I can't help but think back when McClatchy bought the Pirates.
At first people thought that this Californian wanted to move the team. McClatchy said the team belongs to Pittsburgh and he has no intention of moving the team. He said the only moving would be himself to Pittsburgh.
He said the Pirates needed a new stadium to compete. He spearheaded the effort and PNC came to fruition in 2001.
He said the new ballpark would enable the team to sign their stars.
Kendall and Giles were immediately given long term contracts.
McClatchy was visible at almost every Pirate game. He talked to fans and would give them honest answers. I myself engaged McClatchy in several conversations when the Bucs were in SD and LA.
I just wonder what kind of franchise the Pirates would be today if McClatchy had the financial wherewithal that Nutting has.
He basically kept his word, was a huge fan, never shied away from the public. Nutting on the other hand..........
McClatchy Nutting
Moderators: SammyKhalifa, Doc, Bobster
McClatchy Nutting
I've thought the same thing. I truly believe Kevin would have turned out to be a good owner if he had the resources. In addition, i don't trust Nutting - I believe he'd be willing to move the team if he could make more money (and MLB allowed him to do so).