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Marte and Kang

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 1:08 am
by fjk090852-7
I would like to thank both these players for disrespecting us Pirate fans by using a banned substance and driving while intoxicated. Your actions have put a cloud on this season. Our starting pitching has been very good for the first two weeks, but we cannot expect them to only give up two runs or less in each start. I for one was hoping for a Wild Card Game this year with the hope to advance. I still enjoy the Bucs, and I realize baseball is only a game and not life or death, but by losing two of our betters hitters the Bucs are playing as if one hand is tied behind their backs. Thanks for letting your teammates down.

Marte and Kang

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 1:38 am
by NJBucsFan
I was talking with a good friend of mine today who is a Cubs fan. He kinda liked the Pirates as much as you can like a division rival, rooted for us when we weren't playing the Cubs. And we've lost him. Now is this a big deal on its own? No. But for a long time we were the good guys. Has that changed? You can say Kang is a fluke, but is this a pattern now, a culture? I feel like a Bengals fan.

Marte and Kang

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 2:52 am
by CutchisaBoss
We have what looks to be a promising rotation...if Glasnow continues to improve it could really be something.

I think it alone will keep us competitive. But, right now it's looking like the offense will hold us back. Maybe we get Kang back before the break. Maybe Meadows can eventually be an upgrade to what he have until Marte is back. Maybe they can rush Newman. Otherwise, I don't see a lot of help coming offensively.

Extremely disappointing series of events to start the year...

Marte and Kang

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 1:27 pm
0400083F29390C2B244A0 wrote: I was talking with a good friend of mine today who is a Cubs fan. He kinda liked the Pirates as much as you can like a division rival, rooted for us when we weren't playing the Cubs. And we've lost him. Now is this a big deal on its own? No. But for a long time we were the good guys. Has that changed? You can say Kang is a fluke, but is this a pattern now, a culture? I feel like a Bengals fan.

I was listening to The Fan on my way home after the Starling Marte announcement. I was just trying to get more info, but instead it was all negative Pirates' talk. I didn't listen long, but the one host was saying how the Pirates can't be loved anymore because of these two.

I don't buy that. In a town where a Steeler gets in trouble almost every year, they are still the #1 attraction in Pittsburgh.

MLB Network was discussing how Marte was the latest "superstar" to get caught. All three said how wrong it was, but they also said no one cares. Only a few players had their image tarnished. Will Marte be treated like Dexter Fowler or Ryan Braun?

It sucks. As fans, we will probably get some heat. But as a team, one player might not bring them down. Marte accepted it, apologized, and left the team. He didn't fight anything. Hopefully, he won't be tarnished (unless he starts bashing HRs).

Marte and Kang

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 2:29 pm
by SammyKhalifa
2E252D2124253E7B7D0A332B2225256429254A0 wrote: I was talking with a good friend of mine today who is a Cubs fan. He kinda liked the Pirates as much as you can like a division rival, rooted for us when we weren't playing the Cubs. And we've lost him. Now is this a big deal on its own? No. But for a long time we were the good guys. Has that changed? You can say Kang is a fluke, but is this a pattern now, a culture? I feel like a Bengals fan.

I was listening to The Fan on my way home after the Starling Marte announcement.  I was just trying to get more info, but instead it was all negative Pirates' talk.  I didn't listen long, but the one host was saying how the Pirates can't be loved anymore because of these two. 

I don't buy that.  In a town where a Steeler gets in trouble almost every year, they are still the #1 attraction in Pittsburgh.

MLB Network was discussing how Marte was the latest "superstar" to get caught.  All three said how wrong it was, but they also said no one cares.  Only a few players had their image tarnished.  Will Marte be treated like Dexter Fowler or Ryan Braun? 

It sucks.  As fans, we will probably get some heat.  But as a team, one player might not bring them down.  Marte accepted it, apologized, and left the team.  He didn't fight anything.  Hopefully, he won't be tarnished (unless he starts bashing HRs).

There's a yinzer double standard. These are the same people that complain about how expensive it is to go to a baseball game while hoping for a chance to go see the Stillers.

Marte and Kang

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 3:55 pm
Rangers' reliever, Jake Diekman said it best on Twitter:

"You get suspended, you make the minimum for the rest of your career. Take something they care about."

Sean Casey was saying the same thing. Marte got a huge contract, he doesn't care. Casey went on saying how players get rewarded for cheating with major deals. What's going to stop them?

The Cardinals used a first round pick last year on a 17 year old who failed a PED test. They paid Delvin Perez $2,222,500 as a signing bonus. He learned his lesson, huh?

I know Marte is losing over $2 million during his suspension, but he is still well off and will get $2 million in 80 days. I like Diekman's suggestion. It would kill their market value and anyone could afford them considering there is no salary cap.

Marte and Kang

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:39 pm
by SammyKhalifa
But that's the weird thing. Usually guys are tempted to roid going into a contract year or whatever. Marte was already guaranteed the payday--no real upside monetarily. When do you think the failed test was from? When was he last tested (cleanly) before that? I don't really know how that works other than that it is random.

Marte and Kang

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:44 pm
No one has said when the test occurred or the time period of the results. ... rug-2017-4

"Aaron Gordon of Vice Sports spoke with Victor Conte, the former head of the Bay-Area Laboratory Co-Operative, a lab that was linked to performance-enhancing drugs used by star athletes. Conte has called nandrolone the "kiss of death," and he told Vice that athletes who test positive for it are often taking something else.

According to Gordon, Conte said nandrolone "has the unfortunate combination of staying in a person's system for an excessively long time and being detectable at what's called 'ultratrace' rates." According to Conte, just a single use will remain in a person's system for at least six months and as long as 18 months.

In other words, if an athlete is going to cheat in a sport with banned drug, nandrolone is a terrible one to do so with because it will almost certainly lead to a failed drug test. "

Marte and Kang

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:51 pm
by iabucco
It is an interesting topic. I was just talking to a cub's fan and we were wondering why Marte did it. I don't think Marte tarnishes the Pirates because most teams live in glass houses on this topic. It would be hard for me to believe that there isn't a player on each team's 40 man roster that has cheated or is cheating but able to mask the cheating. I do like somehow docking the salary going forward. Maybe a cap or a reduction from the contract signed would work.

Kang could hurt the Pirates more. What did the Pirates know about his past and them trying to get him over would hurt if he has another DUI. But fans are fickle. The fans of the Ravens knew that Rice punched his fiancé and cheered him in a preseason game but when the video came out he was done. The facts were already known but the video changed everything.

I am very disappointed in Marte and I will remember this but if he takes and passes drug tests the next few years and hits .320 with 20hr's and 30 sb's that disappointment will fade. And if he does that and the Pirates make the playoffs and win the world series it will almost be forgotten.

Marte and Kang

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 4:57 pm
by UtahPirate
3E353D3134352E6B6D1A233B3235357439355A0 wrote: Rangers' reliever, Jake Diekman said it best on Twitter:

"You get suspended, you make the minimum for the rest of your career. Take something they care about."

Sean Casey was saying the same thing.  Marte got a huge contract, he doesn't care.  Casey went on saying how players get rewarded for cheating with major deals.  What's going to stop them? 

The Cardinals used a first round pick last year on a 17 year old who failed a PED test.  They paid Delvin Perez $2,222,500 as a signing bonus.  He learned his lesson, huh?

I know Marte is losing over $2 million during his suspension, but he is still well off and will get $2 million in 80 days.  I like Diekman's suggestion.  It would kill their market value and anyone could afford them considering there is no salary cap.

From an article on the hypocrisy of MLB and their drug testing rules:

"Back in 2005, when the MLB announced it was going to crack down on amphetamine use--as deeply ingrained a baseball tradition as beaning guys for enjoying the game--it did so by allowing players to medicalize said use. Now, when the the MLB Players Association releases its annual report on drug testing in the league, you see two or three folks test positive for prohibited amphetamines, while more than 100 players have been granted Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) for Adderall and other ADD/ADHD drugs (because counting to three requires the utmost focus).

Whether fans like it or not, MLB's therapeutic use exemption for amphetamines has been a smashing success. One anonymous player told SB Nation in 2014 that he believed 10 percent of players were using what most of us think of us as performance enhancing drugs. "If you included guys who are using Adderall," he added, "wow, that number would be through the roof." But the MLB doesn't really need to worry about that particular scandal, because it's not cheating to use amphetamines if a doctor says a player needs them."

How many of Jake Diekman's teammates are taking "performance-mantaining drugs" like Adderall on doctor's order? He's an a$$. ... 06104.html

I don't use this in support of Marte. He was a fool. He acknowledged it and is paying the requisite price. But I'm writing it as a fan who is completely unsure who is still "cheating" -- in my mind -- but smart enough to get a doc's prescription to do it (a clever way for MLB to sweep the issue under the rug, rather than really dealing with it).