Over Achievers Under Achievers - Teams


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Over Achievers Under Achievers - Teams

Post by bucs607179 »

7F41444C5F47474C6C495E4D1A280 wrote: Don't know if they are over or under but kudos to the St. Louis Cardinals, just a damn good organization. In my next life I'm a Cardinal fan (right after 1979:)) they give their fans a hell of a lot of great seasons to follow.

Still trying to figure out what they put in the water in Tampa Bay. Damn city is having a great run in the pro sports world.

May is over- time for over achievers and under achievers

Over- Boston, and Giants ( thought they were slipping but picked it up recently.

under- Yankees- big payroll. Got swept by Tigers this weekend

           Phillies- have injuries but their record doesn't justify their payroll

There was a spout-off about that in our local paper. Guy made same complaint about it being wasted money.

Over Achievers Under Achievers - Teams

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

674A47565140571714250 wrote: The underachieving teams for the year are:

Pirates 13-18

Twins 12-19

Rockies 12-20

Tigers 9-24

There are only 3 teams in all of baseball with a worse record than our Bucs.  The idea of this thread is to slice and dice the season into small enough parts that we can find 1 chunk of the season where our BUcs won a couple of games.  I wonder h ow long Wildwood Dave would have lasted as a basketball coach if his teams ended up 5-15 and he focused on the two week stretch where he won 4 games?
So you expected the Pirates to be better than 13-18 after 31 games?
July 1st

over achievers


Red Sox






Over Achievers Under Achievers - Teams

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

0A3431392A323239193C2B386F5D0 wrote: The underachieving teams for the year are:

Pirates 13-18

Twins 12-19

Rockies 12-20

Tigers 9-24

There are only 3 teams in all of baseball with a worse record than our Bucs.  The idea of this thread is to slice and dice the season into small enough parts that we can find 1 chunk of the season where our BUcs won a couple of games.  I wonder h ow long Wildwood Dave would have lasted as a basketball coach if his teams ended up 5-15 and he focused on the two week stretch where he won 4 games?
So you expected the Pirates to be better than 13-18 after 31 games?
July 1st

over achievers


Red Sox






I might throw in the Mets and the Indians as overachieving so far.  Maybe even the Mariners with their winning record.  The Cardinals certainly aren't playing to their usual standards so they could be considered underachieving, especially having added Arenado.
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Over Achievers Under Achievers - Teams

Post by GreenWeenie »

Pleasant Surprises:

Boston, being 3 games up. Wouldn't have expected up that much.

Cleveland, though in a mostly ho hum division.

Houston, after penalties.

Oakland, though they're always Oakland.

Seattle showing signs of life.

Giants, not flashy, but getting the job done so far.

Watch out! Those DC Nats kicked butt in June.

Disapoiinting: Yankees. They're not earning their money. Good....if, they were the Pittsburgh Yankees. 8 1/2 out.

Cardinals- put a fork in them. Belly up.


Over Achievers Under Achievers - Teams

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

1E2B3C3C370E3C3C37303C590 wrote: Pleasant Surprises:

Boston,  being 3 games up.  Wouldn't have expected up that much.

Cleveland, though in a mostly ho hum division.

Houston, after penalties.

Oakland, though they're always Oakland.

Seattle showing signs of life.

Giants, not flashy, but getting the job done so far.

Watch out!  Those DC Nats kicked butt in June.

Disapoiinting:  Yankees.  They're not earning their money.  Good....if, they were the Pittsburgh Yankees.  8 1/2 out. 

Cardinals- put a fork in them.  Belly up.

Word is that the Yankees are getting ready to fire their manager
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Over Achievers Under Achievers - Teams

Post by GreenWeenie »

Send them Shelton's resume.

Over Achievers Under Achievers - Teams

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

7045525259605252595E52370 wrote: Send them Shelton's resume.
Over achievers as of 7-31 Reds, Tiger

Under " " " " Yankees,Phillies,
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Over Achievers Under Achievers - Teams

Post by Javy »

Over achievers as of 7-31 Reds, Tigers, Mariners

Under " " " " Yankees,Phillies, Mets, Braves, Padres

Over Achievers Under Achievers - Teams

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

Over achievers: Blue Jays, Mariners, Reds

Under achievers: Yankees, Cubs, Phillies, Braves, Cardinals, Twins
Posts: 4012
Joined: Sun Mar 29, 2020 3:47 pm

Over Achievers Under Achievers - Teams

Post by GreenWeenie »

Over-achievers:  Large Market Tampa Bay Rays, Large Market Cleveland Somethings, Large Market Oakland A's, Large Market Milwaukee Brewers, San Francisco Giants.

Under-achievers:  Minnesota Twins, Texas Rump Rangers, Washington Nationals, Chicago Cubs.
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