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Glasnow...What to do?

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 5:23 pm
by BucsFaninGA
I know the kid has potential and a fastball that is something else, but does anyone else feel he might not be anything more than another kid who fizzles out at the big league level? Then again, Randy Johnson has similar problems. What do you all, I am from Georgia by the way, think the front office will do about Glasnow in 2018?

Beat'em Bucs 8-)

Glasnow...What to do?

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 5:33 pm
by SammyKhalifa
See what happens the rest of the season

Glasnow...What to do?

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 5:46 pm
by Bobster21
6156405065424D4A4D6462230 wrote: I know the kid has potential and a fastball that is something else, but does anyone else feel he might not be anything more than another kid who fizzles out at the big league level? Then again, Randy Johnson has similar problems. What do you all, I am from Georgia by the way, think the front office will do about Glasnow in 2018?

Beat'em Bucs 8-)
I think he's on the bubble now and no longer seen as a good bet to be a future star pitcher. It could still happen but expectations are lower. The FB is good but Cole has a great FB and gets hit around pretty good sometimes and has an ERA over 4.00. So Glasnow's FB is no guarantee of good things to come. Besides, Kuhl and Taillon both have good FBs, and guys who throw 96-97 are fast becoming the norm. Glasnow isn't going to open eyes just because he throws hard. He needs to be a complete pitcher and so far he can't do anything except overpower AAA batters.

Glasnow...What to do?

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 6:27 pm
by MaineBucs
There are only 15 games left in the season. Glasnow should get two or three of the starts in that time period. Pirates need to get as much of a look at him as possible during the remainder of the season.

That said, he looked very hittable last night and his command was not good. Like others have noted, Glasnow's horizon may not be all that high.

Glasnow...What to do?

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 7:13 pm
by Ecbucs
6E424A4D4661564050230 wrote: There are only 15 games left in the season.  Glasnow should get two or three of the starts in that time period.  Pirates need to get as much of a look at him as possible during the remainder of the season. 

That said, he looked very hittable last night and his command was not good.  Like others have noted, Glasnow's horizon may not be all that high. 


I thought the pitch chart showed that he had 20 or more pitches that were at least 3 or 4 inches off the plate. If I'm reading that correctly that is way too many.

Glasnow...What to do?

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 7:34 pm
There is no spot for him on the Pirates until he can prove he can get outs. He can't start games or come in relief with the way he has pitched this year.

He just turned 23. He has age on his side. He will get more chances for sure. I just don't know how long his leash will be going forward based on his skills and guys coming through the system.

Based on his age, I am not worried too much yet. He is far from being a major league pitcher. He has a lot of work to do this winter.

Glasnow...What to do?

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 7:40 pm
by PMike
I have long been a Glasnow supporter. I could definitely make an argument that he got the short end of the stick last night. The HR by Thames looked like a fly ball out in that bandbox of a ballpark. The last 2 run hit was a broken bat hit that was perfectly placed. Etc...

However, those above are correct, he is missing the strike zone too much. And missing by a lot. From what I've read, this last trip to AAA was fantastic. He was not missing. He can't bridge the gap right now between AAA and the majors.

I'd let him start 2-3 more times to finish the season. If he can get back the AAA magic, he has a spot in the rotation next year. If not, he's in the bullpen for 2018. He can't go to the minor anymore. Clearly he can dominate there. He needs to work this out (or not) in the majors.

Glasnow...What to do?

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 8:59 pm
by SCBucco
I really don't see Glasnow being much for the Pirates down the road. Sure, he can improve ... can he get worse? It's off to say Kuhl and Williams are light years ahead despite not having the stuff of TG. He has a long, long way to go. To me, he is the baseball edition of Derek Pouliot.

Glasnow...What to do?

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 9:05 pm
by notes34
The thing to do was trade him last winter when he had tons of potential and was labeled a top prospect. I saw him last year, and I watched him in the minors. This is what you get. The difference is he strikes out minor league hitters. Until he consistently throws strikes, guys are just going to take pitches until he has to throw one down the middle. (If he can) I don't see it sorry. He has a very good FB but it is hittable.

Glasnow...What to do?

Posted: Thu Sep 14, 2017 10:29 pm
by Ecbucs
7C7D6677612126120 wrote: The thing to do was trade him last winter when he had tons of potential and was labeled a top prospect. I saw him last year, and I watched him in the minors. This is what you get. The difference is he strikes out minor league hitters. Until he consistently throws strikes, guys are just going to take pitches until he has to throw one down the middle. (If he can) I don't see it sorry. He has a very good FB but it is hittable.

This goes to the Pirates evaluation of their own players. If they had any idea that he would struggle this badly this year, then it would have made sense to deal him last winter if the return was high.