Salary Predictions Thread . . .


Moderators: SammyKhalifa, Doc, Bobster

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Salary Predictions Thread . . .

Post by shedman »

5F61646C7F67676C4C697E6D080 wrote: Under MAB's proposal, Bucs salaries for this year would be 17 million. Shedman will have a field day with this

I wonder if the players would pay BOB to play for him?
Posts: 568
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Salary Predictions Thread . . .

Post by WildwoodDave »

322924252C202F410 wrote: Under MAB's proposal, Bucs salaries for this year would be 17 million. Shedman will have a field day with this

I wonder if the players would pay BOB to play for him?

He sure as hel would take it.
Posts: 568
Joined: Fri Jan 10, 2020 11:19 am

Salary Predictions Thread . . .

Post by WildwoodDave »

They are now talking about Defunding police departments. Bob has been doing this for years.

Salary Predictions Thread . . .

Post by Bobster21 »

0836333B2830303B1B3E293A5F0 wrote: They are now talking about Defunding police departments. Bob has been doing this for years.
And we see how well the defunded Pirates function. :(
Posts: 1896
Joined: Wed Jan 08, 2020 11:06 am

Salary Predictions Thread . . .

Post by shedman »

Who won this thing???

Salary Predictions Thread . . .

Post by DemDog »


Who the heck knows.  With all this shortened season, different roster numbers we need to see if we want to base this on opening day 30 man roster with full 162 game season based on COTS.  You had the idea for this thread so you direct me and I will do the calculations on COTS for yesterday's season opener.

Salary Predictions Thread . . .

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

0E2F270E252D4A0 wrote: Shed,

Who the heck knows.  With all this shortened season, different roster numbers we need to see if we want to base this on opening day 30 man roster with full 162 game season based on COTS.  You had the idea for this thread so you direct me and I will do the calculations on COTS for yesterday's season opener.

If you ask Shed to direct you, he'll fix it so that he'll win. He has a history.
Posts: 1896
Joined: Wed Jan 08, 2020 11:06 am

Salary Predictions Thread . . .

Post by shedman »

COTS list our team salary at $23,299,444. Pro-rated to a full season would result in a team salary of $62,938,058. This would leave wvbucco with his prediction of $63,000,000 the winner. Congrats go out to wvbucco.
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