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Bucs Need to Add Lefty Starter This Offseason

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2016 6:46 pm
by DemDog
If they do get a lefty starter I sure hope he is a good one cause they have enough lefties in the BP. They had 8 or them in the BP last nite.

Bucs Need to Add Lefty Starter This Offseason

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 2:30 am
by SCBucco
5C7D755C777F180 wrote: If they do get a lefty starter I sure hope he is a good one cause they have enough lefties in the BP.  They had 8 or them in the BP last nite.

I make a motion to bring back Duke as a starter. Any seconds?

Bucs Need to Add Lefty Starter This Offseason

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2016 9:53 am
by Quail
6A7A7B4C5A5A56390 wrote: If they do get a lefty starter I sure hope he is a good one cause they have enough lefties in the BP.  They had 8 or them in the BP last nite.

I make a motion to bring back Duke as a starter.  Any seconds?

I think I just saw Neal Huntington raise his hand. >:(