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Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2020 11:52 pm
by GreenWeenie
092429383F2E39797A4B0 wrote: They were ALL consistently bad.

OK.  All except Hayes.

We failed to win a third of games.  It wasnt just because of Polanco.
Nobody said it was just because of Polanco. The issue was about him rarely getting recognized as GOG despite his dismal performance. I think he was consistently bad and expectations were low. So there rarely seemed to be a game where they lost due to him.

I agree with you.  Polanco was steadily bad....just not often the worst on any given night.

Which is scary when you think about it.  To be even worse than Polanco, if only for just one game.....THAT's bad!

Then, there's The Polanco Factor." Even when he WAS the worst, we all knew it. Picking him was such a no-brainer that we'd go with someone else just to challenge ourselves.