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8/25 vs Reds.

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:01 am
JHay, bell, Frazier and Williams are the heart and soul of this team. Can you imagine the Pirates without them? Marte and Polanco and Cole - no shows.

If I'm rebuilding I take Those four pedestrian prospects. The mega-talented Marte, etc can take a hike.

8/25 vs Reds.

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:09 am
by INbuc
Too much of a good thing.....Hudson started off great by coming inside. Then he hits two people.

8/25 vs Reds.

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:11 am
by SCBucco
45426E796F0C0 wrote: I have eye discomfort watching Nova pitch.

He was our best pitcher at the end of last year and for the first half of this year. What a train wreck he is now. We have no starting pitching at all right now outside - gulp, Williams. Cole isn't that good and Taillon is struggling.

8/25 vs Reds.

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:33 am
by Ecbucs
6C7C7D4A5C5C503F0 wrote: I have eye discomfort watching Nova pitch.

He was our best pitcher at the end of last year and for the first half of this year.  What a train wreck he is now.  We have no starting pitching at all right now outside - gulp, Williams.  Cole isn't that good and Taillon is struggling.

Nova pitching like he is with the Yankees again. Maybe he wasn't such a good signing after all.

Remember last year when Bucs dealt Liriano they said something like the league had gotten used to his style of pitching?  Maybe that has happened to Nova too.  He is giving up homers like Cole.

8/25 vs Reds.

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 12:19 pm
by mouse
I suspect Nova is just a little out of sync. The pitches I see getting hit are ones that are in the good part of the plate. Before he was getting better placement, less of those fat pitches. I would think he can work that out and get back to form. He'll never be a 1 or 2, but he can still be a strong pitcher for them.

8/25 vs Reds.

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:14 pm
by Bobster21
2B29333523460 wrote: I suspect Nova is just a little out of sync. The pitches I see getting hit are ones that are in the good part of the plate. Before he was getting better placement, less of those fat pitches. I would think he can work that out and get back to form. He'll never be a 1 or 2, but he can still be a strong pitcher for them.
Maybe, but this makes 6 bad starts in his past 8. How long should it take to work out his problem if it's fixable?

8/25 vs Reds.

Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 1:39 pm
by Bobster21
At least Jaso supplied comic relief in RF playing Schebler's ball into a triple as he took off his hat and carried it and then had to finally drop the hat in order to throw the ball. It could have been an inside the park HR with Jaso going all over RF before finally corralling the ball. And speaking of inside the park HRs, Jaso might have had one himself when Hamilton tripped and the ball caromed off the wall away from the LFer. But in keeping with Hurdle's strict policy of getting as much rest as possible, Jaso didn't exert himself and only made it to 2B.