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Chris Sale

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 3:25 pm
by Leyland1948
Rumors that the Braves are going to push to acquire him from the White Soxs. If he is available what do you think it would take the Pirates to get him and would you make the trade?

Chris Sale

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 4:38 pm
I would love Chris Sale.  He only has one year left on his deal as he is a free agent in 2018 (could be a good QO guy).

I am not sure what I would give up.  Maybe a young minor league arm outside of Taillon, Kuhl, Glasnow and a bat outside of Meadows, Hayes?  The Pirates have so many middle infielders they can deal too.

Chris Sale

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 5:18 pm
by BucsFaninGA
Dogknot, Here in Atlanta, the Braves are chasing Sale as well and open to giving up some of their high end talent to acquire a veteran to show the young hurlers the way to win.

While I would love to see Sale a Bucco, I doubt our penny-pinching front office would part with the talent to put Sale in a better uniform that the horrible black and white shorts and top uniform that Sale protested wearing last season.

Good talent Sale...Would love for it to happen! 8-)

Beat'em Bucs

Chris Sale

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 5:23 pm
4275637346616E696E4741000 wrote: Dogknot, Here in Atlanta, the Braves are chasing Sale as well and open to giving up some of their high end talent to acquire a veteran to show the young hurlers the way to win.

While I would love to see Sale a Bucco, I doubt our penny-pinching front office would part with the talent to put Sale in a better uniform that the horrible black and white shorts and top uniform that Sale protested wearing last season.

Good talent Sale...Would love for it to happen! 8-)

Beat'em Bucs


The Pirates 5th best prospect could still be better than the Braves' top prospect. After some thought, I would probably consider Glasnow for Sale. Sale's contract is perfect for the Pirates.

Chris Sale

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 5:24 pm
by Ecbucs
Sale's contract includes options through 2019 with highest amount of 13.5 million. So if he continues to perform well he will be underpaid.

He is probably the most affordable quality pitcher out there as far as contract goes so he will bring a boatload of talent back.

Chris Sale

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 5:47 pm
by Quail
If Chris Sale is really available I'd do everything I could as Pirate GM to obtain him. He is exactly what the Pirates need; a young stud pitcher with MLB experience, and 3 years of contract control at a reasonable ($12M-$13.5M) cost.

Since it would seem that the White Sox are considering a rebuild, I would assume that they would want some good young talent in return. I'd start with Glasnow (a starting pitcher who can slot into their young rotation next season) and Meadows (a top CF prospect that helps the ChiSox fill a position where they lacked good production last year). If they want more than Glasnow and Meadows in return then I offer one of Frazier, Brault or Hutchison.

Chris Sale

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 5:57 pm
by SammyKhalifa
Ha, between reading this thread and the Santana thread I've changed my mind on this already. :D

Chris Sale

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 6:22 pm
by IABucFan
I would love to get Sale, but Glasnow is too steep a price to pay for one year.  With respect to BFiGA's comment about Sale showing the young Braves pitchers how to win, that may be true, but what young pitchers are they taking about?  Sale is the young one compared to Colon and Dickey!  Tehran has been around for a few years.  They could potentially have a decent rotation, but I don't see it.  I know they wanted to be competitive when they moved into their new stadium, but I don't see either the Mets or Nats dropping off next year.  Marlins might, because regardless of whoever they bring in, he won't be as good as Fernandez.

EDIT...looks like Sale has team options for 2018 and 2019, so, it would really be Glasnow for three years of Sale, which I believe would be his 28, 29, and 30 year old seasons. His salary isn't exorbitant either. So, on second thought, yeah, I'd do Glasnow for Sale. Absolutely. I don't know if I'd do Glasnow AND Meadows for him, as one poster suggested. That seems a bit steep.

Chris Sale

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 6:50 pm
I didn't realize there were options either. Sorry.

Glasnow for sure, but not both he and Meadows. They have to be the teams' top two prospects, right?

Chris Sale

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2016 9:11 pm
by Quail
Chris Sale is the kind of pitcher that can matchup favorably in a wildcard game facing any other team's top starter. Given that the Pirates will be playing in a division with the Cubs, I'll argue that we might be looking exclusively at a wildcard entry into the playoffs for the foreseeable future. If we can acquire a bonafide ace to our staff by giving up our two best prospects (or more) I say you've got to do it. The Chisox will not be letting Sale go for anything less than significant talent in return.