Hurdle's decision to replace Jaso with Bell at 1st base...


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Hurdle's decision to replace Jaso with Bell at 1st base...

Post by Bobster21 »

63515D5D497B58515C595651300 wrote: Maybe because the average fan doesn't know as much as he/she thinks he does? 

Just throwing it out there as an idea, mind you.

EDIT.  Forgot the ;), sounded a little mean there
Yes, but apparently even Hurdle didn't like his own idea 2 innings later. It's not as if Jaso is a slick fielder who might save a run on defense. Last year he was the one being replaced at 1B in the late innings." style="border:0;height:100%;left:0;position:absolute;width:100%">

Hurdle's decision to replace Jaso with Bell at 1st base...

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1D3B3A2D3B2B580 wrote: I think it is dumb to take anybody out for defensive reasons when the score is tied or you are behind.

it took a switch hitter with power out of the lineup. 

i agree all around. Funny how managers (and Hurdle) trusts a player (Bell) for seven or eight innings, but not one late in the game. A lot more damage can be done in those first six to seven innings than the final ones.

Jaso is a lot better on defense than Bell. But no way I would take his bat out of the line up in a tie game. I guess we will see Freese at 3B and Gosselin at 1B if they are both in the game together. I would do the opposite.

Hurdle's decision to replace Jaso with Bell at 1st base...

Post by johnfluharty »

It's the same sort of mindset that keeps managers from using their best relievers before the 9th inning.
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Hurdle's decision to replace Jaso with Bell at 1st base...

Post by PMike »

7E757D7174756E2B2D5A637B7275753479751A0 wrote: I think it is dumb to take anybody out for defensive reasons when the score is tied or you are behind.

it took a switch hitter with power out of the lineup. 

i agree all around.  Funny how managers (and Hurdle) trusts a player (Bell) for seven or eight innings, but not one late in the game.  A lot more damage can be done in those first six to seven innings than the final ones.

Jaso is a lot better on defense than Bell.  But no way I would take his bat out of the line up in a tie game.  I guess we will see Freese at 3B and Gosselin at 1B if they are both in the game together.  I would do the opposite.

That was my problem. I get taking Bell out of games late when they are ahead. Jaso is a better fielder. But Bell can have a bigger impact when it is tied or they are behind. But then he negated the whole defense thing 2 innings later. Mystifying.
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