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5/8 late night game

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 12:49 pm
by PMike
686D6A6C646E776A6370767B020 wrote: Almost noone plays all 162 games. 

I'm not suggesting they play every game for the season. I'm suggesting they play every game until some of their injured guys (like Freese and Frazier) and perhaps Marte get back. If they find that frustrating, call Bradenton or South Korea and vent.

5/8 late night game

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:07 pm
by SammyKhalifa
Getting guys back won't help if all the other guys are run into the ground by the time they return. The issue isn't that we're running backups, it's that our backups suck so hard. And I agree that maybe we don't want to use them all in the same game.

On a related note, I saw that Adam Frazier had a rehab start last night. A few years ago I never thought I'd be counting down the days until Adam Freaking Frazier returns but that's where we're at.

5/8 late night game

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:08 pm
by Bobster21
72404C4C586A49404D484740210 wrote: Isn't that something every team does at some point?  If so, I would find it hard to believe that every team is stupid.
I don't know if most teams would put out a lineup like we saw Sunday. As PMike said, this was not the time. With Kang and Marte gone and Freese and Frazier hurt and only 2 outfielders on the roster, it was not the time to rest Cutch, Cervelli and Harrison in a home game against a bad pitcher and a team they had just beaten twice. Resting a player here and there is fine. But what Hurdle did Sunday was disgraceful and demonstrated a lack of integrity.

5/8 late night game

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:14 pm
by Bobster21
0B3935352113303934313E39580 wrote: Getting guys back won't help if all the other guys are run into the ground by the time they return.  The issue isn't that we're running backups, it's that our backups suck so hard.  And I agree that maybe we don't want to use them all in the same game.

On a related note, I saw that Adam Frazier had a rehab start last night.  A few years ago I never thought I'd be counting down the days until Adam Freaking Frazier returns but that's where we're at. 
I think it's a fallacy that guys are run into the ground. Years ago it was fairly common to play everyday. Now we are accustomed to believe that can't happen. And it's a strange strategy to put a lineup on the field that has no chance of winning that game in hopes that it will make them better able to win another game down the road. What's the difference? I'd rather take my chances of winning each game than to deliberately sacrifice one game in hopes of winning another. As we saw last night, now we have 2 losses in a row instead of perhaps just one.

5/8 late night game

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:28 pm
by SammyKhalifa
I don't know--years ago it was fairly common for people to do all kinds of silly things. I'm sure that there are guys that could still do it, but then again there are way more teams (and hence more "major-leaguers" would wouldn't have cut it back then). Sports people also said to pitch through arm pain or told football players to go back out in the field after "getting their bell rung." Maybe we've learned some things.

5/8 late night game

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:40 pm
by ChitownBucco
557875646372652526170 wrote: Getting guys back won't help if all the other guys are run into the ground by the time they return.  The issue isn't that we're running backups, it's that our backups suck so hard.  And I agree that maybe we don't want to use them all in the same game.

On a related note, I saw that Adam Frazier had a rehab start last night.  A few years ago I never thought I'd be counting down the days until Adam Freaking Frazier returns but that's where we're at. 
I think it's a fallacy that guys are run into the ground. Years ago it was fairly common to play everyday.

when you say years ago, how far back are you going? Cal Ripken days?



Iron Horse days?

5/8 late night game

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:43 pm
by SammyKhalifa
Again though, despite what I was saying sitting them all the same game probably wasn't best.  It's like back in the 80s when I went to a game and found out that Junior Ortiz was catching, only this team has like four Junior Ortizes. 

5/8 late night game

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:43 pm
5A4763616F0A0 wrote: Almost noone plays all 162 games. 

I'm not suggesting they play every game for the season.  I'm suggesting they play every game until some of their injured guys (like Freese and Frazier) and perhaps Marte get back.  If they find that frustrating, call Bradenton or South Korea and vent.

Once Marte and Kang come back, then you rest players?

The point is to rest players so they are fresh at the end of the year. Why do you want the best players missing 20+ games in July, August and September? Anyone know the average of games played per player?

McCutchen probably still plays more than most players in the league. He only misses about 10 games a season, I think.

5/8 late night game

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:51 pm
by PMike
5E555D5154554E0B0D7A435B5255551459553A0 wrote: Almost noone plays all 162 games. 

I'm not suggesting they play every game for the season.  I'm suggesting they play every game until some of their injured guys (like Freese and Frazier) and perhaps Marte get back.  If they find that frustrating, call Bradenton or South Korea and vent.

Once Marte and Kang come back, then you rest players? 

The point is to rest players so they are fresh at the end of the year.  Why do you want the best players missing 20+ games in July, August and September?  Anyone know the average of games played per player?

McCutchen probably still plays more than most players in the league.  He only misses about 10 games a season, I think.

Looking at his history, he is usually good for around 157. That's only about one game off a month.

I don't want them missing games period. I don't necessarily buy into the whole rest thing for baseball. Playing a game vs. not playing a game doesn't make that big of a difference, IMO. This isn't hockey or basketball where they are running for 60 minutes or getting hit. They are doing all of the traveling and warmups whether they are playing or not. Just go play.

If they do need to take rests, I say no rest days now while half of the starting line up is gone. When we are closer to our full roster, resume the days off in necessary. I wouldn't "make up" the days off, but proceed as planned from that point forward.

5/8 late night game

Posted: Tue May 09, 2017 1:52 pm
by Bobster21
634849544F574E625543434F200 wrote: Getting guys back won't help if all the other guys are run into the ground by the time they return.  The issue isn't that we're running backups, it's that our backups suck so hard.  And I agree that maybe we don't want to use them all in the same game.

On a related note, I saw that Adam Frazier had a rehab start last night.  A few years ago I never thought I'd be counting down the days until Adam Freaking Frazier returns but that's where we're at. 
I think it's a fallacy that guys are run into the ground. Years ago it was fairly common to play everyday.

when you say years ago, how far back are you going? Cal Ripken days?



Iron Horse days?

I didn't know the human body had changed for the worse. In fact, athletes are in better shape now than they were in past eras but somehow seem to require less activity.