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Quick Thursday Thoughts

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:11 pm
by CarolinaBucco
I've been off the Board for about 2 weeks. Thanks to Gunner and BucAndEer for helping me get back and set-up. Couple of thoughts that have been on my mind:

* I'm somewhat stunned by the 7-game win streak and 6 straight come-from-behind Ws. It's crazy. And awesome. Lose 20 of 26, then immediately win 10 of 12?

* Really impressed by Fryer. What were the Cards thinking, keeping Pena over Fryer? I like Stewart, and I know it's early, but I wouldn't mind seeing Fryer stick as Cervelli's backup, even if Stewart returns to health.

* I was also very impressed by Brault. Thought he got some bad breaks in his debut with a big E9 and a few bloop hits. His command wasn't great, but man I loved his composure and his approach.

* Freese. Wow. I'm not going to say he's "carrying the team" right now, but it feels like he's carrying the team right now. Superb pickup by NH and in hindsight one of the most important signings by any team this year.

* Mercer having a sneaky good, underrated year.

* Still worried about Cutch. I'm afraid that what we're seeing right now is what we're getting the rest of the season.

* If that's the case, Marte needs to take it up another notch. And Polanco has to get healthy. Hopefully he can during the A-S break. He's great at the plate, but he just can't continue playing at what looks to be about 70 percent.

* I'm excited about all of the young pitchers. Here's my Confidence Rankings of the starting pitchers as of this moment, so I'm not including Glasnow yet. I am including Cole and Taillon since I believe both will be back after the break.

1. Cole

2. Taillon

3. Locke

4. Kuhl

5. Brault

6. Niese

7. Liriano

* The bullpen. Holy moly. I don't even know what to say. Garbage (except Melancon) for 2 months, and then seemingly overnight they are locking down everything. BucAndEer says the key to it all was moving Nicasio to the pen, and I tend to agree with him. But for this unit to allow ONE run over 45 innings is almost inexplicable.

* Can't wait to see Glasnow today. I believe he is going to be VERY good this season and long term. I'm worried about today, though, because the bar has been set so high, the expectations so high, and it's going to be difficult for him to live up to it in his debut with all of the emotions, etc...

* Finally, this weekend is HUGE. I've thought all year that the Pirates' problem with the Cubs is largely mental. Basically, Maddon and Arrieta are in the Pirates' heads. They have got to get over this, and they absolutely need to win 2 of 3 this weekend. And I realize Arrieta has been average for the last month, but he has still owned the Pirates -- and he will continue to own them until the Pirates step up, man up and hit him and BEAT him. Until they can do that, Arrieta will continue to be in their heads.

* Of course the Cubs have the pitching advantage this weekend and have Arrieta, Lester and Lackey lined up. This will be the Pirates 10th game vs. the Cubs, and the 4th time they've faced Arrieta. (I figured we would see Arrieta 6 times in the 6 series vs. Chicago, and sure enough ...). But so what. This team has to step up and beat the guy and win this series ... for psychological reasons even moreso than wins & losses & standings. It's essential that they get past their mental roadblock with the Cubs.

Quick Thursday Thoughts

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 3:00 pm
by SteadyFreddy
One can only dream that the Pirates can win today in St Louis and the Braves can beat the Cubs tonight in that makeup game and then the Pirates can somehow sweep the Cubs this weekend. If that all happens the Pirates somehow would only be 4.5 games out of 1st place at the break. I'm with you though Carolina it's about damn time the Pirates beat Arietta and quit crapping in their pants every time they face him.

Quick Thursday Thoughts

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 3:10 pm
by Aaron
7153405D5E5B5C53704751515D320 wrote: * I'm excited about all of the young pitchers. Here's my Confidence Rankings of the starting pitchers as of this moment, so I'm not including Glasnow yet. I am including Cole and Taillon since I believe both will be back after the break.

1. Cole

2. Taillon

3. Locke

4. Kuhl

5. Brault

6. Niese

7. Liriano

Of the 99 qualified pitchers in MLB......Jeff Locke ranks 98th in ERA+

Quick Thursday Thoughts

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 3:17 pm
They need to trade for a starter.

Niese is either traded or cut loose.

Quick Thursday Thoughts

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 3:21 pm
by SteadyFreddy
I think going with a rotation of Cole,Taillon,Glasnow,Liriano,and Kuhl the rest of the season will give the Pirates the best chance to win consistently every night. I know Liriano has been bad and has been worse then both Locke and Niese. But he has the most upside and has pitched well more consistently in the past then both of those guys combined. So I am going to trust him more so to get it turned around and pitch better then both Locke and Niese in the long run.

Quick Thursday Thoughts

Posted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:12 pm
by CarolinaBucco
Now that I've seen Glasnow today, and given it some more thought, my revised confidence rankings among our potential starting pitchers moving forward after the A-S Break:

1. Cole

2. Taillon

3. Glasnow

4. Liriano

5. Brault

6. Locke

7. Kuhl

8. Niese

Quick Thursday Thoughts

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 1:21 am
by DemDog
Can't get over the lack of love for Locke. I could see it at the beginning of the season but heck, he has been the most successful starter so far this year based on games won. I said games won. All those fancy stats don't count as much with me as wins. Now I would not make him the stopper or the #1 guy but at least let him be a #5 til he really goes in the dumper with more than a few bad games in a row.

Quick Thursday Thoughts

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 1:22 am
by DemDog
Can't get over the lack of love for Locke. I could see it at the beginning of the season but heck, he has been the most successful starter so far this year based on games won. I said games won. All those fancy stats don't count as much with me as wins. Now I would not make him the stopper or the #1 guy but at least let him be a #5 til he really goes in the dumper with more than a few bad games in a row.

I guess I am like Dog with his Alvarez love. 8-) For me its Locke. But I will put him on a short leash. ;D

Quick Thursday Thoughts

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 11:42 am
by agent00
Locke's starts have become a must watch, for me at least. You just never know if he's going to put up a great start or bomb.

Quick Thursday Thoughts

Posted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 1:15 pm
by SteadyFreddy
Not many thoughts just frustrated the Bucs missed another chance to pick up another game on the Cubs who have now lost 13 of their last 18 games. The Pirates need to take advantage of the Cubs this weekend and continue to kick them while they are down. Two out three puts you 7.5 behind them at the break, while a sweep puts you 5.5 behind them. Big weekend for the Bucs to really show that maybe they still can be a player in this race for the NL Central.