a manager/player becomes beholden to gamblers as a result of the money they'll inevitably owe.

2021 Baseball HOF Ballots

Post by Bobster21 »

3264726669736368657240676D61696C2E63000 wrote: And Ken Griffey, Jr. He could have recovered from injuries a lot more quickly under steroids. I don't respect any of those inflated records.

those records show how bad MLB was at drug enforcement.

Of course, who knows how many Olympic records are tainted by drugs too.

A favorite SNL skit:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jAdG-iT ... AdG-iTilWU

I laughed and laughed.

I laughed too but then I remember the live event when Dave Dravecky threw a pitch and his left arm just came loose due to cancer.  He lost the arm but has remained healthy since.

Yes, the Dravecky situation was tragic.  While Ray Chapman's death was the worst thing ever to happen on a baseball field, Dravecky's injury has to be the worst such incident to occur.

As for your later comment on Pete Rose, although he was one of my favorite players ever because of how hard he played, how determined he was to win, his accomplishments, and his durability, he violated the most important rule of them all.  To me, he must suffer the penalty to the fullest.  It doesn't matter that he was betting on his team to win.  It's what can happen when a manager/player becomes beholden to gamblers as a result of the money they'll inevitably owe.
The problem with Rose only betting on his team to win was that he didn't bet every game. This raised the possibility that he was sending a message to gamblers on the days he didn't bet.
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