NH double talk


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NH double talk

Post by dmetz »

NH should be fired immediately.   He's way over his head and paralyzed from making significant moves.

Won't happen until at least the end of this year at the earliest, I realize.  Redemption is always possible, but over last 2 years and especially last year, I've lost belief that he's still competent.


NH double talk

Post by rucker59@gmail.com »

7374584F593A0 wrote: "...whether our focus is this year or our window is pushed back a little bit..."

Hmmm. Seems conveniently self-serving that by acknowledging a "window" strategy without defining a specific time line, and backing down from the previously stated "continually competitive" philosophy NH will be able to kick the can down the road indefinitely. 
Exactly. They don't have a window. But now they do. This year might be part of that window. Or it might not be. No matter what now happens, NH can say, "See? I told you so." I'm now beginning to understand the 4-year extension. He was extended because of his ability to spin the severe limitations Nutting forces him to work under. Since he's not allowed to spend enough to improve the team, his greatest asset is his ability to talk about the lack of activity as if it's part of some sort of master plan. 

We have no more window.  It was bricked over in the winter of '15.  All we have now is a wall to bang our heads against.  We have no vision of intelligent life.   

We need someone like Turner Ward to break through that wall and free us from the confinement front office lethargy.


Wow! - one upon the other, Quail, Bobster and IN have delivered a 1-2-3 punch to the gut of the BMTIB.  These are three great posts!

I don't know if Frank, Neal and Bob have always had bad intentions or if honorable intentions were sold-out in the face of greed, but for sure the winter between 2015 and 2016 seasons revealed this management team had no intention of doing what is necessary to "keep its word". THEIR truth was hidden behind carefully constructed lies, defended by Orwellian "doublespeak" that blinded most, and frustrate those that could see their lie, and generated a Billion Dollar Profit.

All the twisted words, shifting blame, elevating Bob Nutting to sainthood....  The sudden but oh-so subtle insertion of "window" into the Pirate lexicon to defend "no action" when the very mention of "a window" was previously rejected by the same BMTIB to....well to defend "no-action" - this one word highlights the past two years. Lies.  More lies.  The hypocrisy is astounding.

Neal - when did the Pirates start managing around a "window"? 

I'm going to print the post from Quail, Bobster and IN, enlarge it, laminate it and send one copy to Frank, one to Neal and one to Bob.
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NH double talk

Post by mouse »

Everything I've seen this year said things were moving slowly on the trade front, and one thought was the owners were doing it intentionally to reduce demands for players (mainly free agent players, but no doubt also to a degree the demands of other teams in trades). Whatever, I take from NH's comments that he's still in negotiations and doesn't want to say anything to take away from his negotiating position. It appears he's made some demand of the Yankees, and they are now staring at each other, waiting to see who will flinch first. I liken this to the trade to Atlanta of the center fielder a number of years ago (name now escapes me) and the attempted trade last year of McCutchen to the Nats - in one, Atlanta made the 'too good to resist' offer; in the other, the Nats didn't. I think NH wants to put the best team on the field that 95 to 100 MM can buy, but figures pitching is his strength. Cole is his best chip - he's willing to trade him but only for that 'too good' offer.

NH double talk

Post by johnfluharty »

5A58424452370 wrote: I think NH wants to put the best team on the field that 95 to 100 MM can buy.

That small bit of your quote really hits the nail on the head for this team and the FO. It not only captures their perspective but it also explains why they will have to have a lot of good luck to succeed.

NH double talk

Post by dogknot17@yahoo.co »

They don't need good luck, they need a third baseman and some bullpen experience.

NH double talk

Post by johnfluharty »

4348404C4948531610675E464F4848094448270 wrote: They don't need good luck, they need a third baseman and some bullpen experience.
LOL. Being able to add that and keep the payroll under $100M is where the good luck comes in, my friend. The only way to succeed with that low a payroll is for a few long-shots or cheap options to outperform their pay.

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NH double talk

Post by SCBucco »

676C64686D6C773234437A626B6C6C2D606C030 wrote: They don't need good luck, they need a third baseman and some bullpen experience.

They have a guy that can play 3B.  Not your prototypical guy, but certainly our most versatile.  He can do the job adequately.  The problem is that opens up a hole at 2B.  Then again, the guy is on the trade blocks because he makes too much $$$.  Harrison isn't ideal, but he would be the best internal guy we can put there.  Let's  face facts.  Neither this GM nor ownership will do anything to go out and get a long term solution at this position.  It's a status quo type of deal.  Put the best you have there and its Harrison, not Freese, or Osuna, or SRod, who I'm still trying to figure out why they brought him back and why he is considered a core player by NH.

I think you need to realize we need more than a few veteran bullpen guys. There is a problem with this outfield, you know, the one that three years ago people were talking like it was the second coming of Bonds-Van Slyke and Bonilla. Each player out there brings many questions. We need an upgrade in at least one of those places.

NH double talk

Post by dogknot17@yahoo.co »

707572747C766F727B686E631A0 wrote: They don't need good luck, they need a third baseman and some bullpen experience.
LOL.  Being able to add that and keep the payroll under $100M is where the good luck comes in, my friend.  The only way to succeed with that low a payroll is for a few long-shots or cheap options to outperform their pay. 

Mike Moustakas's stock is dropping. I know he is a Boras guy, but he could help the Pirates now on a two year deal. If Huntington acknowledges the window, this would be a fine signing. Would Moustakas get a better two year deal compared to a five year deal? With a nice short porch in RF? I don't know, but I hope it is being explored.
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NH double talk

Post by SCBucco »

7D767E7277766D282E596078717676377A76190 wrote: They don't need good luck, they need a third baseman and some bullpen experience.
LOL.  Being able to add that and keep the payroll under $100M is where the good luck comes in, my friend.  The only way to succeed with that low a payroll is for a few long-shots or cheap options to outperform their pay. 

Mike Moustakas's stock is dropping.  I know he is a Boras guy, but he could help the Pirates now on a two year deal.  If Huntington acknowledges the window, this would be a fine signing.  Would Moustakas get a better two year deal compared to a five year deal?  With a nice short porch in RF?  I don't know, but I hope it is being explored. 

LOL ... Moustakas won't even consider coming here. I really think you need to acknowledge some things like reality. He has played in a small market situation in KC; won a title too boot. He is looking for a pay day and another chance to win a title. That doesn't happen here.

NH double talk

Post by rucker59@gmail.com »

1101003721212D420 wrote: They don't need good luck, they need a third baseman and some bullpen experience.
LOL.  Being able to add that and keep the payroll under $100M is where the good luck comes in, my friend.  The only way to succeed with that low a payroll is for a few long-shots or cheap options to outperform their pay. 

Mike Moustakas's stock is dropping.  I know he is a Boras guy, but he could help the Pirates now on a two year deal.  If Huntington acknowledges the window, this would be a fine signing.  Would Moustakas get a better two year deal compared to a five year deal?  With a nice short porch in RF?  I don't know, but I hope it is being explored. 

LOL ... Moustakas won't even consider coming here.  I really think you need to acknowledge some things like reality.  He has played in a small market situation in KC; won a title too boot.  He is looking for a pay day and another chance to win a title.  That doesn't happen here.

Some people still treat this like a baseball problem. "If we can find a 3rd base then we check one box toward being a contender." Bobster's original post was to highlight we don't have a baseball problem, we have an integrity problem.

Neal has one job and it has nothing to do with finding a 3rd base: its to keep EVERYONE off balance enough so that the only real question won't be asked: given the unbelievable increase in value, given the unbelievable cash cow MLB is (here you go Bob, here's another $50M) how come Mr Nutting gets to string along a passionate fan base without being held accountable?

Neal got a four year extension with no discernible plan. The only explanation can be that he does his work for Nutting very well. This "story" was brought to light in the winter of 2015 when the FO had the opportunity to truly win a WS. Instead they wasted an opportunity that may not come across again for a generation.
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