Off Season Thread


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Off Season Thread

Post by GreenWeenie »

We get mad about hijacks, until we don't get mad about hijacks. It's a message board. It's just the way it is.

Off Season Thread

Post by johnfluharty »

0D382F2F241D2F2F24232F4A0 wrote: We get mad about hijacks, until we don't get mad about hijacks.  It's a message board.  It's just the way it is.

Yep.  There's only so much moderating one can do.  Too much can kill a board and not enough to kill a board.  It can be a difficult balance to find.
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Off Season Thread

Post by GreenWeenie »

Not easy.  That's why I maintain that it's a battle of personalities; one that no one will admit.

We can use this specific Thread as one of every example.  This is The Post-Season Thread.  We're discussing anything EXCEPT the post season.  ;)

It's being sold as a means to bash the Pirates.  It's not.  That's only how some people take it. This and every Thread is avoidable to folks who hate it so much.

It is a way to look at the moves that every club makes.

No one on this board behaves any differently from fans I meet and communicate with all over our country.  We all make harsh....and positive comments about our teams.

Some folks just can't let things roll.  Some can.

For me, the line gets crossed with personal attacks.  It takes a lot for me to get mad.

Like losing 101 games, for example.

Off Season Thread

Post by DemDog »

Ok, guys, we could go on about censorship on OBN until the cows come home. Let's please get back on topic.
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Off Season Thread

Post by SCBucco »

715058715A52350 wrote: Ok, guys, we could go on about censorship on OBN until the cows come home.  Let's please get back on topic. 

What's the topic? :)
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Off Season Thread

Post by SyrBucco »

I'd like to return to the topic stated in the title by asking this question: who will be the next Pirate traded, and why? For bonus credit?, suggest the return. I'll begin.

Chad Kubl started on 2021 opening day. He's only controlled for one more year, so he probably won't be a part of the 2023 rebound. I would trade him for the best available prospect not Rule 5 eligible before 2024.

We can use the roster spot and fellow posters have hinted that Kuhl wants out..

Off Season Thread

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

406A61516670707C130 wrote: I'd like to return to the topic stated in the title by asking this question: who will be the next Pirate traded, and why? For bonus credit?, suggest the return. I'll begin.

Chad Kubl started on 2021 opening day. He's only controlled for one more year, so he probably won't be a part of the 2023 rebound. I would trade him for the best available prospect not Rule 5 eligible before 2024.

We can use the roster spot and fellow posters have hinted that Kuhl wants out..

I don't see Kuhl as part of the future, either, but he may still be here up until the Deadline next July. If BC can't get a decent enough return for him in the offseason, he might keep him in hopes Kuhl has a good start in '22 and increases his value.

Off Season Thread

Post by DemDog »

095F495D524858535E497B5C565A525715583B0 wrote: I'd like to return to the topic stated in the title by asking this question: who will be the next Pirate traded, and why? For bonus credit?, suggest the return. I'll begin.

Chad Kubl started on 2021 opening day. He's only controlled for one more year, so he probably won't be a part of the 2023 rebound. I would trade him for the best available prospect not Rule 5 eligible before 2024.

We can use the roster spot and fellow posters have hinted that Kuhl wants out..

I don't see Kuhl as part of the future, either, but he may still be here up until the Deadline next July.  If BC can't get a decent enough return for him in the offseason, he might keep him in hopes Kuhl has a good start in '22 and increases his value.

If what you say happens Doc, I sure as heck hope that Kuhl does not pull a Gregory Polanco and stink to high heavens. It would be nice if he pulls a Tyler Anderson and returns prospects as SyrBucco suggests.

On the other hand what if he is blocking a good Rule 5 eligible prospect from remaining in the organization.

Neither situation takes into account what the new CBA will do to roster management.
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Off Season Thread

Post by mouse »

There are a lot of high-priced shortstops on the market but I could see a team trading for Newman as a low-cost, defensive type plug-in.

Off Season Thread

Post by Bobster21 »

I don't know if it's reasonable to predict the "next" Pirate to be traded since that requires finding a trade partner and an acceptable return. So a player they might want to trade might not be the next trade they make but rather one of several.

But I think Kuhl is among those they would probably prefer to trade in the off season. But to a prospective trade partner, Kuhl's ceiling is that of a marginal 5th starter or middle reliever. Not much value there. And if they want to trade him to free up space to protect another prospect from rule 5, then they have to get a prospect in the low minors who hasn't been around long enough to qualify for the rule 5 draft. And that would also be someone the trade partner doesn't think has the potential to be more than Kuhl.

Other possibilities are Difo--he has value as a veteran utility player but a young rebuilding team might consider him a luxury they can do without. Either Newman or Tucker could go with the other taking over SS until Cruz or Peguero are deemed ready. Moran could be dealt and could have some value as a LH bat off the bench for some teams. Brault is popular but seldom healthy enough to pitch. And outside of a very brief (11 games) 2020 season he has never been more than 5th starter material. Duane Underwood might be useful to other teams as someone who can pitch a lot of innings out of the BP as long as you don't insist on quality innings. And LH relievers always get plenty of opportunities so they might be able to peddle the 5.60 ERA and nearly a walk per inning of The Sam Howard Walk Machine off on someone else. But none of these players will bring much in return. I can't imagine GMs of other teams wanting any of those players enough to give up something good for them.

Stratton would have pretty good value but they are so desperate for decent pitching that I think they will keep him.
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