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Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 3:05 am
by RichD
Pretty crazy how he has fallen . Last years numbers were solid . But the power is all but gone now it seems still solid obp. He has passed through waver wire Giants ready to trade him.

WOW . Just think if Neil listend to fan an gave Cutch that massive contract ext. We would be handcuffed for years.We dodged a bullet.

Just few years back Cutch was licking his chops and next year he will be lucky for a 1 year deal for 5 mill


Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 3:08 pm
by fjk090852-7
He will probably sign a contract next year with a team like the Reds who have a hitters park, and he will hit 25 to 30 homers.


Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 3:26 pm
by MaineBucs
I stated last year that I would not sign Cutch to an extension. I advocated trading him while he still had some value. I also speculated that if he didn't get his act in gear after another bad start to the season (in 2017), that he could even find himself out of baseball or having to accept a 1 year resurrection contract.

In my opinion, Cutch is going to have to swallow a lot of pride and be open to earning a lot less money if he wants to find someone who really wants his services in 2018. Corner outfielders who hit .255 with 15 - 18 home runs and who play average at best defense generally do not garner high value contracts.


Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 6:31 pm
by notes34
7D71702B222B232E29362C1B0 wrote: He will probably sign a contract next year with a team like the Reds who have a hitters park, and he will hit 25 to 30 homers.
His average is low, but the .OBP is still good. SF's home park kills RH hitters power. He will move on and be ok. The days of him being a star are over, but he will be a useful player for at least a few more years. As you said he would hit 25+ HR's in a park like Cincy.


Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2018 10:30 pm
by SCBucco
I was all for trading Cutch the year before when Washington made that offer. He was on the decline. Funny, Crick even up is almost a fair deal right now. They gave us our #8 prospect as we speak who is having a decent year in Altoona.