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O'Neil Cruz at SS

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 3:42 pm
by Osushawn
I know this kid is super raw and would be best to take some more time with him in the minors, but his bat is pretty lethal and would love to see him as a late season call up with giving him the SS job in '20. He makes it look so effortless and reminds me of Jeter with more power. We can't continue to sit on prospects in the minors and calling them up in their mid twenties just so they don't have to pay their arbitration dollars sooner.

O'Neil Cruz at SS

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 4:38 pm
by Leyland1948
What do we do with Cole Tucker?

O'Neil Cruz at SS

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 4:54 pm
by Osushawn
Trade him or move him to 2b

O'Neil Cruz at SS

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 6:29 pm
by notes34
596563657E776178160 wrote: Trade him or move him to 2b
Move him to 2nd. Frazier will probably end up back in the OF.

O'Neil Cruz at SS

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 7:24 pm
by skinnyhorse
182422243F362039570 wrote: I know this kid is super raw and would be best to take some more time with him in the minors, but his bat is pretty lethal and would love to see him as a late season call up with giving him the SS job in '20.   He makes it look so effortless and reminds me of Jeter with more power.  We can't continue to sit on prospects in the minors and calling them up in their mid twenties just so they don't have to pay their arbitration dollars sooner.   
Abolutely agree, I get so tired of keeping talented players until they learn bad habits in the minors and have their confidence destroyed.

O'Neil Cruz at SS

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 7:41 pm
by mouse
As the system is structured right now, it pays MLB teams to keep players in the minors until they are over-ready. With the six-year control rule in place, the average player often doesn't hit free agency until he's thirty or more - when stats show he's on the downside of his career. I have to think the players association will look at this in the next contract. I would think if a player were declared a free agent at age 24 if he isn't on the ML roster of a team, a lot of players would get "ready" at a younger age.

O'Neil Cruz at SS

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 7:41 pm
by CarolinaBucco
Yea, so many teams bring up their elite talent at age 20, 21, etc...

The way the Pirates operate, they are probably planning for Cruz to arrive sometime around 2024.

O'Neil Cruz at SS

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 8:31 pm
by maher.timothy20@gm
It's Cruz who should be moved. He's too tall for SS.

And I wouldn't expect to see him before late '20 or by 2021. He's just in A ball, I think.

O'Neil Cruz at SS

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 8:46 pm
by JollyRoger
7A767F726539637E7A78637F6E252757707A170 wrote: It's Cruz who should be moved. He's too tall for SS.

And I wouldn't expect to see him before late '20 or by 2021. He's just in A ball, I think.
No way should Cruz be moved. The Bucs lucked out on this acquisition from the Dodgers getting him for Watson. The last time this type of talent was taken from the Dodgers was Clemente. Not saying Cruz is a Clemente but he has been compared to a young Tulowitzki. He has a chance to be a special talent. Looking forward to see his continued development.

O'Neil Cruz at SS

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2019 8:59 pm
by JollyRoger