Embrace the S*ck


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Embrace the S*ck

Post by LumberCo »

and reap the higher draft position. only problem is we have the same cheap skate owner. keep watching off an on. hard to take but hoping in a few years something will change. Long wait, but that is what we Bucs fans are used to!

Embrace the S*ck

Post by GermanTownship »

I have zero confidence in not only the ownership, but also upper management, from the g.m. to the scouting department. Instead of trying to build with Frazier, Hayes, Reynolds, and Moran for the future, there is serious talk about trading 2 or 3 of them. That, and there bad drafts in the past five years, along with injuries to the last two number 1 picks, has me come to the realization that the team is snakebit. Now, instead of taking the best hitter and catcher in the draft, Davis, now there is talk about drafting another 18 year old shortstop. This team compares to the first year expansion Mets, from our version of Marvelous Marv, Craig, to the motley crew of outfielders and pitchers that are playing. I don’t even watch or listen to them anymore. Just read the results in the news. Waiting for football season. How anybody can defend this team is sad! Just can’t take more rebuilding.
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Embrace the S*ck

Post by bucs607179 »

Gave up on the higher draft pick logic years ago. As German said it's all a waste.
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Embrace the S*ck

Post by shedman »

13312639353A003B233A273C3D24540 wrote: I have zero confidence in not only the ownership, but also upper management, from the g.m. to the scouting department. Instead of trying to build with Frazier, Hayes, Reynolds, and Moran for the future, there is serious talk about trading 2 or 3 of them. That, and there bad drafts in the past five years, along with injuries to the last two number 1 picks, has me come to the realization that the team is snakebit. Now, instead of taking the best hitter and catcher in the draft, Davis, now there is talk about drafting another 18 year old shortstop. This team compares to the first year expansion Mets, from our version of Marvelous Marv, Craig, to the motley crew of outfielders and pitchers that are playing. I don’t even watch or listen to them anymore. Just read the results in the news. Waiting for football season. How anybody can defend this team is sad! Just can’t take more rebuilding.

You have hit the nail on the head with this post. Instead of looking to trade what few major league ball players for suspects, they should be trying to add major league ball players to the existing group.
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Embrace the S*ck

Post by GreenWeenie »

4E776F606770416D020 wrote: and reap the higher draft position.  only problem is we have the same cheap skate owner.  keep watching off an on. hard to take but hoping in a few years something will change.  Long wait, but that is what we Bucs fans are used to! 

In case anyone wonders- just so everyone knows- I had 0 to do with this post.  ;)
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Embrace the S*ck

Post by GreenWeenie »

1D3F28373B340E352D342932332A5A0 wrote: I have zero confidence in not only the ownership, but also upper management, from the g.m. to the scouting department. Instead of trying to build with Frazier, Hayes, Reynolds, and Moran for the future, there is serious talk about trading 2 or 3 of them. That, and there bad drafts in the past five years, along with injuries to the last two number 1 picks, has me come to the realization that the team is snakebit. Now, instead of taking the best hitter and catcher in the draft, Davis, now there is talk about drafting another 18 year old shortstop. This team compares to the first year expansion Mets, from our version of Marvelous Marv, Craig, to the motley crew of outfielders and pitchers that are playing. I don’t even watch or listen to them anymore. Just read the results in the news. Waiting for football season. How anybody can defend this team is sad! Just can’t take more rebuilding.

This one, either. ;)
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Embrace the S*ck

Post by GreenWeenie »

3F242928212D224C0 wrote: I have zero confidence in not only the ownership, but also upper management, from the g.m. to the scouting department. Instead of trying to build with Frazier, Hayes, Reynolds, and Moran for the future, there is serious talk about trading 2 or 3 of them. That, and there bad drafts in the past five years, along with injuries to the last two number 1 picks, has me come to the realization that the team is snakebit. Now, instead of taking the best hitter and catcher in the draft, Davis, now there is talk about drafting another 18 year old shortstop. This team compares to the first year expansion Mets, from our version of Marvelous Marv, Craig, to the motley crew of outfielders and pitchers that are playing. I don’t even watch or listen to them anymore. Just read the results in the news. Waiting for football season. How anybody can defend this team is sad! Just can’t take more rebuilding.

You have hit the nail on the head with this post.  Instead of looking to trade what few major league ball players for suspects, they should be trying to add major league ball players to the existing group. 

Before they Add, they have to Keep (those few worth keeping.)

Say you're one of those Players or Representative.

You're not stupid.  Neither is your Agent.

The Question is- Do you trust the owner enough to re-up?

It's a fair question.
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Embrace the S*ck

Post by MaineBucs »

To me, the Pirate's record and quality of play since the end of April reinforces the view that I had going into the season. The GM must continue to move several of the better players on the current roster to try and add more talent to the organization.

In short, the current team S*cks, and the only path I see to decrease the degree of S*ckitude going forward is to S*uck even more now.

I want BC to soon trade Frazier, Rodriguez and Anderson for the most value that he can receive in return.

I know some have suggested holding onto Frazier and building around him. I don't see it as he is now 30+ and will soon be too expensive for Nutting's taste. This likely is the best time to sell high on Frazier.

The Bucs are currently wasting Rodriguez in the hope that there will eventually be another game to save. He is cheap and a number of teams need help at the back end of their pens.

While I wouldn't expect much for Anderson, with the number of pitching injuries this season, a back-end starter who can take the ball every 5th day or so and keep a team in the game (not always, but 60% of the time) for 5 innings has some value. That said, if Anderson has no return value, may need to hold onto him just so there are enough starting bodies to finish the season. None of the other starters have really stepped forward this season to clearly claim a starting spot.

The only two players on the active roster who I wouldn't consider trading are Reynolds and Hayes. For example, even though there are no catchers of any note in the Pirate system, if someone overpaid for Stallings, I would move him as well.

I hate the S*ck. I want it to end. Unfortunately, I don't think it can end with the current cast of characters and an owner who just will not spend any money on player acquisition.

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Embrace the S*ck

Post by GreenWeenie »

I can't disagree more- unless the good players have 0 intent to remain with the club.  That's not to say that they should be over-paid.  They should receive a market offer, and if that's not agreeable, then I would move on from them.

The difference between being the 28th club and the third club is about 2.5 additional wins out of 10 games.  That's not a Grand Canyon gap that some people think that it is.  So....you improve a little here...a little there....next thing you know, you have a club worth watching.

Keep treading water, and the next thing you know- you're sinking because you tire out.
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Embrace the S*ck

Post by shedman »

It's byzantine logic to say that they way to get better is to get rid of whatever good players you have right now. The only one who benefits from that is BOB!
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