Something there to work with 2018 and beyond. Gotta manage this team very smart and the future could be bright.
did Bob Nutting hack Vapirate's account?
Would be nice to have a lot of things go right for awhile.
Donald Trump - "I'd like to see all my haters negotiate with Putin, they couldn't even make it in junior achievement in High school..."
John Jaso - "I'd like to see all my haters take a cut against Strausburg, they couldn't even play JV...."
Bob Nutting - "I'd like to see all my haters turn the Pittsburgh Pirates into a Billion Dollars, they couldn't even maintain a paper route as a kid..."
VaPirate - poor sap who lost his paper route, booted out of JA and was cut from the JV team, but can still recognize a cow pile in the field of life when he sees one....

Thanks for the laugh this Friday morning. Makes my back hurt less today!