Two years later ...


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Two years later ...

Post by CarolinaBucco »

So the 4 starting pitchers in this year's wild card games are, collectively ... nothing special.

Of course that was not the case, and just the Pirates' luck, when they played in this game in 2014 and '15.

2014: Bumgarner was embarking upon the single greatest postseason by a starting pitcher in the history of baseball.

2015: Arrieta had just completed the most dominant second half of the season by a starting pitcher in the history of baseball.

Not that I'm still bitter or anything ...

Two years later ...

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That's why once you get there, anyone can win. That game last night was crazy with six runs scored in the first inning.
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Joined: Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:46 pm

Two years later ...

Post by mouse »

I also think that's why it's a little hard to criticize NH too much. With limited resources he put the team in the position to win on two occasions - it was just bad luck that he hit two pitchers having sensational years, and at the peak of their run.
Posts: 1728
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Two years later ...

Post by IABucFan »

55574D4B5D380 wrote: I also think that's why it's a little hard to criticize NH too much. With limited resources he put the team in the position to win on two occasions - it was just bad luck that he hit two pitchers having sensational years, and at the peak of their run.


I'll say this...being out of things early is a lot less painful, but a lot less fun. I haven't watched a baseball game in over six weeks. I might watch an inning or two here or there, but with the exception of Cleveland and Minnesota, this is pretty much most of the big market teams (maybe a case can be made that the Rockies don't fit in that category), but otherwise it's the Red Sox, Yankees, Dodgers, Cubs, Nats, Astros, and D-Backs. Lots of big markets/big spenders there. Don't tell me MLB is an even playing field.

Anyway, that's beside the point...I digress...Game 5 against the Cards and Waino, the WC game against the Giants and Bumgarner, and the WC game against the Cubs and Arrieta were like gut punches. I had a sickening feeling in my stomach. But, I still want to get back there. I think we're far, far away. But, I also think that NH has done it once, and I think he can do it again. I was glad to see him acknowledge in the paper the other day that the team first needs to be competitive in order for fans to come out. I'm really hoping for a big splash this year.
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Two years later ...

Post by Ecbucs »

2A28323422470 wrote: I also think that's why it's a little hard to criticize NH too much. With limited resources he put the team in the position to win on two occasions - it was just bad luck that he hit two pitchers having sensational years, and at the peak of their run.

I don't criticize him at all for those years. It is for 2016 and 2017 and lack of faith in what he will do in future that worries me.

Two years later ...

Post by »

705657405646350 wrote:

I don't criticize him at all for those years.  It is for 2016 and 2017 and lack of faith in what he will do in future that worries me.

Why is there a lack of faith for the future knowing what he did two years ago?
Posts: 4330
Joined: Thu Jun 30, 2016 9:53 pm

Two years later ...

Post by Ecbucs »

4348404C4948531610675E464F4848094448270 wrote:

I don't criticize him at all for those years.  It is for 2016 and 2017 and lack of faith in what he will do in future that worries me.

Why is there a lack of faith for the future knowing what he did two years ago?

My lack of faith is based upon idea that he topped out two years ago. Could just be because of resources but if that was the case with similar resources he wasn't able to rebound in 2016 or 2017. 2017 had unusual circumstances of Kang and Marte but I don't see any reason at all for 2016.

Two years later ...

Post by »

You said future. Why do you have no faith for the future knowing Huntington turned it around once and with the Kang and Marte situations? Are you basing everything on the 2016 season?
Posts: 329
Joined: Wed Jul 06, 2016 6:15 pm

Two years later ...

Post by Aaron »

676C64686D6C773234437A626B6C6C2D606C030 wrote: You said future.  Why do you have no faith for the future knowing Huntington turned it around once and with the Kang and Marte situations?  Are you basing everything on the 2016 season?

Okay Dogknot.....using Possum's critical thinking lesson from last week, how exactly did NH build a winner and how does he apply that to 2018?

Two years later ...

Post by DemDog »

4A6A7964650B0 wrote: You said future.  Why do you have no faith for the future knowing Huntington turned it around once and with the Kang and Marte situations?  Are you basing everything on the 2016 season?

Okay Dogknot.....using Possum's critical thinking lesson from last week, how exactly did NH build a winner and how does he apply that to 2018?

Perhaps other GMs have caught on to what NH has done on a limited budget and are trying their darnedest to keep him from doing it again. Making it harder for him to get some decent players MLB ready without parting with top prospects. Look at the kings ransom the White Sox got for big guys. They will be looking good soon. NH will not let go of the top prospect and even those he has are not actually in the same range as a Cutch or Bell or Taillion. Yep NH is going to have to rethink his approach to remain successful.
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