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So, who is going to go
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 8:36 pm
by 2drfischer@gmail.c
033D3830233B3B301035223166540 wrote: I think it will be:
Rich Rod
I don't think anyone will offer enough for Frazier, and he'll get traded in the offseason.
I predict that Polanco will end up on the 60 day IL and stay on it the rest of the season, and get his 3 million dollar buyout.
I agree on Polanco
Also on the opening thread I typed WRITE instead of RIGHT. Thank goodness my former students don't see this
Dear Mr. Wildwood Dave:
We're embarrassed for you. You call yourself a teacher. We should forget everything you taught us.
SLAD (Students Laughing At Dave)
So, who is going to go
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 9:05 pm
by MaineBucs
So --- my thoughts on who is going to go.
Most likely to be traded - Rodriguez. Unfortunately, some of the teams who need him the most, like the Nats, do not have a good farm system.
I believe Frazier will be traded, but again, one of the teams who need him the most, the White Sox, do not have a good farm system.
I believe Anderson is as good as gone. Too many teams that are experiencing problems in their starting rotation who could use someone who appears able to take the ball every 5th day and who will typically keep you in a game. He also is cheap.
I believe that one or both of Howard or Stratton will be traded. Howard has been decent except for when he was going out with an injury, and Stratton has typically been able to make it through an inning without surrendering any runs, and can sometimes go 2. Neither would net a big return, but could net a lower level prospect with some upside. Quite a few teams are experiencing bullpen problems and someone like Howard or Stratton could help another team prop up their bullpen without surrendering a boatload of talent.
If Gamel keeps hitting someone may inquire about him because of the number of outfielders who have gone down this year and because he can play all outfield positions, but I wouldn't expect much in return. If he does keep hitting like he has recently, Bucs may want to try and sell high. Perhaps he is part of a deal that involves one of the other major leaguers who would be traded.
I hope that they do not trade Reynolds, even though he likely would net the best return of any player who could be traded (Hayes is likely untouchable), and I similarly hope that Stallings remains a Pirate, even though a number of teams could use him.
With a number of teams starting to drop out of contention, I hope that BC starts to make some decisive moves shortly after the all-star game.
So, who is going to go
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 9:21 pm
by Ecbucs
I wonder whether the team may want to resign Anderson for next year?
This team doesn't have loads of starting pitching and at this stage I don't know that Brault and Keller can be penciled in for next season.
Maybe Kranik has shown enough. But if Anderson is willing to sign a cheap deal for next year the Bucs should sign him.
So, who is going to go
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 9:29 pm
by shedman
My guess is that Frazier will be traded to some team who is willing to take on Polanco's contract in exchange for a couple of A Ball suspects. Then some will rave about the "treasure trove" of prospects that Cherington obtained.
So, who is going to go
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 9:32 pm
by Surgnbuck
746F62636A6669070 wrote: My guess is that Frazier will be traded to some team who is willing to take on Polanco's contract in exchange for a couple of A Ball suspects. Then some will rave about the "treasure trove" of prospects that Cherington obtained.
I will bet you 20 dollars this doesn't happen.
So, who is going to go
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 10:46 pm
by 2drfischer@gmail.c
263D303138343B550 wrote: My guess is that Frazier will be traded to some team who is willing to take on Polanco's contract in exchange for a couple of A Ball suspects. Then some will rave about the "treasure trove" of prospects that Cherington obtained.
If another team would be willing to take Polanco’s contract off his hands, Nutting would trade his wife and daughters along with him. He probably sees them as too expensive anyway.
So, who is going to go
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 11:03 pm
by GreenWeenie
302B26272E222D430 wrote: My guess is that Frazier will be traded to some team who is willing to take on Polanco's contract in exchange for a couple of A Ball suspects. Then some will rave about the "treasure trove" of prospects that Cherington obtained.
Let's see who thinks what in the annual Deadline Prediction Poll
You running it again this year?
I forgot who the defending champion. Is. Oh, yeah. That's right. It was me.

So, who is going to go
Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 11:41 pm
by WildwoodDave2
784D5A5A51685A5A51565A3F0 wrote: My guess is that Frazier will be traded to some team who is willing to take on Polanco's contract in exchange for a couple of A Ball suspects. Then some will rave about the "treasure trove" of prospects that Cherington obtained.
Let's see who thinks what in the annual Deadline Prediction Poll
You running it again this year?
I forgot who the defending champion. Is. Oh, yeah. That's right. It was me.

Well, how long are you going to wait?
So, who is going to go
Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2021 12:24 am
by GreenWeenie
What's the rush? Planning on checking out or something? It's only the 9th.

So, who is going to go
Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2021 12:45 am
by JollyRoger
2A7C6A7E716B7B707D6A587F75797174367B180 wrote: My guess is that Frazier will be traded to some team who is willing to take on Polanco's contract in exchange for a couple of A Ball suspects. Then some will rave about the "treasure trove" of prospects that Cherington obtained.
If another team would be willing to take Polanco’s contract off his hands, Nutting would trade his wife and daughters along with him. He probably sees them as too expensive anyway.
His wife maybe but not his daughters. Remember that he is leaving the team to his daughters when he dies to keep us in misery or shall I say miserly