J T Brubaker


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J T Brubaker

Post by fjk090852-7 »

Brubaker was the Bucs pitcher of the year in 2018,and he has been shut down since May due to elbow problems. I sure hope he doesn’t need TJ surgery because if he does we’ve lost 5 months when he could have been rehabbing from surgery. Sometimes I wonder if the Bucs plan on being conservative whenever a pitcher develops an arm injury is the best route to take. Nobody wants to have surgery, but it appears when a pitcher comes down with an arm injury the inevitable TJ surgery is next.

J T Brubaker

Post by Bobster21 »

I believe the pitcher has the final say on whether to have surgery or treat the injury conservatively. Some fear the delay in their career that surgery will create and hope for improvement without the surgery. The Pirates have their doctors make a diagnosis but the pitcher can get other opinions from doctors of his choice. When TJ surgery is feared I suspect the Pirates would prefer to get on with it and start the rehab process ASAP. There's a lot I blame Pirates mgt for but I can't blame them for a player's reluctance to have surgery.
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J T Brubaker

Post by CTBucco »

Yeah. I’d love to see the outcomes data for conservative treatment of elbow/forearm injuries. How often does that work for professional pitchers?
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Joined: Sun Jul 03, 2016 2:52 pm

J T Brubaker

Post by fjk090852-7 »

4C616C7D7A6B7C3C3F0E0 wrote: I believe the pitcher has the final say on whether to have surgery or treat the injury conservatively. Some fear the delay in their career that surgery will create and hope for improvement without the surgery. The Pirates have their doctors make a diagnosis but the pitcher can get other opinions from doctors of his choice. When TJ surgery is feared I suspect the Pirates would prefer to get on with it and start the rehab process ASAP.  There's a lot I blame Pirates mgt for but I can't blame them for a player's reluctance to have surgery.
That makes sense, who wants to go through surgery. The past couple cases with Taillon and Chad Kuhl you hoped that the conservative route would help, but the eventual TJ surgery was necessary.
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