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Off Season Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 9:48 pm
by Surgnbuck
44656D446F67000 wrote: Indianapolis, Altoona, Greensboro, Bradenton to the Pirates.

I give that a "5".

I give it a -5 for not using Morgantown. 

What I gathered from the thread about the baseball draft league, IDK if Morgantown was even in play? But hopefully you'll see a return. That's kind of the minor league MO anyhow, shifting affiliations. When I was stationed in Greensboro, they were a Yankees affiliate, guess who I got to see? Rivera, Jeter, etc. Pirates had two NC affiliates, got to see some of the big league guys on their rehab assignments. Ahhh, the early 90's...

Off Season Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 9:52 pm
by DemDog
I blame the lack of adding to the team in 2016 and 2017 and then the trade to end all trades in 2018 to dump Cole, Meadows, Baz, Glasnow for Archer and Kela to name a few all on the GreeWeenie Curse! Can we find an exorcist out there in Piratesland who can rid him of the curse? I sure do but I guess GW is so far gone nothing will work on him. Maybe we can find a hypnotist who can hypnotize GW to become a Yankees fan so we can all hate him! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Off Season Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 9:53 pm
by GreenWeenie
604641545D51465058330 wrote: They surprised everyone the year they broke the streak when I wasn't the only one that had them last in the division.

I was wrong then, and might be wrong this coming season.

But, nothing seen so far gives me any confidence.

I think the patience is just about up.

Don't know what anyone really expected last season. Problem is last season was the year we were supposed to start seeing things moving. No minor league season. Spring training cut short. Season truncated. Not to mention things outside of baseball that had impact.

Face it last year was an audition. It was an elongated spring training. If the Pirates failed at one thing, it's that they should have basically said that's what last year was.

I mean, it's amazing to me how all of a sudden Marte and Archer became favorites of a certain few on here, for no other reason than they had "salary". There isn't a single person I can think of from the previous boards (I don't hold anyone to this from this board) that didn't say to what amounted to "I'd rather see someone playing the game fundamentally sound instead of this guy who has talent but doesn't display it consistently". And that's wording it in a nice way. Yet once he was traded, you'd have thought Babe Ruth was traded. We got exactly what so many people said he was worth.

They had nothing to trade to build. All this talk about Frazier, Bell, whoever....they have no one that would bring even one top caliber prospect. They didn't even get a regular draft his first time out.

Everything is getting churned over at the bottom. I'm willing to let the foundation settle. I get BC took over not only on a late call, but he took over in the worst possible scenario. 

Why do I have faith in BC?  He hasn't made one excuse. And he hasn't spent a lot of time on "Hot Stove" and "High Heat" blowing smoke like NH loved to do. That guy had a prepared speech, and said it over and over and over and over on any outlet he could. BC isn't politicizing things. He's also just simply taking care of business.

Unlike NH, he's going about what he knows he can do. He isn't trying to sell a friggin thing to any of us. At best publicity wise, he's perfunctory.

Know who he reminds me of? You're old enough to appreciate the trajectory of the following guy. A guy who took over the worst team in the league.....and they got even WORSE. The fans questioned him. In four years though, he began what became the reign of....The Emperor Chaz.

Yep, BC reminds me of Chuck Noll. All business. He's the steak, not the sizzle.

Adam Berry talking "4-5 years" to get to relevance? I'm betting it starts this season, and 2022 will be like the '91 Braves.***

***Disclaimer....I am not predicting 14 straight division titles

I was naive, and I admit it.

I expected them to at least put forth the minimal amount of effort.

Maybe someone else saw some. I SAH didn't. Another season like that, and I would tell you that they're playing themselves out of Dodge; a mere matter of time.

Off Season Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 9:55 pm
by GreenWeenie
1C3D351C373F580 wrote: I blame the lack of adding to the team in 2016 and 2017 and then the trade to end all trades in 2018 to dump Cole, Meadows, Baz, Glasnow for Archer and Kela to name a few all on the GreeWeenie Curse!  Can we find an exorcist out there in Piratesland who can rid him of the curse?  I sure do but I guess GW is so far gone nothing will work on him.  Maybe we can find a hypnotist who can hypnotize GW to become a Yankees fan so we can all hate him!   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I wouldn't call myself a Yankees fan, but I do like them. There aren't many teams that I don't like. I'm the kind of guy who admires talent, and they have some talented guys.

I just wish we had some.

Off Season Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 10:08 pm
by shedman
06272F062D25420 wrote: Indianapolis, Altoona, Greensboro, Bradenton to the Pirates.

I give that a "5".

I give it a -5 for not using Morgantown. 


Dang it, another guy who doesn't understand there are no negative points.

Off Season Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 10:18 pm
by shedman
The Mariners sign Chris Flexen for a 2.  What say you Wildwood Dave and Greenweenie?

The current standings are:

Braves - Almonte (.5),Tomlin(2),Smyly(3),Morton(2.5)...............  8

Mets - Stroman(3.5),Williams(1),May(2.5)..................................7

Angels - Iglesias(2).Iglesias(3)..................................................5

Giants - Vosler(1),Gausman(2),Wisler(2)......................................5

White Sox - Lynn(4),Eaton(2.5)................................................6.5

Royals - Minor(2.5),Taylor(1)..................................................3.5

Astros - Gurriel(3).....................................................................3

Marlins - Marte(3)......................................................................3

Yankees - Britton(3)...................................................................3

Cubs - Rizzo(3).......................................................................3

Blue Jays- Dolis(2),Ray(1)..........................................................3

Phillies - Neris(3)......................................................................3

Mariners - Graveman(1),Flexen(2)..............................................3

Rangers - Heineman(.5),Gotto(.5),Dunning(1.5).........................2.5

Orioles - Iglesias(2.5)..............................................................2.5

Reds - Hoffman-(.5),Ramirez(1.5)..............................................2

Indians - Perez(2.5)...................................................................2

Diamondbacks - Kelly(2)............................................................2

Nationals - Harrison(1),Clay(1)...................................................2

Dodgers  Knebel(1)...................................................................1

Rockies - Stephenson(.5).........................................................0.5

Brewers - Maile(.5).................................................................0.5

Padres - O'Grady(.5)...............................................................0.5


I have read that snails can hibernate for 3 years!!! hmmmm.

Off Season Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 11:14 pm
by DemDog
0F3A2D2D261F2D2D26212D480 wrote: I blame the lack of adding to the team in 2016 and 2017 and then the trade to end all trades in 2018 to dump Cole, Meadows, Baz, Glasnow for Archer and Kela to name a few all on the GreeWeenie Curse!  Can we find an exorcist out there in Piratesland who can rid him of the curse?  I sure do but I guess GW is so far gone nothing will work on him.  Maybe we can find a hypnotist who can hypnotize GW to become a Yankees fan so we can all hate him!   ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I wouldn't call myself a Yankees fan, but I do like them.  There aren't many teams that I don't like.  I'm the kind of guy who admires talent, and they have some talented guys. 

I just wish we had some.

There ya go changing your tune when someone gives you grief and blames all the Pirates misfortune on you being a died in the wool Pirates fan. I suppose next you will mess up the Pirates' fortunes by saying that you are Bestever Pirates fan like a certain guy with orange skin and yellow hair! ;D ;D ;D ;D

Off Season Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 11:29 pm
by WildwoodDave
7F646968616D620C0 wrote: The Mariners sign Chris Flexen for a 2.  What say you Wildwood Dave and Greenweenie?

The current standings are:

Braves - Almonte (.5),Tomlin(2),Smyly(3),Morton(2.5)...............  8

Mets - Stroman(3.5),Williams(1),May(2.5)..................................7

Angels - Iglesias(2).Iglesias(3)..................................................5

Giants - Vosler(1),Gausman(2),Wisler(2)......................................5

White Sox - Lynn(4),Eaton(2.5)................................................6.5

Royals - Minor(2.5),Taylor(1)..................................................3.5

Astros - Gurriel(3).....................................................................3

Marlins - Marte(3)......................................................................3

Yankees - Britton(3)...................................................................3

Cubs - Rizzo(3).......................................................................3

Blue Jays- Dolis(2),Ray(1)..........................................................3

Phillies - Neris(3)......................................................................3

Mariners - Graveman(1),Flexen(2)..............................................3

Rangers - Heineman(.5),Gotto(.5),Dunning(1.5).........................2.5

Orioles - Iglesias(2.5)..............................................................2.5

Reds - Hoffman-(.5),Ramirez(1.5)..............................................2

Indians - Perez(2.5)...................................................................2

Diamondbacks - Kelly(2)............................................................2

Nationals - Harrison(1),Clay(1)...................................................2

Dodgers  Knebel(1)...................................................................1

Rockies - Stephenson(.5).........................................................0.5

Brewers - Maile(.5).................................................................0.5

Padres - O'Grady(.5)...............................................................0.5


I have read that snails can hibernate for 3 years!!! hmmmm.

I agree-with the 2 for Flexin

Off Season Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 11:30 pm
by GreenWeenie
Dude, you've been late for dinner.

Shed will tell you, this is nothing new.

It's been my fault for years that the Pirates have sucked.

Isn't BOB's fault. He can't be blamed. Not his fault that Pittsburgh's a small market with an above-average aging population. This past year, it was even worse. He didn't have anything to do with Covid 19.

Isn't Ben's fault. He just got here. Doesn't matter HOW long the guy's been here. He can't make even ONE, single, miniscule move because BOB's his boss, and BOB won't let him spend any money.

Isn't that Shelton guy's fault. The guy's still learning his job. Besides, his boss is Ben Cherington, and before that, the GM was Huntington. Neither of them left Shelton any players worth talking about, and a manager's only as good as his players.

Isn't any of the players' faults. They're good----errr, great players who can do no wrong. If Ben made deals with all of them this off-season, they'd get three 5 ratings from our esteemed panel of judges, and Surg would be bitching that we didn't give them 6s.

That leaves me. Been my fault when we had that Coonelly guy, Huntington, and Hurdle. Still my fault.

Off Season Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 11:33 pm
by GreenWeenie
.5 on Flexen. The numbers aren't there. Not even close to being there. What do you see that I don't on this guy? I'm debating whether I should bump him to 1. If I have to think about it, then I'm sticking with the .5.