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8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 5:14 pm
614746514757240 wrote: With all the angst out there, I'm not trying to justify the move, just pointing out some things. In the postgame interview Hurdle says "we" a lot and in the article it says the move had been in the works for weeks and Holmes knew after his last start he was pitching last night even though it was announced until the day before yesterday.

Rumbunter had an interesting article about how pitching lines up for the rest of the year and what this move does. The only part I scratch my head about is they have also been saying Holmes will make a start in September. I hope he pitched himself out of that possibility last night: ... -rotation/

I bet the chance of the Bucs going with column 3 schedule is close to zero.  Also this isn't the only way to be aggressive with rotation. 

I don’t know who the writer of this article is, but if I read it right: the Pirates toss in the towel for last night’s game with the remote possibility of gaining two starts by our “top three starters”. Unreal the lengths some will go through to justify this the management.

Here’s an idea: IF this scheduling is such a good idea, why do it against the Giants. Find the lowest risk game on the immediate schedule. I would still think it’s stupid, but why not against the Twins?

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 7:40 pm
by dmetz
It's one start, really.   In order the get two they would need to skip Williams which doesn't make any sense at all, at the moment, because he's pitching hot.    I agree he's the #4, but just like hitting, being on a good run matters for pitchers.

I think when you're this far back, it's senseless to get cute with the rotation.   You've got to strike immediately and put yourself in a better position by the end of August or you can forget about it.  Put the best players on the field, put the best pitchers you can on the mound and put the best bullpen arms available in the highest leverage spots.   

It's now or never.    Most likely no matter what we do it's not going to be enough, but for ****s sake, let's put the best foot forward until there's no longer any reasonable chance.

8/10 vs SF

Posted: Sat Aug 11, 2018 7:54 pm
by Bobster21
040D05141A600 wrote: It's one start, really.   In order the get two they would need to skip Williams which doesn't make any sense at all, at the moment, because he's pitching hot.    I agree he's the #4, but just like hitting, being on a good run matters for pitchers.

I think when you're this far back, it's senseless to get cute with the rotation.   You've got to strike immediately and put yourself in a better position by the end of August or you can forget about it.  Put the best players on the field, put the best pitchers you can on the mound and put the best bullpen arms available in the highest leverage spots.   

It's now or never.    Most likely no matter what we do it's not going to be enough, but for ****s sake, let's put the best foot forward until there's no longer any reasonable chance.
It's really difficult to try to explain to people that the Pirates don't operate that way. :-?