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First Female Coach

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 6:57 pm
by WildwoodDave2
The Pirates have hired Caitlyn Callahan as a player development Coach. She becomes the first uniformed woman coach in franchise history. She will be based at Pirate City in Bradenton.

First Female Coach

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 7:09 pm
by WildwoodDave2
754B4E46554D4D466643544710220 wrote: The Pirates have hired Caitlyn Callahan as a player development Coach. She becomes the first uniformed woman coach in franchise history. She will be based at Pirate City in Bradenton.
I wonder if she signed for the league minimum? :D

First Female Coach

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 9:22 pm
by Ecbucs
427C7971627A7A715174637027150 wrote: The Pirates have hired Caitlyn Callahan as a player development Coach. She becomes the first uniformed woman coach in franchise history. She will be based at Pirate City in Bradenton.
I wonder if she signed for the league minimum? :D

This is a just a sexist joke but perhaps she is getting access to the locker room.

in a film role, Woody Allen told someone he had gotten a job in the dressing room of the Follies Bregerie in Paris.

He was asked, how much? and answered, 25 a week.

his friend said, that isn't a lot.

Woody responded its all he could afford to pay.

First Female Coach

Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2021 11:10 pm
by GreenWeenie
If she has what it takes to get us from Point A, or whatever point we're on to Point B, I'm all for it.

First Female Coach

Posted: Thu Dec 30, 2021 1:50 pm
by bucs607179
Do other MLB teams have female coaches?? I think the 49ers have the only female coach in the NFL.

First Female Coach

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 1:56 pm
by NewMexicoLobo
0017011154525553555B620 wrote: Do other MLB teams have female coaches?? I think the 49ers have the only female coach in the NFL.
One has to wonder what an ex-softball player can teach young baseball players that an ex-baseball player cannot.

I hope this isn't a politicial hire.

First Female Coach

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 4:57 pm
by SammyKhalifa
406B79436B76676D6142616C610E0 wrote: Do other MLB teams have female coaches?? I think the 49ers have the only female coach in the NFL.
One has to wonder what an ex-softball player can teach young baseball players that an ex-baseball player cannot.

I hope this isn't a politicial hire.

They only have to be good teachers. There have been NFL coaches that have never played there, not sure why this would be any different.

First Female Coach

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 8:13 pm
by BellevueBuc
485F49591C1A1D1B1D132A0 wrote: Do other MLB teams have female coaches?? I think the 49ers have the only female coach in the NFL.

Multiple teams do. There were 23 female coaches on opening day rosters last year.

First Female Coach

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2022 8:14 pm
by BellevueBuc
476C7E446C71606A6645666B66090 wrote: Do other MLB teams have female coaches?? I think the 49ers have the only female coach in the NFL.
One has to wonder what an ex-softball player can teach young baseball players that an ex-baseball player cannot.

I hope this isn't a politicial hire.

Tell me you are a misogynist without saying you are a misogynist.

Maybe try reading, you don't even know what her role with the team is.

First Female Coach

Posted: Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:42 am
by NewMexicoLobo
684F46464F5C5F4F685F492A0 wrote: Do other MLB teams have female coaches?? I think the 49ers have the only female coach in the NFL.
One has to wonder what an ex-softball player can teach young baseball players that an ex-baseball player cannot.

I hope this isn't a politicial hire.

Tell me you are a misogynist without saying you are a misogynist.

Maybe try reading, you don't even know what her role with the team is.
Yours is the classic name-calling response, without understanding what triggered my honest question. You need to consider the following ...

1. Callahan will coach in player development, which implies that hers is a teaching role. While she may have the requisite teaching skills the following paragraph illustrates why she may already be behind the 8-ball, so to speak.

2. As I'm sure you understand, softball is very different from baseball with regard to many skill-set areas. Aside from the obvious pitching and hitting differences, fielding and throwing skill requirements have differences because of the sizes of the respective fields, distances between the corresponding areas of the fields, and the sizes of the balls used to play the games. Therefore teaching of such skills may not have the crossover effect desired.

3. Contrast the situation in paragraph 2. with the NBA's Becky Hammond wanting to become the league's first female head coach. Aside from her great experience as an assistant coach, her having played college and pro basketball has very great value from a playing skills standpoint because the women's game is 99% the same game as the men's. All of these things combined with the fact Hammond is also a very good teacher make her a very deserving candidate.

So, Bellevue, you can take any political "incorrectness" you perceive in me right off the table. This is from a guy who would have voted for Sarah Palin had she been running for President way-back-when.