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Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 11:45 pm
by fjk090852-7
The Liriano trade was a sure fire salary dump. I was okay with the trade until I heard McGuire was involved. I know they have Diaz at AAA but with all the positive signs that McGuire can do on defense I figured he was the catcher for the future. Too bad he was part of this trade.

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 11:50 pm
by CarolinaBucco
I am shocked at this trade. Shocked.

We GAVE AWAY TWO TOP 10 PROSPECTS just so we could dump salary & save money?


I have always been a huge NH supporter but I don't see how in the world in can justify this one.

This is a fiasco. Reminds me of the Cam Bonifay moves.

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 11:53 pm
by Osushawn
I am a big believer of this trade. Both mcguire and ramirez were blocked for at least the next three years and they got toronto to take a crap pitcher with a huge salary. No one knows what mcguire and ramirez will do. At this point it is total conjecture.

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 11:54 pm
by skinnyhorse
Surely they could have done better than this can surely someone would have just taken Liriano without all these prospects. I was really tired of watching FL absolutely give away games and won't miss him. Just think we should not have given up prospects without any return.

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 11:58 pm
by fjk090852-7
I am anxious to hear who the two players to be named will be in the Nova deal. After hearing McGuire in the Jays trade I hope the guys going to the Yankees are very low level players. Since Nova is a two month rental the players traded for him should be way down on the depth chart.

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:00 am
by SteadyFreddy
0C3036302B22342D430 wrote: I am a big believer of this trade.  Both mcguire and ramirez were blocked for at least the next three years and they got toronto to take a crap pitcher with a huge salary.  No one knows what mcguire and ramirez will do.  At this point it is total conjecture.    Nobody knows what any of these prospects will do. You can say the same thing about Meadows and even Bell and Glasnow. At some point you can't be scared to make moves and if you want to win a championship. You can't just sit around and hope one year you get lucky and get in and take your chances. Teams that want to win World Series go out and make their teams better, and Huntington while he has done a good job still hasn't gotten this team over the hump. Look at what the Penguins did as an example. They traded their best and essentially only prospect in Kapenen for Kessel in order to help the Penguins win a championship. It was a bold move and took some guts but in the end it paid off. The Pirates could take some huge lessons from the Penguins and how they operate to win Cups unlike the Pirates.

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:06 am
by ChitownBucco
Think people fail to realize how deep the system is, the bucs may seriously end up having a replay of the cam bonifay fiasco  with all the guys they have that they won be able to protect on The 40 man roster.

There are literally like 7 OFers blocking Harold Ramirez

There are 3-4 catchers blocking McGuire

The Bucs saved about 17 million and got a controlled cheap live arm.

I will on,y be mad about the trade if they don't use the savings this year to do something befor the waiver wire deadline or in the off season to use that money and also increase the payroll abov arb increases

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:06 am
by Tintin
5F6365637871677E100 wrote: I am a big believer of this trade.  Both mcguire and ramirez were blocked for at least the next three years and they got toronto to take a crap pitcher with a huge salary.  No one knows what mcguire and ramirez will do.  At this point it is total conjecture.   

Yeah, I dislike this one due to McGuire. A decent defensive catcher can play in the majors for 15 years without hitting.

My father is a Braves fan and his lamenting about the Braves lack of catchers in their whole system made me giggle, until an hour ago.

McGuire alone could have brought a decent return.

The annoying this that the 13 million saved is already spent on raises in 2017 for current players plus arbitration.

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:17 am
by SammyKhalifa
We can trade away top 10 prospects to get rid of guys, but it's unimaginable to give them up to GET guys???

Last Minute Trade Buzz

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:25 am
by CarolinaBucco
That's my single biggest gripe ... we are using our prospects to GIVE AWAY players instead of to GET players.

I am not terrified of the 2 PTBNL in the Yankees deal.


Nova is no good and he's a 2 month rental. These two guys CANNOT be top 30 prospects.