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Now I think there's almost no way ......

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 10:47 am
by DemDog
I am sick of all this "bargaining" between owners and players just so MLB can play a very truncated season. I agree that MLB should just cancel the season and work out deals with players on long-term expensive contracts to defer at least this year's salaries to years after retirement. Most of the could live without a single $ coming in for 2020.

Most importantly are those people who work at ancillary jobs with each club. What do the owners do for them?

It all sucks! It is nothing but greed driving both sides.

Now I think there's almost no way ......

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 10:59 am
by Bobster21
774255555E6755555E5955300 wrote: It's not a matter of stupidity and greed alone.  It's also a matter of health.  And, I'm perfectly willing to allow someone to make their personal decision on what risks they're willing to assume with their own.

My YMCA's been open for 22 days.  I've gone to ask quesions and look at what steps they've taken to minimize risks associated with the virus, but you can't possibly pay me enough to spend 20 minutes in the locker room with other people right now- and, I'm not a multi-millionaire who has the type of options that many of the players and coaches do.

I won't spend 20 minutes inside with others.  Those guys spend a lot more than 20 minutes together.

And, some of those coaches are older than I am.

To limit this to things like "stupidity" and "greed" doesn't seem like the entire picture to me. 

What sounds stupid to me is playing any games at all, let alone whatever number's being talked about.  This season should have been cancelled long ago, IMO.
No, that's a different issue altogether and has nothing to do with my comment about greed and stupidity. If they say they don't want to play due to health concerns, that's understandable. Most things have been cancelled this year and fans would understand. Fans have certainly understood the lack of MLB thus far. No one is demanding that they play. But that's not the discussion. The players have already established that they are willing to play and arguing over how much money they should get, as are the owners. If the reason to not play is because of heath concern, then the discussion understandably ends right there. But they are talking about how many games they want to play and how much they want to be paid. Once they entered into that discussion, they have already moved past the health concerns. Either call off the season for health concerns or don't. And if they are willing to play, then don't piss off the fan base arguing about how much money they want when these are already mega-rich people (both players and owners) and so many of the fan base are hurting financially. Because thart's both greedy and stupid!

Now I think there's almost no way ......

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 9:46 pm
by GreenWeenie
I would agree with you under most circumstances, but this has hardly been "standard."

There have been so many mixed signals about the ebb and flow of danger that I don't blame anyone- regardless of occupation- for going back and forth on how they feel about things.

I was more optimistic about an expected sooner recovery a week or so ago than I've been this current week. I doubt I'm alone in that.

The whole thing's been a mess. They probably should have just kept negotions quieter and waited until there were more concrete facts to consider before going public with what is essentially no news.

Now I think there's almost no way ......

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2020 10:14 pm
by Bobster21
556077777C4577777C7B77120 wrote: I would agree with you under most circumstances, but this has hardly been "standard."

There have been so many mixed signals about the ebb and flow of danger that I don't blame anyone- regardless of occupation- for going back and forth on how they feel about things. 

I was more optimistic about an expected sooner recovery a week or so ago than I've been this current week.  I doubt I'm alone in that. 

The whole thing's been a mess.  They probably should have just kept negotions quieter and waited until there were more concrete facts to consider before going public with what is essentially no news.
If it's acceptable to take the health risk provided the money is right, what price do you put on it? At what amount does it become acceptable to risk not only your own health but the possibility of spreading it to others? Others who didn't get millions of dollars. They've already crossed over the line on whether to take the health risk. This isn't a health issue. It's a money issue. They've already said they'll play if the price is right. I'd be 100% supportive if they chose not to play due to health concerns. But I have a problem with the decision to disregard the health concern if the price is right.

I agree these negotiations should have all been kept private. That way they could say the discussions center on whether to take the health risk. But they made it public that they were willing to play. They just wanted all the money they could get at a time when so many Americans are out of work altogether.

Now I think there's almost no way ......

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 3:45 am
by GreenWeenie
I don't have that answer.  It's individual; different for however many.

It's a matter of reward vs. risk; as are several endeavors.  Some people will never want to become race car drivers because they feel that the danger involved is greater than any reward they're likely to receive from it.

I suppose some number cruncher could tell you the odds of getting seriously ill from the virus....or, of dying from it.....and, a player would have to consider what their likely compensation would be if they played, then decide whether they feel that the probability of harm is worth risking over the money and benefits they'd receive.

Some are more risk adverse than others and some are in different financial positions or have different career milestones they'd like to achieve.

Someone who is debt free, have loads of money in the bank (like BOB does), and has no one to support, might make different decisions than someone on the other end of those spectrums.

Some won't risk anything. They wouldn't play regardless of the money.

Others might love playing so much that they don't care about the potential danger. They might play regardless of the money.

Now I think there's almost no way ......

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 12:21 pm
by NewMexicoLobo
Folks, these won't be at any greater risk than you and I are. Think about it, the time they spend indoors "together" will be at distance with masks on. The time they spend on a chartered airplane will be minimal in length and will be with masks on and with distanced seating. All of this compares to the time you and I spend at the grocery store or at Home Depot, where we are distanced and wear masks.

And the time they spend on the field is almost completely safe. After all, baseball lends itself to distancing!

Now I think there's almost no way ......

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2020 3:17 pm
by GreenWeenie
I'll agree to disagree with you on that. I don't see them taking numbers to hop in the shower. Team meetings, weight rooms, clubhouse, plane flights, busses to hotels, etc. Body contact with opponents. No thanks.

It something, but not "minimal."

A lot of people are working from home for a reason- to avoid being around others.

I would play if I was in a corner financially. Otherwise, I'd pass with no regret.

Now I think there's almost no way ......

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 3:07 pm
by IABucFan
I see the PGA Tour has already had four people (two players, two caddies) test positive. I just don’t see this working with team sports where you’re necessarily around more people, in physical contact with them, sweating around each other, etc. I understand they want to get back, but I just don’t see it working.

Now I think there's almost no way ......

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 5:21 pm
by NewMexicoLobo
Well, they're going to do it. If it makes any of you uncomfortable, I suppose you don't have to watch.

At this point I'm glad there is a season, bungled negotiations or not.

Now I think there's almost no way ......

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2020 9:38 pm
by GreenWeenie
The Rockies and Phillies have had players test positive, and they haven't come close to playing yet.

We shall see....or, in some guys' cases, we may not see them.

I'm sure people know what they're doing. Would I put my health and well-being in some of these people's hands? No. But, I'm just one guy.