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Early free agency outlook

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2022 3:49 pm
by Bobster21
6E5B4C4C477E4C4C47404C290 wrote: Not sure that this subject fits the title thread, but...

I have to say, this Dansby Swanson signing by the Cubs- 177 for 7 has me a little concerned....I hope that I'm over-reacting. 

Interested to know what your concern is.

Makes me wonder how long we'll keep halfway decent guys with that kind of pricing.  It isn't as much a commentary of the player as much as it is of the pricing in general.

That's what I thought. The way it looks to me, all they can do is take the risk of identifying guys they feel will be part of a core all star caliber players, and extend them before they even hit arbitration, so as to get a year or two of FA in return. But if they can't take that risk, we already see how things will be.

I'm not attempting to be negative by this question.  I ask it to learn because my memory isn't perfect.

How often have the Pirates bought out FA years for player(s) say in the past 10 seasons?  I'm not sure if they've done this much.  I've been under the impression that they've bought out some of the arb years.  Am I mistaken?

Regardless, the cost of doing business doesn't appear to be going down any. 
Hayes is signed thru 2029 with a team option for 2030. I think he would have been a FA in 2027. I can't think of anyone else.

A major obstacle in addition to Nutting's unwillingness to spend is the lack of incentive for players to remain Pirates when they could have been FAs. Good players know they will get huge offers from teams much better than the perennially bad Pirates. Hard to imagine an agent not advising his client to test free agency rather than tie themselves to an organization like the Pirates. For BC, it's hard to sell his players on the idea that they can be part of a strong team once prospects mature. The 2013-2015 group believed that and had the rug pulled out from under them in 2016 and again descended into MLB squalor.

Hayes took the offer but he is the exception rather than the rule. Furthermore, his contract likely hamstrings efforts to extend other players after Nutting is now committed to that contract thru 2029.

Early free agency outlook

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 11:00 am
by 2drfischer@gmail.c
Correa's deal with the Giants falls through as there's an issue with some part of his physical. He quickly signs with the Mets for one less year and and less dollars per year. It's said he'll move to 3B while Lindor will remain at SS.

Early free agency outlook

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 12:39 pm
by GreenWeenie
You know that you have life by the BASEballs when your consolation prize is that you get paid by the Mets.

({{{wish it was me.}}}

Early free agency outlook

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 1:11 pm
by WildwoodDave2
5204120609130308051220070D01090C4E03600 wrote: Correa's deal with the Giants falls through as there's an issue with some part of his physical.  He quickly signs with the Mets for one less year and and less dollars per year.  It's said he'll move to 3B while Lindor will remain at SS.
Now their payroll has sky rocketed AGAIN!!

Early free agency outlook

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 1:38 pm
by 2drfischer@gmail.c
417F7A72617979725277607324160 wrote: Correa's deal with the Giants falls through as there's an issue with some part of his physical.  He quickly signs with the Mets for one less year and and less dollars per year.  It's said he'll move to 3B while Lindor will remain at SS.
Now their payroll has sky rocketed AGAIN!!

Their owner doesn't seem to mind. I doubt we'll ever be able to make the same claim about our owner.

Early free agency outlook

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 3:22 pm
by UtahPirate
Mets estimated payroll is around $384 million but their total payroll projects to be $495 million with their luxury-tax payment of at least $111 million.

Now Buccos, go out and compete with that!

Early free agency outlook

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 4:09 pm
by 2drfischer@gmail.c
4C6D787149706B786D7C190 wrote: Mets estimated payroll is around $384 million but their total payroll projects to be $495 million with their luxury-tax payment of at least $111 million.

Now Buccos, go out and compete with that!

The Pirates could receive all $111 million and it'd have no impact on their 2023 payroll.

Early free agency outlook

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 1:51 am
by 2drfischer@gmail.c
The Correa situation becomes more interesting as the Mets have been reported to be considering walking away from the deal, and Boras is said to be in contact with other teams about Correa’s availability.

It may take awhile but, if 29 teams decide to not touch Correa, the Bucs might be able to swoop in and make him an offer, like two years at $400 million. The first year would be at $5 million, with a team option for a second year at $395 million Nutting’s no fool.

Early free agency outlook

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 2:30 am
by Bobster21
144254404F55454E435466414B474F4A0845260 wrote: The Correa situation becomes more interesting as the Mets have been reported to be considering walking away from the deal, and Boras is said to be in contact with other teams about Correa’s availability. 

It may take awhile but, if 29 teams decide to not touch Correa, the Bucs might be able to swoop in and make him an offer, like two years at $400 million.  The first year would be at $5 million, with a team option for a second year at $395 million Nutting’s no fool.
In other words, Correa would know he was getting 5 million to play for the Pirates for 1 year. If the Mets deal falls through, he'll get a lot better offers than that from much better teams than the Pirates.

Early free agency outlook

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2023 7:36 am
by GreenWeenie
782E382C233929222F380A2D272B232664294A0 wrote: The Correa situation becomes more interesting as the Mets have been reported to be considering walking away from the deal, and Boras is said to be in contact with other teams about Correa’s availability. 

It may take awhile but, if 29 teams decide to not touch Correa, the Bucs might be able to swoop in and make him an offer, like two years at $400 million.  The first year would be at $5 million, with a team option for a second year at $395 million  Nutting’s no fool.

He could follow that up through improving his club and revenue by picking up Trevor Bauer for next to nothing while the Dodgers pay to watch us win some games.