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Hurdle’s comments the other day..,

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 12:18 am
by SteadyFreddy
Saying “The Place is going to explode speaking of PNC Park when the Pirates win it all.” Give me a break. I like Clint a lot I really do but I’m tired of hearing stuff like this out of his mouth. Hurdle signed a 4 year contract here and he knew what he was getting into when he signed that contract. So I no longer have sympathy for Clint and the crap that comes out of his mouth. Words simply anymore aren’t going to cut it anymore for this team. I need to see actions and a want too for this team to win. And based on everything they say and do I have no reason to believe anything that comes out of Huntington Coonelly or Nutting’s mouth. For Hurdle to talk about winning a World Series and the Pirates in the same sentence is an absolute joke and insulting to Pirates fans and I’m just sick and tired of hearing it. Did anybody else feel the same exact way as I did when they heard Clint say this the other day??

Hurdle’s comments the other day..,

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 11:35 am
by Quail
I didn't hear that quote, but my reaction to anything any member of Pirates management says is to view it as self-serving propaganda. Their corporate-style mantra is to push the company line at every opportunity. Much like in politics they know that the more they say something even if it isn't fact based the more likely it is to become accepted as fact.

Having said that, Clint is absolutely correct in saying that PNC Park will explode when the Pirates win it all. Pirate fans are starved for a championship, and I'm sure they (we) will be quite demonstrative if the Pirates should win one. The fact that it almost certainly won't happen as long as Nutting owns the team is what he poignantly left unsaid.

Hurdle’s comments the other day..,

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 12:21 pm
by sdimmick3
I think it could happen with Nutting, but alot needs to go right. If the 2013 team had one or two more decent starters, it could have been a different story. But i guess maybe not if you're not willing to build on a 98 win team....they had a window in '13 & '14 and did nothing to improve the core.

Hurdle’s comments the other day..,

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 12:33 pm
by SammyKhalifa
Hmm?  I feel like coaches and managers will say nice things about their team, esp heading into the season.  What's wrong with that?  I think if were another team, nobody would say/think anything about it or give it a second thought (kind of a throwaway quote).

Hurdle’s comments the other day..,

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 11:12 pm
70424E4E5A684B424F4A4542230 wrote: Hmm?  I feel like coaches and managers will say nice things about their team, esp heading into the season.  What's wrong with that?  I think if were another team, nobody would say/think anything about it or give it a second thought (kind of a throwaway quote).

I heard the interview. It wasn’t a throw away quote. It was part of a long winded spin job that no doubt fulfilled his responsibility to the guy signing his paycheck.

Like Freddy, I was nauseous after listening to the interview.  In light of the David Freese interview, it’s not a good look for Clint.

Hurdle’s comments the other day..,

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 1:06 am
by Ecbucs
6A6D7B737D6A2D21587F75797174367B7775180 wrote: Hmm?  I feel like coaches and managers will say nice things about their team, esp heading into the season.  What's wrong with that?  I think if were another team, nobody would say/think anything about it or give it a second thought (kind of a throwaway quote).

I heard the interview. It wasn’t a throw away quote. It was part of a long winded spin job that no doubt fulfilled his responsibility to the guy signing his paycheck.

Like Freddy, I was nauseous after listening to the interview.  In light of the David Freese interview, it’s not a good look for Clint.

The Pirates are just terrible at PR (and likely have the analytics that prove they are great). Why not just talk about hustling, being exciting, playing smart baseball which will result in winning games. Why go overboard and talk about contention, World Series etc.?

Hurdle’s comments the other day..,

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2018 11:59 pm
by fjk090852-7
When I hear Clint Hurdle or any of the FO speak about bringing the World Series to Pittsburgh I assume they are not speaking about 2018. Possibly in a couple years if everything comes together. I do have a problem whenever they talk about competing this year. They traded a big bat from their lineup in Cutch, and they have not replaced him. Sure Marte, Polanco and Bell may have more productive seasons, but with the many free agent veteran players still available why not add one. They were short last year when Polanco got hurt in July, so why not pursue a free agent who can platoon with Frazier or even Harrison. They eliminated about 17 million in salary when they traded Cutch and Cole so why not spend a portion of it on a player for additional depth on the 25 man roster.

Hurdle’s comments the other day..,

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 2:46 am
2B27267D747D75787F607A4D0 wrote: When I hear Clint Hurdle or any of the FO speak about bringing the World Series to Pittsburgh I assume they are not speaking about 2018. Possibly in a couple years if everything comes together. I do have a problem whenever they talk about competing this year. They traded a big bat from their lineup in Cutch, and they have not replaced him. Sure Marte, Polanco and Bell may have more productive seasons, but with the many free agent veteran players still available why not add one. They were short last year when Polanco got hurt in July, so why not pursue a free agent who can platoon with Frazier or even Harrison. They eliminated about 17 million in salary when they traded Cutch and Cole so why not spend a portion of it on a player for additional depth on the 25 man roster.

To put context to clint’s quote: he was asked whether he felt the Pirates could compete this year especially after the trades of Cutch and Cole. He started talking about how it’s a new team, we move on, this us an opportunity for someone else to step up, Pittsburgh’s gonna go crazy when tge Pirates win the WS....

He never did answer the Q.