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The year of PLayoff and Wild Card berths

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 11:48 pm
by mouse
I understand the logic of the doubling down, and I can already see MLB using that argument now and again . . . just, it's the #*&%$ Yankees. I am blinded by the short-term reward of them losing (and losing at home would make it even better).

The year of PLayoff and Wild Card berths

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 12:05 am
by SammyKhalifa
Haha, yeah that's only in principle. In practice I totally agree

The year of PLayoff and Wild Card berths

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 2:53 pm
by BenM
52606C6C784A69606D686760010 wrote: The A's beating the Yankees is almost too much to ask for. How wonderful that would be.

That was my first thought, but Poni on the FAN mentioned that if the A's win, Nutting/Coonely/Huntington can double down on their claim that the team doesn't need to spend more money to be successful.

(And I'm not talking about signing Machado or Harper, but signing anyone who could help. Unlike last spring when they were the only team in MLB to sit out a historic buyers market for free agents.)

The best thing that can happen long term is actually that some combination of Los Angeles, Chicago, New York teams destroy everyone else year after year after year until the other cities have finally had enough and decide that there needs to be real fundamental change this time. 

I think the players screwed up on the last CBA. The luxury tax is turning into a soft salary cap that even the Yankees don't want to top regularly. But they didn't get a salary floor, so owners can be as cheap as they want.

The year of PLayoff and Wild Card berths

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:41 pm
by maher.timothy20@gm
27253F392F4A0 wrote: I understand the logic of the doubling down, and I can already see MLB using that argument now and again . . . just, it's the #*&%$ Yankees. I am blinded by the short-term reward of them losing (and losing at home would make it even better).

But who do you want to root for instead, the Red Sox? They're the Evil Empire 2.0. At least the Yankees have Cutch.

The year of PLayoff and Wild Card berths

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 6:50 pm
by SammyKhalifa
777B727F68346E7377756E7263282A5A7D771A0 wrote: I understand the logic of the doubling down, and I can already see MLB using that argument now and again . . . just, it's the #*&%$ Yankees. I am blinded by the short-term reward of them losing (and losing at home would make it even better).

But who do you want to root for instead, the Red Sox? They're the Evil Empire 2.0. At least the Yankees have Cutch.

The Red Sox are just like the Yankees only complain about it more.

The year of PLayoff and Wild Card berths

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 7:01 pm
by Ecbucs
32000C0C182A09000D080700610 wrote: I understand the logic of the doubling down, and I can already see MLB using that argument now and again . . . just, it's the #*&%$ Yankees. I am blinded by the short-term reward of them losing (and losing at home would make it even better).

But who do you want to root for instead, the Red Sox? They're the Evil Empire 2.0. At least the Yankees have Cutch.

The Red Sox are just like the Yankees only complain about it more.

Couldn't say this any better. I liked them better when they still were under the curse of the Bambino. Now they are insufferable.

The year of PLayoff and Wild Card berths

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 7:24 pm
by iabucco
022425322434470 wrote: I understand the logic of the doubling down, and I can already see MLB using that argument now and again . . . just, it's the #*&%$ Yankees. I am blinded by the short-term reward of them losing (and losing at home would make it even better).

But who do you want to root for instead, the Red Sox? They're the Evil Empire 2.0. At least the Yankees have Cutch.

The Red Sox are just like the Yankees only complain about it more.

Couldn't say this any better.  I liked them better when they still were under the curse of the Bambino.  Now they are insufferable.

Triple dog agree about the Red Sox. I liked the history of the curse of the Bambino but they and their fans are insufferable. In fact, NYC gets a rap as unfriendly but in my experience Boston is much worse than NYC in that regard.

The year of PLayoff and Wild Card berths

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 9:32 pm
by DemDog
Rocks and Brewers bottom of first. The "vet" Ryan Braun on 2B with 2 outs. Tries to score on a wild pitch/passed ball. He was out by 10 ft for the 3rd out. Go figure, but it is Braun.

The year of PLayoff and Wild Card berths

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 10:06 pm
by Bobster21
1D3C341D363E590 wrote: Rocks and Brewers bottom of first.  The "vet" Ryan Braun on 2B with 2 outs.  Tries to score on a wild pitch/passed ball.  He was out by 10 ft for the 3rd out.  Go figure, but it is Braun.
In his defense, Braun played a lot of games against the wild pitch-happy Pirates and assumed it was safe to score. ;)

The year of PLayoff and Wild Card berths

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2018 11:12 pm
by IABucFan
You know what bugs me about MLB? They always schedule playoff games in the middle of the afternoon. The whole regular season, most games are played in the evening, and then, in the postseason, because they want all eyes on each individual game, the put some on in the middle of the day. Problem is...most people have these things called jobs and school. Kind of tough to watch a game when you're trying to earn a living.