What Move do the Pirates need to make?


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What Move do the Pirates need to make?

Post by BellevueBuc »

I am new here, so figured this would help me gauge the board and understand how people feel. No wrong answers obviously, but what is the one move the Pirates should make this offseason?

No restrictions, pretend Bob Nutting took a trip with Elon Musk to Mars for a few years.

Mine would be sign Ha-Seong Kim. He is young, at a position of need and would probably be the Pirates best hitter right away. The latter two are kinda easy to fill with tons of players.

What is your move?

Would prefer the move not be to leave Nutting on Mars, but I would not disagree with it.
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What Move do the Pirates need to make?

Post by GreenWeenie »

No idea that you're new, so welcome!

I don't want to be a target of any interplanetary warfare, so as much as I'd like to leave BOB on Mars, I guess we'll have to take him back at some point.

To quote our late friend from the now defunct PMB, Hostage, "we've got more holes than Swiss Cheese."  It was true then (before we had our post-season "run) and it's so much more true today.  So, ANY move is a good one.  That's why I'm disappointed that we haven't had even one (NOT the 25 that certain people give the impression that I was looking for.)

I have to say SP.  IDC what anybody says, our SP isn't good enough to get us anywhere.  So, I would begin there by looking at the stud available FA.  We don't have squat to offer up in a trade, and our opponents aren't looking for bridges.  So, with BOB somewhere in the solar system, I would take some of his bundle of cash that he has sitting collecting interest and dividends in First of Wheeling and lure Trevor Bauer, who will gladly come to The Burgh if that stack of money is high enough.  He can live in Tahiti or Monte Carlo the rest of the year, or anywhere he wants, but I want him pitching for us. 

We might not go the distance with Trevor Bauer, but, provided fans might someday be allowed to go to games, he would at least be a reason to pay for a ticket once in a while.  Give me something- anything- worth seeing. Trevor Bauer is that guy.

What Move do the Pirates need to make?

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

I don't think any one position player will have much of an impact if he's surrounded by the quality of players who were here in 2020.  Opposing teams will simply never pitch to him (like what happened to Brian Giles).  To me, the solution is to find three young players like Giles when he was in Cleveland, stuck behind other good players and unable to get on the field.  The trouble remains, however, that the Pirates have little to offer other teams in exchange for those players.

We all know teams can't win without good starting pitching but I can't imagine an outstanding starter signing here as a free agent.  The lack of support from both the offense and defense are considerable.  Those types of pitchers want to compete for titles every year and it's going to be at least three seasons before that happens here.  I can't see a really good pitcher giving up three years to an organization like the Pirates with its recent history of poor ownership and management.

The reality here is that, with an owner like Nutting, the acquisition of young talent is the best way to build a winning team.  No one wants to hear that when seeing other teams, especially when similar market-sized teams like Milwaukee and Cincinnati do it, signing free agents.  But with Nutting in charge, it's never going to change.  He's the problem.

What Move do the Pirates need to make?

Post by ArnoldRothstein »

I guess the "move" would be for the front office to decide that it wants to play above replacement level this year. It's still early enough in the offseason to do something, but from what we've seen so far it seems like the goal is to play .300 ball again and earn another No. 1 pick.
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What Move do the Pirates need to make?

Post by BellevueBuc »

172235353E0735353E3935500 wrote: No idea that you're new, so welcome!

I don't want to be a target of any interplanetary warfare, so as much as I'd like to leave BOB on Mars, I guess we'll have to take him back at some point.

To quote our late friend from the now defunct PMB, Hostage, "we've got more holes than Swiss Cheese."  It was true then (before we had our post-season "run) and it's so much more true today.  So, ANY move is a good one.  That's why I'm disappointed that we haven't had even one (NOT the 25 that certain people give the impression that I was looking for.)

I have to say SP.  IDC what anybody says, our SP isn't good enough to get us anywhere.  So, I would begin there by looking at the stud available FA.  We don't have squat to offer up in a trade, and our opponents aren't looking for bridges.  So, with BOB somewhere in the solar system, I would take some of his bundle of cash that he has sitting collecting interest and dividends in First of Wheeling and lure Trevor Bauer, who will gladly come to The Burgh if that stack of money is high enough.  He can live in Tahiti or Monte Carlo the rest of the year, or anywhere he wants, but I want him pitching for us. 

We might not go the distance with Trevor Bauer, but, provided fans might someday be allowed to go to games, he would at least be a reason to pay for a ticket once in a while.  Give me something- anything- worth seeing.  Trevor Bauer is that guy.


Great response as well! Bauer is a really good choice, not only is he a workhorse and durable, but he was obviously very good, propelling the Reds to the playoffs, where anything can happen, especially with a dominate SP like him.

Good point on trades as well, the Pirates obviously have some guys they can trade, but they are not going to get much impact back. Those will all likely end up being for low level prospects that we likely never hear from again.
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What Move do the Pirates need to make?

Post by BellevueBuc »

12213D3C3F37013C273B2027363A3D530 wrote: I guess the "move" would be for the front office to decide that it wants to play above replacement level this year.  It's still early enough in the offseason to do something, but from what we've seen  so far it seems like the goal is to play .300 ball again and earn another No. 1 pick.

With Bob gone for a bit, that would be possible lol.
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What Move do the Pirates need to make?

Post by BellevueBuc »

2A7C6A7E716B7B707D6A587F75797174367B180 wrote: I don't think any one position player will have much of an impact if he's surrounded by the quality of players who were here in 2020.  Opposing teams will simply never pitch to him (like what happened to Brian Giles).  To me, the solution is to find three young players like Giles when he was in Cleveland, stuck behind other good players and unable to get on the field.  The trouble remains, however, that the Pirates have little to offer other teams in exchange for those players.

We all know teams can't win without good starting pitching but I can't imagine an outstanding starter signing here as a free agent.  The lack of support from both the offense and defense are considerable.  Those types of pitchers want to compete for titles every year and it's going to be at least three seasons before that happens here.  I can't see a really good pitcher giving up three years to an organization like the Pirates with its recent history of poor ownership and management.

The reality here is that, with an owner like Nutting, the acquisition of young talent is the best way to build a winning team.  No one wants to hear that when seeing other teams, especially when similar market-sized teams like Milwaukee and Cincinnati do it, signing free agents.  But with Nutting in charge, it's never going to change.  He's the problem.

True on the position player. Have to hope the Pirates 2020 season was just full of bad because of COVID. Maybe Reynolds sucked because he was away from his newborn and wife?

I believe money talks, if they offer someone like Bauer enough money, he will come here. That guy has a tremendous ego, and he would take the opportunity to be the highest paid player, especially if you are paying him more than his rival, Cole. Those two have hated each other for a decade plus.
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What Move do the Pirates need to make?

Post by Surgnbuck »

Take a risk and extend Taillon. He's controllable as it is through 2022, get another year or two. After 2 TJ's, he might be willing to do an extension into FA. Take a gamble he'll make it all the way back, and you might have a staff ace for the price of a journeyman.

What Move do the Pirates need to make?

Post by Bobster21 »

With Nutting on mars and the rest of us in a parallel universe, I sign J. T. Realmuto. For the same reason Detroit signed Ivan Rodriguez in 2004 and Washington signed Jason Werth in 2011. Those were awful teams that overpaid a top FA to demonstrate to the rest of MLB that they were serious about doing an about-face and competing. Which suddenly put the 43-119 Tigers of 2003 and the 63-93 Nationals of 2010 (who had lost over 100 games in 2008 and 2009) in a different light. Other free agents who wouldn't have considered going there realized those teams now offered a chance to be on a competitive team. And other top players would not balk at being traded there.

The Tigers improved by 29 games in Rodriguez's 1st season with them and were in the WS 2 years after that. The Nationals improved by 17 games in Werth's 1st season with them and won 98 a year later. Those were impact signings that led to the acquisition of additional good players because of the statements those signings made. So I would sign Realmuto for the same reason. (And send word to Nutting on Mars that we are packing up Earth and moving to Jupiter. Tell him we'll see him there!) 

What Move do the Pirates need to make?

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

4F686161687B78684F786E0D0 wrote: I don't think any one position player will have much of an impact if he's surrounded by the quality of players who were here in 2020.  Opposing teams will simply never pitch to him (like what happened to Brian Giles).  To me, the solution is to find three young players like Giles when he was in Cleveland, stuck behind other good players and unable to get on the field.  The trouble remains, however, that the Pirates have little to offer other teams in exchange for those players.

We all know teams can't win without good starting pitching but I can't imagine an outstanding starter signing here as a free agent.  The lack of support from both the offense and defense are considerable.  Those types of pitchers want to compete for titles every year and it's going to be at least three seasons before that happens here.  I can't see a really good pitcher giving up three years to an organization like the Pirates with its recent history of poor ownership and management.

The reality here is that, with an owner like Nutting, the acquisition of young talent is the best way to build a winning team.  No one wants to hear that when seeing other teams, especially when similar market-sized teams like Milwaukee and Cincinnati do it, signing free agents.  But with Nutting in charge, it's never going to change.  He's the problem.

True on the position player.  Have to hope the Pirates 2020 season was just full of bad because of COVID.  Maybe Reynolds sucked because he was away from his newborn and wife? 

[highlight]I believe money talks[/highlight], if they offer someone like Bauer enough money, he will come here.  That guy has a tremendous ego, and he would take the opportunity to be the highest paid player, especially if you are paying him more than his rival, Cole. Those two have hated each other for a decade plus.

To a certain extent, that's true. And I know many of the players keeps score by how much money they make. But if there's an opportunity to play for multiple titles with an organization committed to winning, a serious player would lean towards signing there as opposed to with a club like the Pirates who, although paying a couple million more, don't have the stomach for taking the additional risks necessary to win. But I do agree there are players who only care about getting the most money they can.
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