Best adjective?


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Best adjective?

Post by IABucFan »

"Hope springs eternal," meanwhile, Pirates fans are already longing for the end of the season.

Best adjective?

Post by Bobster21 »

I'm going with putrid. I also watch the Orioles (altho without the passion I have for the Bucs) so I know putrid when I see it. I think that term will fit.

But I'm hopeful that they will outperform that lowly expectation and make it all the way up to horrid.

Best adjective?

Post by ArnoldRothstein »

"Bizarro" should be an option. I see threads about guys who might be available to help, my brain tells me that they don't want those guys. There's not much I can do with that.

Best adjective?

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

I chose "dismal". The potential to enjoy this season and the near future are dim at best. I just don't see a light at the end of the tunnel, even though I'm happy as hell that Coonelly, Huntington, and Hurdle are gone.

I will admit that, on the one hand, that there's excitement for a player like Cruz, but I also know that, unless there's an agreement to create equity among the franchises, guys like him won't be here for more than four or five years. It's disheartening.

Best adjective?

Post by johnfluharty »

I chose 'sad' because both the fans and the guys on the team deserve better effort from the Pirates FO than just grabbing a handful of Mendoza-line has-been and never-was types. For a measly $10M - $15M we could have had a few guys who could at least keep their head above water. Instead we swapped out Marte for someone who will be putting up a negative WAR and didn't even try to grab a catcher who might be able to hit.
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Best adjective?

Post by Lecom »

6234223639233338352210373D31393C7E33500 wrote: I chose "dismal".  The potential to enjoy this season and the near future are dim at best.  I just don't see a light at the end of the tunnel, even though I'm happy as hell that Coonelly, Huntington, and Hurdle are gone. 

I will admit that, on the one hand, that there's excitement for a player like Cruz, but I also know that, unless there's an agreement to create equity among the franchises, guys like him won't be here for more than four or five years.  It's disheartening.

Me too Doc , it is going to be a dismal year !
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Best adjective?

Post by JulianJay »

none of the choice...Surprising
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Best adjective?

Post by UtahPirate »

0821272B29440 wrote: I chose "dismal".  The potential to enjoy this season and the near future are dim at best.  I just don't see a light at the end of the tunnel, even though I'm happy as hell that Coonelly, Huntington, and Hurdle are gone. 

I will admit that, on the one hand, that there's excitement for a player like Cruz, but I also know that, unless there's an agreement to create equity among the franchises, guys like him won't be here for more than four or five years.  It's disheartening.

Me too Doc , it is going to be a dismal year !

Me too. And BC's roster moves when dealing with the MLB roster have not helped at all!
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Best adjective?

Post by MaineBucs »

I too went with sad, partly because when I post it is the word that I often seem to use to describe the 'dismal' state of the franchise.

Folks want to know that there is hope, but it is hard to get there when this year's additions are Dyson, Maile, Heredia, et al.

The team lacks the talent to regularly compete and there appears to be no urgency on the part of the owner to provide his GM the financial resources to assemble a better quality major league team. This year's attendance was likely to be lousy because of the on-field product, but now management will likely blame the decrease on the coronavirus instead of the underlying problem --- Nutting.

Frankly, I can't remember a season that I have greeted with such a sense of blah. I have watched several preseason games on the MLB channel, but they have done nothing to make me want to watch more.

I'm glad that Hurdle (along with Searage) and Huntington are now gone. Cherington may turn out to be a great hire, but it will be really hard to ever find out if the MLB payroll remains in the $50 - $60 million range. And, if the team tanks, around mid-season the payroll could dive even further (to retain Nutting's profits) as Archer, Kela, Bell and Polanco (if healthy) are traded away for minor league players.

Sad --- the word I expect to use all too frequently this year.
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Best adjective?

Post by Quail »

48776E6B636C48637B020 wrote: none of the choice...Surprising

Nothing about the Pirates really seems surprising to me. It's a rebuild from players through management. The adjective I choose is "intriguing". I'm looking forward to seeing how lots of things play out this season including how many of the young players develop successfully, and whether a change in coaching philosophy will deliver results which were unrealized by the old stale regime.

Now, if I'm talking about ownership the adjective I choose to use is not suitable for this forum. >:(
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