D/H Game Thread - 4/4 Games 1 2 Bucs @ Tigers


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D/H Game Thread - 4/4 Games 1 2 Bucs @ Tigers

Post by Bobster21 »

5E60656D7E66666D4D687F6C3B090 wrote: This game was lost the moment the lineup was set. But I guess no one cares less than Shelton. They got 2 runs and those were on 1 swing. Every other swing from this noncompetitive lineup resulted in 0 runs. What a shame because they got good pitching. But 3 errors gave the tigers 3 runs and that weas enough. As usual, Shelton wasn't trying to win. Worst manager I've ever seen. :(
Yep- 3-2 loss and all Detroits runs were unearned. Is this the last year of Shelton's contract?
I watch other games. No one gets days off like the Pirate players. Example- Harper, Hoskins, Realmuto, Goldschmidt,

Arenado, Molina (42ys.old)  Lorenzo Caine, Adames

Betts,Freeman, Justin Turner Trea Turner, Brandon Crawford. Obviously there are many more who are in lineup almost everyday' I didn't even mention the American League. Just doesn't make sense what Shelton does
This is why I pointed out in another thread that you can’t have Shelton managing this team in the next year or two when these young players such as Cruz, Gonzales, Peguero, Davis and etc are ready to come up and play everyday. He would give these guys way too many days off and play garbage instead like he is now with VanMeter and Tucker. And when you have a team like that of young core group players ready to come up and contribute like they are the next several years you can’t have a complete moron like Shelton managing this team you just can’t. This guy has to go period and go get John Farrell to work with.
Hopefully Cherington will come to his senses
It would be interesting to know what transpires between Cherington and Shelton. Opinions on that differ, but I don't believe Cherington routinely determines the lineups, although he may direct Shelton to give plenty of PT to a prospect they recall and want to take a good look at (e.g., Suwinski). What I do believe is that Cherington probably made it known that Shelton would not be evaluated on the basis of winning games with this rebuilding team and that it was more important to keep the players happy, maintain a good clubhouse atmosphere and give everyone a lot of playing time. These are the things Shelton emphasizes even though his lineups, who plays, who sits, etc often seem to suggest a complete indifference toward winning.
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D/H Game Thread - 4/4 Games 1 2 Bucs @ Tigers

Post by INbuc »

The Sunday lineups and excessive days-off have been annoying for several years now. To some degree I think there is some "soft tanking" going on here. Probably coincides with things like over-cooking prospects in the minors, avoiding decent free agent pickups, and returning young players to the bench the day after performing well at the plate. It's almost like, "if 70 wins is our target ceiling during this rebuild, what's the big deal if we pace ourselves to 65 or so and get a better draft choice?"

Perhaps when a season comes and this team can get to 8-10 games over .500, maybe the excessive days-off and many of the eye-rolling decisions will cease?
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