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Rocker vs Leiter as it now stands.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 3:15 pm
by steve49

Rocker vs Leiter as it now stands.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 7:17 pm
by JollyRoger
I still prefer the physicality of Rocker

Comparisons to Bob Gibson and Roger Clemens also help me decide.

Plus as mentioned previously, Leiter’s dad has bad mouthed the Pirates on ESPN several times. I don’t think he wants his son on the Bucs.

Rocker vs Leiter as it now stands.

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2021 11:10 pm
by ChillinStation
I want Leiter . Just looks effortless for him.

Rocker vs Leiter as it now stands.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 12:40 am
by INbuc
75505353466D50585A4D3F0 wrote: I still prefer the physicality of Rocker

Comparisons to Bob Gibson and Roger Clemens also help me decide.

Plus as mentioned previously, Leiter’s dad has bad mouthed the Pirates on ESPN several times. I don’t think he wants his son on the Bucs.

Hard to bad-mouth Al Leiter for bad-mouthing the Pirates—we do it every day.

If the Pirates really want Leiter, they should draft him this year. If Leiter stays in school, the Pirates would likely have the first two picks in the 2022 draft, and they could select him again. Then Al would really have something to bitch about.

Rocker vs Leiter as it now stands.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 2:30 pm
by PMike
04032F382E4D0 wrote: I still prefer the physicality of Rocker

Comparisons to Bob Gibson and Roger Clemens also help me decide.

Plus as mentioned previously, Leiter’s dad has bad mouthed the Pirates on ESPN several times. I don’t think he wants his son on the Bucs.

Hard to bad-mouth Al Leiter for bad-mouthing the Pirates—we do it every day.

If the Pirates really want Leiter, they should draft him this year.  If Leiter stays in school, the Pirates would likely have the first two picks in the 2022 draft, and they could select him again.   Then Al would really have something to bitch about.

Especially if they drafted him 2nd next year! ;D

Rocker vs Leiter as it now stands.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 3:00 pm
by steve49
654E4F4A4A4F48755247524F4948260 wrote: I want Leiter . Just looks effortless for him.

He has a fastball with real hit and miss movement. Scouts are saying that's what makes him special. If the draft was tomorrow , I think Leiter would no doubt be the pick.

Rocker vs Leiter as it now stands.

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2021 3:03 pm
by steve49
6E7357555B3E0 wrote: I still prefer the physicality of Rocker

Comparisons to Bob Gibson and Roger Clemens also help me decide.

Plus as mentioned previously, Leiter’s dad has bad mouthed the Pirates on ESPN several times. I don’t think he wants his son on the Bucs.

Hard to bad-mouth Al Leiter for bad-mouthing the Pirates—we do it every day.

If the Pirates really want Leiter, they should draft him this year.  If Leiter stays in school, the Pirates would likely have the first two picks in the 2022 draft, and they could select him again.   Then Al would really have something to bitch about.

Especially if they drafted him 2nd next year!  ;D

I don't think too many players would go back to school after being taken at 1.1. Can only weaken your position and you're going to a poor team regardless. And yes , like you say , there's a good chance it would be the Pirates again.

Rocker vs Leiter as it now stands.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 2:26 am
by steve49
I watched Rocker give up 6 runs yesterday. FB was 91-95. Today I watched Leiter dominate through 7 innings. The run scored on a runner reaching on strike 3 curveball that hit home plate , a walk and a single. 13K's. FB was mostly 93-97. I've watched these guys each pitch 3 games. It's not close. Leiter throws harder has 4 pitches and has better command. If draft were today Leiter is no doubt #1. Rocker, IMO, might fall a bit past #2.

Rocker vs Leiter as it now stands.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 5:03 am
by JollyRoger
That was Rockers first bad start. Letter has jumped ahead of Rocker at this point. Will have to wait and see how the next few months pan out

Rocker vs Leiter as it now stands.

Posted: Sat Apr 10, 2021 3:01 pm
by steve49
507576766348757D7F681A0 wrote: That was Rockers first bad start. Letter has jumped ahead of Rocker at this point. Will have to wait and see how the next few months pan out

It was Rocker's first bad start but have you watched the 2 pitch yet ? One guy has a FB that is 2 MPH better and a spin rate that is said to be extraordinary. He also has 3 quality pitches compared to Rocker's 2. Yes a lot can happen but barring injury , IMO it's highly likely Leiter stays ahead of Rocker. Better velocity , better secondary pitches and a little better command.