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The DH

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 10:34 pm
by MaineBucs
I am a generally a traditionalist when it comes to baseball. In all past conversations, I have negatively spoken of the DH.

Perhaps my brain is now catching up to my body and is getting more feeble as I age a bit, but I have come to accept the DH in the NL with nary a negative thought. Perhaps it is mostly because I dreaded most of Shelton's moves (e.g pinch-hitter selections and double moves), but in many respects, the game seems to have a better flow to it with the DH.

Perhaps a month from now I will come to my senses and remember that I am a traditionalist, but for now, I am okay with the DH.

That said, the ghost runner does bark, and I don't want a pitch clock, but I am looking forward to reigning in defensive shifts and hopefully transitioning to electronic strike zones.

The DH

Posted: Thu May 05, 2022 10:41 pm
by Ecbucs
08242C2B2007302636450 wrote: I am a generally a traditionalist when it comes to baseball.  In all past conversations, I have negatively spoken of the DH. 

Perhaps my brain is now catching up to my body and is getting more feeble as I age a bit, but I have come to accept the DH in the NL with nary a negative thought.  Perhaps it is mostly because  I dreaded most of Shelton's moves (e.g pinch-hitter selections and double moves), but in many respects, the game seems to have a better flow to it with the DH. 

Perhaps a month from now I will come to my senses and remember that I am a traditionalist, but for now, I am okay with the DH. 

That said, the ghost runner does bark, and I don't want a pitch clock, but I am looking forward to reigning in defensive shifts and hopefully transitioning to electronic strike zones.

Agree with almost everything you wrote except I like shifts and don't think they should be limited. There is a risk to any shift.

I don't think the rule book says there needs to be three outfielders and 4 infielders for example. Those positions exist because of tradition and making sense over the game's history.