Official Game Thread - 5/26 - Bucs @ Mariners


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Official Game Thread - 5/26 - Bucs @ Mariners

Post by bucs607179 »

5B7A6F665E677C6F7A6B0E0 wrote: Took a lot of Mojo with me to the game last night - much to the irritation of my M's son, ha!. Suwinski's second HR was an absolute bomb. It was one of those you don't forget.

I don't see very many live Buc games and your impressions are so much different. Marcano seemed to really stand out to me. Solid at SS. And Hayes is sure good at 3B.

Day game today and then another one for Sunday. Taking my grandson (9 months) to his first MLB game today and I am pretty excited for that!

So you are not in Utah:) I hope your blood young ones bring us luck!!!!

Official Game Thread - 5/26 - Bucs @ Mariners

Post by Bobster21 »

Suwinski was Robbie's post game interview victim.

Robbie: "What keyed the long ball tonight for this team?"

Suwinski: "That wasn't any part of our game plan going in so I think that's just how things go sometimes. That was the complete opposite of our plan."

Robbie: "George Kirby...gave up just 3 HRs all year. Tonight you hit 4 against him. How were you successful in that manner?"

So since Robbie didn't get Suwinski to reveal the magic formula that would enable them to hit 7 HRs every game, he just reworded the question and asked it again.

So Suwinski had to give him a cliche about everyone playing together as a team. That seemed to satisfy Robbie. As the great philosopher Bugs Bunny would say, "What an ultra maroon."

Official Game Thread - 5/26 - Bucs @ Mariners

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

704E4B43504848436346514215270 wrote: Nice to wake up this morning to see the Pirates won.  A win always makes the next day a bit better.
Nice to see the Pirates hit 7 Home Runs. It seems it is feast or

Also nice for doc to see that Wong was 0-2. Although he did score

2 runs

Even when he has a hitless day he finds a way to screw us.

Official Game Thread - 5/26 - Bucs @ Mariners

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

58797158737B1C0 wrote: Hey Doc, I was up at 3.30 am to check the score on the team website.  What a major surprise.  I watched the highlights and the bats did come alive.  As far as Keller was concerned, he did not have his best stuff but he hung in there and got the win.  He's now 6-1. 

The game is on late this afternoon so I will be able to watch or listen live.  Let's win one and at least win the series before moving onto SF.

I got up to pee at around 2:30 but, had I gone to check the score, I wouldn’t have been able to get back to sleep. So instead, I laid there for 45 minutes wondering how the Bucs did. Sometimes I hate myself.

On the other hand, around the time the game will end tonight will be close to bedtime so I won’t have to lie awake wondering.
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Official Game Thread - 5/26 - Bucs @ Mariners

Post by MaineBucs »

Nice to win a game in which your starting pitcher was not lights out. Also good to see nearly everyone contribute on the offense. If your an M's fan, you would swear that they just faced the Rangers or the Rays, and not the power-starved Pirates.

Going into this season most assumed that the starting pitching would be the weak link. Even though the team is currently missing two of its projected starters, Brubaker and Velasquez, the other starters have routinely done well.

Keller has been great, Velasquez has been much better than anyone could have expected, Hill has posted numbers in line with his hoped for performance (although he still causes me concern every time he takes the mound), and Oviedo and Contreras have had uneven, but promising performances. Ortiz looked good in his last game, and Priester has been getting good results in May. A starting rotation of Keller, Oviedo, Contreras, Ortiz, and Priester could be promising for 2024.

I am also surprised by the overall quality of the bullpen, although I was nervous last night when Shelton called on Underwood to protect a 5 run lead in the 9th. Bednar has been phenomenal except for 2 outings, Holderman often looks untouchable, Ramirez's performance and control was very unexpected, Moreta seems to have reduced his wildness in the past 3 weeks and is now an asset, and Hernandez, a Rule 5 lefty who never pitched above AA, is actually giving the team meaningful innings. Underwood is Underwood (undependable and too hittable), Stephenson has often pitched well but appears to be going through a rough patch, and the Z guy appears to be on the team because it sure would be nice to have a lefty in the pen who can get someone out. However, in watching other teams play against teams other than the Pirates, bullpen woes are often a real issue, including for teams like the Rays and Dodgers.

I was not a fan of the team signing McCutchen, but with the possible exception of Reynolds, he appears to be one of the few players who can get a hit and who has plate discipline. Marcano's recent play should help end the debate about who starts at SS (with the unnecessary splash of Owings), and giving both Bae and Castro playing time at 2nd appears to make some sense for now. Gotta hope that last night's game is a sign that Suwinski can go on a 1 to 2 week tear.

With the exception of Suwinski's misplay in center last night, and Keller demonstrating that he is human, last night's game was enjoyable to watch. Hope that Contreras is on his game tonight and that the offense can demonstrate that they are not a one hit (game) wonder.

Official Game Thread - 5/26 - Bucs @ Mariners

Post by WildwoodDave2 »

386E786C637969626F784A6D676B636624690A0 wrote: Hey Doc, I was up at 3.30 am to check the score on the team website.  What a major surprise.  I watched the highlights and the bats did come alive.  As far as Keller was concerned, he did not have his best stuff but he hung in there and got the win.  He's now 6-1. 

The game is on late this afternoon so I will be able to watch or listen live.  Let's win one and at least win the series before moving onto SF.

I got up to pee at around 2:30 but, had I gone to check the score, I wouldn’t have been able to get back to sleep.  So instead, I laid there for 45 minutes wondering how the Bucs did.  Sometimes I hate myself.

On the other hand, around the time the game will end tonight will be close to bedtime so I won’t have to lie awake wondering.

It appears that you and I have the same PEE times. Notice

I didn't say TEE times :D
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Official Game Thread - 5/26 - Bucs @ Mariners

Post by IABucFan »

4B5C4A5A1F191E181E10290 wrote: RTJR. Bucs half a game behind Milwaukee. I kind of like these late games!

Funny, your handle makes me assume you are from Iowa. Not sure of their time zone but when you called it a late game I'm guessing you are an East Coaster.

Yes, I am in Iowa. Central time zone here, so an hour behind Eastern time, and two hours ahead of Pacific. I often times have commitments in the evenings until 7:00 or 8:00. With this game starting at 9:00, I could watch the whole thing, though I did cut out of a high school baseball game early.

Official Game Thread - 5/26 - Bucs @ Mariners

Post by 2drfischer@gmail.c »

132D2820332B2B200025322176440 wrote: Hey Doc, I was up at 3.30 am to check the score on the team website.  What a major surprise.  I watched the highlights and the bats did come alive.  As far as Keller was concerned, he did not have his best stuff but he hung in there and got the win.  He's now 6-1. 

The game is on late this afternoon so I will be able to watch or listen live.  Let's win one and at least win the series before moving onto SF.

I got up to pee at around 2:30 but, had I gone to check the score, I wouldn’t have been able to get back to sleep.  So instead, I laid there for 45 minutes wondering how the Bucs did.  Sometimes I hate myself.

On the other hand, around the time the game will end tonight will be close to bedtime so I won’t have to lie awake wondering.

It appears that you and I have the same PEE times. Notice

I didn't say TEE times :D

Sadly, I have multiple and inconsistent pee times. Getting old isn’t for wimps.
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