What would another GM do?


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What would another GM do?

Post by rucker59@gmail.com »

Didn't Josh Harrison use to play good defense? Didn't Polanco look like he was going to be a superstar? Wasn't Reece McGuire the catcher of the future and Cutch a potential Hall of Famer?

Who would have thought that Adam Frazier going to the DL would create a crisis in the lineup?

What's going on here! I can only imagine what Neil is wrestling with. I thought I would throw out some fairly obvious and in some cases pretty big/critical questions that any GM would be facing right now. What would be the best course of action for the Pirates (add your own questions or issues):

1) Do you keep Hanson on the roster or let him walk? We can pretty much assume he has minimal trade value. Can he be packaged part of a bigger trade? Maybe he has a future and this year is toast anyway so he is given the opportunity to mature into a Big Leaguer?

2) What to do with Bastrado and his contract? One thing we know for sure, his contract is material in the Pirates' universe. The Pirates can't afford to just let him walk. Package him with a couple lower level prospects and give him away, maybe keeping half the salary?

3) What to do with Cutch? I think he's much better this year, and playing very hard. But he's got a very limited shelf life with his current contract. Hold on to trade deadline? Trade now? Sign him to another team friendly contract (a possibility now)?

4) what to do with 2017? If anything, the NL Central looks tougher than ever. Even the Reds and Brewers look like much better teams. Do we have a legitimate shot at a playoff, and if not what should the team's response be?

5) Does Marte have any trade value now? Do you keep a player that was stupid enough to get caught and is one more failed test from missing a year?

6) The rotation looks like there is tremendous potential for a pretty long time. How best to build a team around this rotation? This is the biggest Q for me - I want that rotation to have a chance to win a 100 games; what's the best way to make that possible?

Just a few of the questions I imagine Neil is losing sleep over.
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What would another GM do?

Post by SammyKhalifa »

Short term--make a deal for an outfielder or start selling off pieces

What would another GM do?

Post by rucker59@gmail.com »

64565A5A4E7C5F565B5E5156370 wrote: Short term--make a deal for an outfielder or start selling off pieces

You're willing to sell off? It would sure be a very real option for me.

What would another GM do?

Post by DemDog »

Have a couple problems of selling off right now. First do we take the first deal to come along or do we wait a bit and take the best of several deals. Second what do you think these young pitchers will be thinking when guys like Cutch, Marte, Polanco are traded.

I do agree that it would be nice to at least take a look and see what they could get for some of these guys and just how long it might take to get the obtained players to the MLB roster.

What would another GM do?

Post by rucker59@gmail.com »

25040C250E06610 wrote: Have a couple problems of selling off right now.  First do we take the first deal to come along or do we wait a bit and take the best of several deals.  Second what do you think these young pitchers will be thinking when guys like Cutch, Marte, Polanco are traded.

I do agree that it would be nice to at least take a look and see what they could get for some of these guys and just how long it might take to get the obtained players to the MLB roster.

Yeah, any moves would need to be for 2018 and beyond. Again, how to get these pitchers some real support with the bat and in the field? This is potentially too good of a rotation to be messing around with .500. How to make this team a true contender?

What would another GM do?

Post by Bobster21 »

Re Hanson, this was in today's Trib:

Hurdle said Hanson is not an option as a late-game defensive replacement.

“One of the challenges he's had in his minor league career was dependability in the infield,” Hurdle said. “He's worked very hard to get better. I believe he'll be a guy you see get some reps in the infield as we move into May.”

Although Hanson played mostly shortstop early in his minor league career, that's no longer where the Pirates see him.

“If I had to seed him defensively, it would be second base, then third base, then shortstop,” Hurdle said.

Hanson played the corner outfield spots a bit during spring training, but is not ready for extended action there in the majors.

“I think you got to see both worlds out there in spring training,” Hurdle said. “You got to see a strong arm and you saw there sometimes was confusion on where to go. He's working hard every day in the outfield and infield. I'm looking for that opportunity to get him more involved in our whole game plan.”

That sounds grim. I can't even imagine why he's on the team. Ditto for Jaso and Gosselin. And of course Bastardo has no value to the Bucs or anyone else so a release is all that makes sense. All it really costs them is the minimum salary of his AAA replacement since Bastardo gets paid regardless. Addition by subtraction. Cutch's fate is tied to the positioning of the team at the trade deadline. Marte will be back and should be a cornerstone for years to come.

They need to get rid of the deadwood on the bench and find better options than Jaso, Hanson and Gosselin. There are plenty of reserve infielders and outfielders in MLB and the Bucs need to trade for a few. Not anyone so good that they won't pay him or who would require top prospects in a deal. But as this roster now stands I can easily see them being 20 games under .500 very quickly.

What would another GM do?

Post by rucker59@gmail.com »

456865747362753536070 wrote: Re Hanson, this was in today's Trib:

Hurdle said Hanson is not an option as a late-game defensive replacement.

“One of the challenges he's had in his minor league career was dependability in the infield,” Hurdle said. “He's worked very hard to get better. I believe he'll be a guy you see get some reps in the infield as we move into May.”

Although Hanson played mostly shortstop early in his minor league career, that's no longer where the Pirates see him.

“If I had to seed him defensively, it would be second base, then third base, then shortstop,” Hurdle said.

Hanson played the corner outfield spots a bit during spring training, but is not ready for extended action there in the majors.

“I think you got to see both worlds out there in spring training,” Hurdle said. “You got to see a strong arm and you saw there sometimes was confusion on where to go. He's working hard every day in the outfield and infield. I'm looking for that opportunity to get him more involved in our whole game plan.”

That sounds grim. I can't even imagine why he's on the team. Ditto for Jaso and Gosselin. And of course Bastardo has no value to the Bucs or anyone else so a release is all that makes sense. All it really costs them is the minimum salary of his AAA replacement since Bastardo gets paid regardless. Addition by subtraction. Cutch's fate is tied to the positioning of the team at the trade deadline. Marte will be back and should be a cornerstone for years to come. 

They need to get rid of the deadwood on the bench and find better options than Jaso, Hanson and Gosselin. There are plenty of reserve infielders and outfielders in MLB and the Bucs need to trade for a few. Not anyone so good that they won't pay him or who would require top prospects in a deal. But as this roster now stands I can easily see them being 20 games under .500 very quickly.

That's a tough assessment of Hanson. After 16 years in the minors it's pretty hard to imagine he's suddenly going to "get it". He sounds like there is no future with the Pirates. But....

He does look extremely fast, definitely looks to be the fastest on the team. I wonder what his potential as an OFer is? Could he be a Billy Hamilton?
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What would another GM do?

Post by SammyKhalifa »

7C7B6D656B7C3B374E69636F6762206D61630E0 wrote: Short term--make a deal for an outfielder or start selling off pieces

You're willing to sell off?  It would sure be a very real option for me.

Maybe not at this time precisely but the time is coming. If they don't add though, they're surely not "going anywhere" or even have an outside shot.

Now to be fair I'm still kinda bullish on this team, so I'm more talking moving guys that will be leaving soon anyhow.

What would another GM do?

Post by rucker59@gmail.com »

44767A7A6E5C7F767B7E7176170 wrote: Short term--make a deal for an outfielder or start selling off pieces

You're willing to sell off?  It would sure be a very real option for me.

Maybe not at this time precisely but the time is coming.  If they don't add though, they're surely not "going anywhere" or even have an outside shot. 

Now to be fair I'm still kinda bullish on this team, so I'm more talking moving guys that will be leaving soon anyhow. 

I liked the team at the beginning of the year. My over-optimistic prediction attest to that. It's certainly too soon to say the Pirates can't win. But right now this looks like a team with no identity, no expectations.

If this team really is simply fighting for .500 I would rather identify that and start planning for some strategic moves that allows this team to be a legit contender. The sooner the better.

What would another GM do?

Post by dogknot17@yahoo.co »

The problem is that it is April 25th. No team will trade a big player at this time. Even if the price is right. It will tell their fans they are giving up on the season.

The Pirates are in last place, but only three games back. Meaning, they are still in it. Almost every team is still in it. I am sure Toronto, San Francisco, Mets and Kansas City feel the same way. No way will they start dumping players this early.

Hanson's future changed to a back up pretty recently. The problem is that he is needed now and can't do it. He is a luxury as a pinch runner. The Pirates can't afford luxuries now with players injured and out for a while.

McGuire is no longer a top prospect. He has struggled since he got to Double A. He is doing worse this year than last year too. He has six HRs in five seasons in the minors.
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