Some thoughts about the rest of the season . . .


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Some thoughts about the rest of the season . . .

Post by DemDog »

What do we do with kids ready to make the jump to MLB? I'm talking about Newman, Kramer, Stallings, Reyes, Kingham, Boshers? And maybe a few others. Reyes is the only one listed who is not on the 40 man roster.

My idea is that we call these guys up after Indy is out of the playoffs should they make it. They are a game out of the division lead and tied for the WC slot.

It might not even hurt to send Newman down to help them in making and winning the playoffs. I know that means the S-Rod will get more playing time and make Clint happy but such is life as we do something good for the kids in Indy and teach them the ways of winning.

The Buccos season is pretty much lost right now. See how these vets and under performing key pieces perform the rest of the way out and then when the IL playoffs are done bring up kids and play them everyday.

If the vets don't like it and don't play hard, tough crap, we just get a higher draft pick for NH to squander.

Some thoughts about the rest of the season . . .

Post by Bobster21 »

Good chance most if not all of those guys get called up. Kingham will get a start or 2 (you know how important it is to rest the SPs). Stallings will be a 3rd catcher in case Cervelli gets hurt again. Boshers would add another LHP to the BP. Newman will either still be on the roster or will return. I think Kramer will get recalled to give him a taste of MLB. I don't know if they will consider it worthwhile to make a roster move to add Reyes but it would be nice to reward him with a call up.

Some thoughts about the rest of the season . . .

Post by DemDog »

The thing about Reyes is he is sort of an S-Rod clone who is younger and can hit a good bit. He is a MLFA at the end of the season and maybe the give him a shot to see what he can do on the MLB level before they decide what to do with his MLBFA status at season's end.
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Some thoughts about the rest of the season . . .

Post by INbuc »

Newman, Kramer, Reyes, Luplow, Bostick, and Osuna have all hit near .300 in Indy.  Bostick is gone but the others are really in their first full year in AAA.  In the 14 team IL, Indy in hitting .273 ...the next best team is at .259.  Big gap.  I would love to see these guys get a chance...not just pinch hitting 2 or 3 times a week.

Back on point.
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Some thoughts about the rest of the season . . .

Post by Ecbucs »

51567A6D7B180 wrote: It is almost demoralizing trying to play along with what TBMTIB will do anymore.  You try to predict things that they could do to make the team better, and they typically seem to do the opposite.  I did like the Kela trade and I was good with the Archer trade until they threw in Baz.  That made me wonder.  The Ray's targeted both Glasnow and Meadows.  I can't believe the Bucs would add in a $4M draft choice after 13 months.  I have read the complaints about Baz, but people lack patience, he was doing fine.  I think the Bucs panicked.  Heck once the Ray's got Baz they should have demanded Hayes as well.

After watching the offseason, and now this season unfold, I have no clue what the Bucs have up their sleeves.  And whatever good the front office might do will be undermined with the most irrational and bizarre field manager in the game.  Sometimes I wonder if he is actually on our team?

Newman, Kramer, Reyes, Luplow, Bostick, and Osuna have all hit near .300 in Indy.  Bostick is gone but the others are really in their first full year in AAA.  In the 14 team IL, Indy in hitting .273 ...the next best team is at .259.  Big gap.  I would love to see these guys get a chance...not just pinch hitting 2 or 3 times a week.

The Reds got significant better when they dumped Price as manager.  Unbelievably, the Cards now look like playoff contenders with their new manager.  Would you trust a front office that continues to employ Clint? 

Just a rambling vent here.  I will always root for the Bucs but I am completely disillusioned when it comes to what this organization is trying to achieve.

the thing about Hurdle is that NH thinks he is doing a great job. I just don't think they have much of a plan or approach to putting together a winning team. I don't think they have moved on from trying to put together a team that projects to win 78-82 games which I find to be a damning admission on their part.

Some thoughts about the rest of the season . . .

Post by DemDog »

My intention was not to get this thread rehashing what we already know is that CH, NH, BMTIB all are not earning their salaries and moving the Bucs in the right direction.

Put yourself in their shoes and answer my original question. That is what I am interested in. Thanks guys for your contribution already.
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Some thoughts about the rest of the season . . .

Post by Ecbucs »

1C3D351C373F580 wrote: My intention was not to get this thread rehashing what we already know is that CH, NH, BMTIB all are not earning their salaries and moving the Bucs in the right direction.

Put yourself in their shoes and answer my original question.  That is what I am interested in.  Thanks guys for your contribution already.

I agree with your premise to call up the kids and let them play. Osuna and Luplow need to play a lot to see if either is capable of being a contributor next year. Newman and Kramer - will need at least one if not both for next year's keystone combo.

Some thoughts about the rest of the season . . .

Post by Bobster21 »

I forgot about Osuna. I would bring him up and tell him the 1B job is his for September and not to worry if he has a few hitless games. If he can hit HRs and play defense he would be the best Pirate 1Bman in decades!
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Some thoughts about the rest of the season . . .

Post by Kovalwat »

We have been calling up the kids for the past 10 years and never won even 1 Division championship. Maybe it's time to try something different. Leave the kids in the minor leagues and get some major league ball players to compete with the major league ball players on the other teams.

Some thoughts about the rest of the season . . .

Post by maher.timothy20@gm »

Hard to see how starting the young guys will make much of an impact. If Osuna hits .400 in September, what does that really tell you? Would you trade Bell?

I'm more interested in how they might add an infield bat for next year, and maybe one more starter. Not holding my breath, though.
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