The Giants...
Moderators: SammyKhalifa, Doc, Bobster
The Giants...
23213B3D2B4E0 wrote: On the cautionary front, if the Cubs lose they will come back next year more determined than ever to win. If they win, there is a greater likelihood of them spending the winter telling everyone how good they are, enjoying the thrill of victory, and hitting the ground flat next year. Which would be good for the Pirates, who presumably will come back determined to put this year far behind them.
Not sure I believe in that.
Just like the Cardinals and Royals wanted it more this year? or even the Pirates after winning 98 games?
I do think the Cubs have a window to win with Theo Epstein. If they don't win, they will probably spend even more money.
There is a great segment of Chip Bayless and Mark Cuban going at it. Bayless uses every cliché in the book and Cuban buries him with facts and strategies.
Not sure I believe in that.
Just like the Cardinals and Royals wanted it more this year? or even the Pirates after winning 98 games?
I do think the Cubs have a window to win with Theo Epstein. If they don't win, they will probably spend even more money.
There is a great segment of Chip Bayless and Mark Cuban going at it. Bayless uses every cliché in the book and Cuban buries him with facts and strategies.
The Giants...
57767E577C74130 wrote: I'm rooting for the Giants. NL team that I like back to the Willie Mays, Juan Marichal days. If they don't make it then I begin to root for the Indians. As a kid I got to see 2 or 3 Indian games a year cause I had a close cousin who lived in Akron and we would go out there a couple times a year for visits and in the summer we did it when Indians were at home.
To be truthful I really am not going to watch any of the post season and when it comes down to it, I guess that I want "Anybody But the Cubs" to win.
I'm with you Possum! Love the Giants history and the legacy of players like McCovey, Cepeda, the Alou brothers, etc.
Speaking of Cleveland, I went to a double header there in 1968 to see the Tigers play the Indians. That was the year the Tigers won the series with Denny McLain winning 31 games. What I remember most about the experience is what a mausoleum-like atmosphere Lakefront Stadium had. The place had a capacity of about 80.000 as I recall and attendance that day was probably around 15,000 fans. It seemed empty and quiet. It was very different from the crowded, noisy, and fun atmosphere of Forbes Field that I was used to.
Anybody but the Cubs! Right on!!!
To be truthful I really am not going to watch any of the post season and when it comes down to it, I guess that I want "Anybody But the Cubs" to win.
I'm with you Possum! Love the Giants history and the legacy of players like McCovey, Cepeda, the Alou brothers, etc.
Speaking of Cleveland, I went to a double header there in 1968 to see the Tigers play the Indians. That was the year the Tigers won the series with Denny McLain winning 31 games. What I remember most about the experience is what a mausoleum-like atmosphere Lakefront Stadium had. The place had a capacity of about 80.000 as I recall and attendance that day was probably around 15,000 fans. It seemed empty and quiet. It was very different from the crowded, noisy, and fun atmosphere of Forbes Field that I was used to.
Anybody but the Cubs! Right on!!!

The Giants...
Two huge wins for the Cubs getting them at home before having to face Bumgarner in Game 3 in San Fran. It's gonna be hard to see the Giants winning 3 games in a row against the Cubs in order to win this series now.
The Giants...
I think I gave up when Cueto (sp?) pitched a solid game and still lost. My thought was they needed two wins from him and one from Bumgarner. Looks dark for the Giants.
The Giants...
5B59434553360 wrote: I think I gave up when Cueto (sp?) pitched a solid game and still lost. My thought was they needed two wins from him and one from Bumgarner. Looks dark for the Giants.
I think there could be some truth to this. The ninth inning was a real POS inning for the Giants. Their leadoff guy worked a full count from Chapman. He then checked is swing on a ball way out of the zone. The first base ump rang him up. Replay showed it was close, but the barrel didn't cross the plate even. He strikes out. The next guy makes an out. Then Posey rips a double off the wall that likely would have scored the leadoff guy making a tie game, with a guy on second and one out.
I think there could be some truth to this. The ninth inning was a real POS inning for the Giants. Their leadoff guy worked a full count from Chapman. He then checked is swing on a ball way out of the zone. The first base ump rang him up. Replay showed it was close, but the barrel didn't cross the plate even. He strikes out. The next guy makes an out. Then Posey rips a double off the wall that likely would have scored the leadoff guy making a tie game, with a guy on second and one out.
The Giants...
The Giants currently up 5-2 in the 6th inning on the Cubs. Boy if I'm the Cubs I do not wanna face the possibility of having to face both Cueto and Bumgarner in a Game 5 at Wrigley Field in a winner take all game against a team who so good when facing elimination. The Cubs really blew a huge opportunity last night blowing a 3-0 lead with Arietta on the mound and Chapman coming in to get 5 outs in the 8th inning with the Cubs leading 3-2 and not being able to nail that game down.
The Giants...
Freddy you just brought some joy to my heart. Have not felt well today, old age I guess and went to bed right after dinner. Just got up and decided to surf awhile as the nap seemed to recharge me. And what do I see the first thing on OBN was your post alerting us of the possible game 5 and the odds the Cubs might be facing in that game. Oh how I hope the Giants can hold on tonite and then end the Cubs season in game 5.
The Giants...
DAMN, DAMN, DAMN!!!!! The Giants blow it and the Cubs are the winners. Ruins my nite for sure. :'( :'( :'(
The Giants...
One of the baseball guru's on Mike and Mike this morning said the Giants tried for a closer at the trade deadline (mentioning Melancon in the group) but teams looked at their farm system and passed. Apparently the Giants led the league in blown 8th and 9th inning leads this year.
The Giants...
Unreal. And it was the lesser players who knocked in the runs. Probably the maddest I've been over a game not involving the Pirates.