8/26 Game Thread - Vogelsong in the House of Horrors


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8/26 Game Thread - Vogelsong in the House of Horrors

Post by dogknot17@yahoo.co »

I didn't mean that at all. I did say Alvarez was bad. He was very bad. I do think people dogged him more than any player.

Bell is doing the same things in my opinion. Bell looks lost out there (his second year) like Alvarez. Bell is also missing thrown balls at him (like Alvarez). He might not be as bad, but saying he is "like" Alvarez is not a stretch. He needs to improve. Rodriguez even replaced him and so did Freese (like Alvarez).

8/26 Game Thread - Vogelsong in the House of Horrors

Post by DemDog »

I look at Bell vs Pedro as two different types of players. Neither can play good defense and perhaps never will.

But as hitters they are as different as day and night. Pedro can hit the ball a country mile and does it quite often. Bell on the other hand seems to have some propensity to hit the ball that same country mile but not as often. But Bell also has the knack to get on base. For a kid so young I am very surprise with his plate patience and his ability to adjust a bit to how they pitch to him. I acknowledge too that what we have seen from Bell at the plate is a small sample size but I have to believe what the scouts say about his hitting ability and maturity.

So I don't see why we keep discussing Pedro and his lack of fielding prowess and comparing it with Bell who seems to share that same prowess. Let's compare how the do at the plate. I would take Bell over Pedro in a second.

8/26 Game Thread - Vogelsong in the House of Horrors

Post by dogknot17@yahoo.co »

I am with you, Possum. I don't care what Bell does on defense as long as he hits and gets on base. But that doesn't mean the comparisons aren't there. Alvarez was a big bat too, but his defense got him out of town.

8/26 Game Thread - Vogelsong in the House of Horrors

Post by DemDog »

You got most of what I am talking about when I compared them but you must remember Bell is an all-around big bat (small sample size I know) but Pedro was only a masher big bat. All or nothing it seemed with him. I do have to give Pedro credit though for being a decent base runner and he always seemed to hustle. I like the guy a feel bad for him that he did not fulfill the promise he showed when drafted by the Bucs.

8/26 Game Thread - Vogelsong in the House of Horrors

Post by dogknot17@yahoo.co »

I agree about their bats. I wasn't really comparing their bats at all. Just like any player, Bell will need to hit to stick around.
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8/26 Game Thread - Vogelsong in the House of Horrors

Post by PMike »

6C414C5D5A4B5C1C1F2E0 wrote: josh Bell - with the discipline he has at the plate, he's going to be soooo good!

I do see his defensive struggles. He is like Alvarez, so he better hit. If he hits, no one will care.

No.  He's not.

Why isn't he? Don't forget that this is Bell's second year at 1B too.

I'm not worried about his defense, just pointing it out. He doesn't look very smooth over there.

1-0 Pirates.

Bell is a gold glover next to Alvarez.

I know people don't like Alvarez, but you are really stretching here. Alvarez was bad. No doubt. I have only seen a little of Bell and so far he doesn't look good on defense. He has already made two errors in six starts. His minor league numbers (two years) wasn't much better than Alvarez's major league numbers either.

Bell's defense is a weakness. I don't care as I want his bat to produce, but reminds me of Alvarez so far.

Huge difference. And it has nothing to do with whether or not people liked Alvarez. Bell looks unfamiliar with the position, not sure what to do in some plays. Alvarez was simply unable to hold onto balls hit or thrown to him. Bell just needs to learn the position. Alvarez couldn't catch. You can't just explain away Alvarez's historically bad play at 1B by saying people only complained because "they didn't like him." Get real!

Agreed. Based on the "eye test," I think Bell gets it and will be solid. He looks very unsure of his footwork. Alvarez simply couldn't catch the ball. Throwing was a struggle as well. Bell doesn't have those problems.

8/26 Game Thread - Vogelsong in the House of Horrors

Post by dogknot17@yahoo.co »

Bell has missed a few one hoppers and a pick off throw. Bell is on pace to have more errors over a season.
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8/26 Game Thread - Vogelsong in the House of Horrors

Post by Quail »

3239313D3839226761162F373E3939783539560 wrote: Bell has missed a few one hoppers and a pick off throw. Bell is on pace to have more errors over a season.

Bell is also on a pace to be the first player since Ted Williams to hit .400 but I wouldn't take either his projected error total or batting average as remotely meaningful at this point. His minor league stats basically show that he's a good hitter and a below average fielder. So far that's what we've seen.
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