Couldn’t even keep Liriano


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Couldn’t even keep Liriano

Post by JollyRoger »

0215033422222E410 wrote:

I don't believe in forecasting which player will be here or not be here in a particular time period.  There is no reason that marte could not be resigned to a new contract when he is eligible for FA.  Teams do it all the time.  Instead of pumping some uncertain future when some mystical core will be in place, I believe that we should add major league ball players right now, we are already one of the lowest team salaries in the league.  I understand the economics of baseball, and I am not asking for Nutting to spend Yankees or Red Sox money.  I am asking that they spend Brewers or Reds kind of money.  And if they spend Brewers or Reds kind of money I fully understand that they may not end up winning the World Series as only 1 team in 30 wins the Series each year.  But I don't accept the thinking that says well "we have to blow it up and see what we have' while the team salary is kept artificially low and then when they have a season where they win a few games they immediately flip the PR to "well we do not want to upset the team chemistry" by making any acquisitions.

OK, let's play the game of dreaming they can spend and bring in some guys.  Of course, the guys have to want to come here too.  And given where we are, they'd have to overpay to get them.  But, based on what has happened in free agency, let's say they add 2-3 SP, a C, and at least one OF thumper at prices paid thus far.  I'll ignore the Coles, Strausburgs, and Rendons since there was never a chance.  But let's say we could add two of Ryu, Keuchel, and Wheeler.  That's about $200M committed and $38-44M added to this year's payroll.  Throw in a good bottom half of the rotation guy like Kyle Gibson or Teheran or Miley on a short deal.  Add another $7-9M for next year.  We're at $45-53M up, and the SP is looking good though we should worry about the ends of the Ryu & Keuchel deals as they'll be in their late 30's. 

Total payroll is now around what?  $105-115M?  We haven't addressed C or OF to improve the lineup.  Let's get a guy like Ozuna or Castellanos.  That's $18M or so more.  If we don't add Grandal, we can get buy with Chirinos at $7M. 

Since we're fantasizing, I'll throw in Josh Donaldson to play 3rd, and ignore that he's 34 and it took a 4-year deal to get him.  $23M/season more. 

For position players, we're up another $48M and the lineup looks good.  So, our total on our shopping spree is $93-101M for this year.  Even if we leave out Donaldson, it's $70-78M.  And total payroll is $130-140M.  But we haven't addressed the BP yet.  That'll add a bit more.

So, if you believe we would spend that much (and could attract all of those guys), the lineup is probably Marte, Frazier, Reynolds, Bell, Ozuna/Castellanos, Moran/Osuna, Chirinos, Newman.  A bit short on power but pretty good.  Put Donaldson at 3B and have him bat 3rd moving Reynolds to 2nd and Frazier down to 6/7(?).  Very good lineup.  SPs = (2 of Ryu, Keuchel, Wheeler), Keller, Gibson/Teheran/Miley, Musgrove.  Move Archer to the BP and trade Williams.  It may be good enough to compete in the Central.

The catch is that we just spent $70-100M of Nuttings $$$ and have a $130-150M payroll in 2020.  Overall, he had to commit $300M (w/ Donaldson).  And playoff odds are 60-40?  50-50?

And after all of that, that scenario is just never going to happen, and with Nutting running the show, odds are even lower.

And that 130-150M only represents an average ML payroll.

If an owner of a team is not willing to ever have an average ML payroll; then he/she/they should not be allowed to own a team.

Isn’t the idea of sport to compete and strive to win?

Sadly baseball in Pittsburgh is not a sport. It is only looked upon as a money making business entity.
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Joined: Thu Jan 09, 2020 1:00 pm

Couldn’t even keep Liriano

Post by Lecom »

07393C34273F3F3414312635500 wrote: I think that the best thing we can do this season is to close our eyes, muffle our eyes and pray the season goes by quickly

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