Rooting against my team


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Rooting against my team

Post by timozbuck »

I’m so angry at the current state of affairs of this organization that I’m actively rooting against the Pirates. I’m curious if I’m alone in this viewpoint?

I know this is over the top and I’m in the minority....but enough is enough. I shouldn’t get this upset over a game, but it feels personal. The arrogance of the front office, the lies, the whole thing.

I want nothing more than a World Series championship but this group will never ever accomplish that. The more they lose, the greater (still ever so small) chance change happens.

Go other team, go attendance issues, go 17 runs against!
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Rooting against my team

Post by JollyRoger »

The only time I ever rooted for my team to tank was in 1984 when I rooted against the Penguins in the final 2 months of the season so that they could get the number 1 pick and draft Lemieux.

It would do no good to root against the Pirates. This FO has never drafted a star and if they ever developed one, Nutting would never pay to keep him.
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Rooting against my team

Post by Aaron »

I'm trying to look at the silver lining of the 2018 Pirates season:

OBN is no longer littered with posts from Dogknot.

But, he still reads the board, all day, everyday.

Hi, Dog! Neal Huntington still sucks.
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Rooting against my team

Post by notes34 »

0D2D3E23224C0 wrote: I'm trying to look at the silver lining of the 2018 Pirates season:

OBN is no longer littered with posts from Dogknot.

But, he still reads the board, all day, everyday.

Hi, Dog! Neal Huntington still sucks.
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Rooting against my team

Post by notes34 »

2D303436233B2C3A32590 wrote: I’m so angry at the current state of affairs of this organization that I’m actively rooting against the Pirates.  I’m curious if I’m alone in this viewpoint? 

I know this is over the top and I’m in the minority....but enough is enough.  I shouldn’t get this upset over a game, but it feels personal.  The arrogance of the front office, the lies, the whole thing.

I want nothing more than a World Series championship but this group will never ever accomplish that.  The more they lose, the greater (still ever so small) chance change happens. 

Go other team, go attendance issues, go 17 runs against!
I'm very close. I have decided to just not watch any games at this point. I only check here and box scores.
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Rooting against my team

Post by Ecbucs »

4C4D5647511116220 wrote: I’m so angry at the current state of affairs of this organization that I’m actively rooting against the Pirates.  I’m curious if I’m alone in this viewpoint? 

I know this is over the top and I’m in the minority....but enough is enough.  I shouldn’t get this upset over a game, but it feels personal.  The arrogance of the front office, the lies, the whole thing.

I want nothing more than a World Series championship but this group will never ever accomplish that.  The more they lose, the greater (still ever so small) chance change happens. 

Go other team, go attendance issues, go 17 runs against!
I'm very close. I have decided to just not watch any games at this point. I only check here and box scores.

I don't root for them to lose but don't get upset at losses.

Basically what Nutting has done is create at minor league team. It can be fun to go to the games but the standings don't mean anything.

Partially that is because of the MLB system and disparity in revenue and salaries that teams can pay. however, the Bucs are just going through the motions of trying to win the system. It is possible for lower revenue teams to win every now and then but you have to be good at management and player development.
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Rooting against my team

Post by Quail »

736E6A687D6572646C070 wrote: I’m so angry at the current state of affairs of this organization that I’m actively rooting against the Pirates.  I’m curious if I’m alone in this viewpoint? 

I know this is over the top and I’m in the minority....but enough is enough.  I shouldn’t get this upset over a game, but it feels personal.  The arrogance of the front office, the lies, the whole thing.

I want nothing more than a World Series championship but this group will never ever accomplish that.  The more they lose, the greater (still ever so small) chance change happens. 

Go other team, go attendance issues, go 17 runs against!

I don't blame you for feeling this way. I guess it's just not in my DNA to actively root against the Pirates. I can't root against the players who've had no real part in corrupting what was once a proud and glorious franchise.

That is on Bob Nutting and his puppets Coonelly, Huntington and Hurdle. I'm angry at those men. Angry that TBMTIB, who for the sake of a paycheck grin, spin and dance in public at the end of their master's strings. I'm frustrated as hell that the team I've rooted for for more than 60 years is trapped in the clutches of a man who appears, it would seem, to have been conjured whole cloth from the pages of a Dickens novel as a modern day Scrooge. Heart broken that my team is apparently doomed to be relegated to the status of a perpetual Nutting family heirloom while becoming an irrelevancy in the sport itself.

So I'm actively rooting against Nutting. Hoping for something to happen that will force him to sell the Pirates. Desperately hoping. The fans of Pittsburgh deserve better, so much better than this, but so do the players who are also disadvantaged by lousy ownership, management, and coaching. Because of this when it comes game time I just can't root against those guys on the field who are wearing the Pirate uniforms. I just can't.

Rooting against my team

Post by »

5470646C69050 wrote: I’m so angry at the current state of affairs of this organization that I’m actively rooting against the Pirates.  I’m curious if I’m alone in this viewpoint? 

I know this is over the top and I’m in the minority....but enough is enough.  I shouldn’t get this upset over a game, but it feels personal.  The arrogance of the front office, the lies, the whole thing.

I want nothing more than a World Series championship but this group will never ever accomplish that.  The more they lose, the greater (still ever so small) chance change happens. 

Go other team, go attendance issues, go 17 runs against!

I don't blame you for feeling this way. I guess it's just not in my DNA to actively root against the Pirates. I can't root against the players who've had no real part in corrupting what was once a proud and glorious franchise.

That is on Bob Nutting and his puppets Coonelly, Huntington and Hurdle. I'm angry at those men. Angry that TBMTIB, who for the sake of a paycheck grin, spin and dance in public at the end of their master's strings. I'm frustrated as hell that the team I've rooted for for more than 60 years is trapped in the clutches of a man who appears, it would seem, to have been conjured whole cloth from the pages of a Dickens novel as a modern day Scrooge. Heart broken that my team is apparently doomed to be relegated to the status of a perpetual Nutting family heirloom while becoming an irrelevancy in the sport itself.

So I'm actively rooting against Nutting. Hoping for something to happen that will force him to sell the Pirates. Desperately hoping. The fans of Pittsburgh deserve better, so much better than this, but so do the players who are also disadvantaged by lousy ownership, management, and coaching. Because of this when it comes game time I just can't root against those guys on the field who are wearing the Pirate uniforms. I just can't. 

Really good post.
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Rooting against my team

Post by INbuc »

Well said Quail.

I will never root against the Pirates. The only way I could even fathom the thought would be if Connelly played short, Clint donned the tools of ignorance, and Neal took the mound. In that scenario, Nutting would have to be the Parrot. He has probably never played a competitive team sport. There is no darn way a competitive athlete, someone with a gamer's heart, would do what he has done to this organization.

So if Frank, Clint, and Neal play and Bob wears the bird suit, I might root against the Bucs. Otherwise, I will cheer for the Pirates and suffer the consequences.
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Rooting against my team

Post by BenM »

I am a Process Truster, a fan of the Sixers who went through some really dark seasons during their rebuild.

Not once did I root against them in an individual game. However, I did cheer moves that I knew would make the team worse in the short run (drafting guys who wouldn't play the next season, trading guys who were "OK" players but not good enough to contribute to a title contender etc.)

The Pirates are different. They aren't bad because management has plan to eventually get better, they're bad because the management team is bad. And with the contracts Nutting handed out in the off season, it might be bad for years.

So I'm not going to root against them. But I'll probably lose some interest in what they are doing, listen to fewer games etc. I suspect I won't be alone and Huntington will continue to scold people like me for not showing up.
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