Josh Bell to Nats


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Josh Bell to Nats

Post by shedman »

5E6B7C7C774E7C7C77707C190 wrote: This team's not re-building.  Face it.  They don't have a budget to build a grass hut.

If they can't afford Josh Bell, they can't afford anyone.

You tell me how on earth the Pirates will assemble a team capable of winning the  World Series when they can't even win the NL Central division.

We just saw how much good signing Bell to an extension did.  We gave a bat away for nothing, and it's not like we had a fearsome lineup to begin with.

I don't care about Bell, directly.  I care about winning.  You don't win with moves like this. 

This is no re-build.  Call it what it is.  Been five (now, six) years since the last one & done.  It's no re-build.  Who wants to re-build a .317 team?  It's a pure salary dump.

The kind of guys the Pirates keep?  Polanco.


Not only are you all over the board with your hypocrisy in this post, it's like watching a dog chase it's tail.

Care to translate?

A clear salary dump regardless of how it's spun.

Do you think this move improves the team on 2021?  I don't, and if we disagree, we disagree.

I will translate for him. "There is nothing Cherington can do. Nutting won't give him the money, Huntington left him an empty kitchen, he needs to rebuild the farm system, he needs to draft better, blah, blah, blah."

Any excuse or alibi for doing nothing to improve the team. Meantime other small market clubs like Cincinnati and Milwaukee continue to improve their clubs right now.

Josh Bell to Nats

Post by steve49 »

It actually doesn't hurt this present team too much. Bell is horrible defensively and you never know what you're going to get offensively. The guy has been making big changes to his swing and who knows what the next change will bring. This leaves a spot for a Moran - Evans platoon at first and back up at 3rd. Also provides a spot for Mason Martin in the event he makes a jump.

Yen looks like a nice prospect but hard for me to get excited about the 26 year old that might be a BP or fringe #5 starter.
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Josh Bell to Nats

Post by shedman »

I view this trade the same as a long string of trades where we give major league ballplayers away for nothing to save BOB some money.  And then it is packaged to the fans as some strategic move for an undefined future that never gets here.  These two suspects will likely never wear a major league uniform. We are destined for another year of Cherington seeing what he has.
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Josh Bell to Nats

Post by GreenWeenie »

"Hypocrisy," "All over the board," "you seem to know everything," and "dog chasing its tail" have been used, so......let's see what they come up with now.  ;)

Josh Bell to Nats

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5B404D4C454946280 wrote: I view this trade the same as a long string of trades where we give major league ballplayers away for nothing to save BOB some money.  And then it is packaged to the fans as some strategic move for an undefined future that never gets here.  These two suspects will likely never wear a major league uniform.  We are destined for another year of Cherington seeing what he has.

We’ll see.  If Ben moves a couple of his best pitchers thus offseason then it will be very diffeeent than what you are describing.

By the end of NH’s tenure your description rings very true.  But it is unfair to assign this to BC at this point.

Josh Bell to Nats

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It doesn’t matter what motive someone assigns to the trade of Josh, it is laughable for anyone to suggest Bell should have been retained for competitive reason.  Something like “we lost 2/3 of our games with you we can lose 2/3 of our games w/o you.”....

And merry Christmas one and all....
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Josh Bell to Nats

Post by SCBucco »

12333B123931560 wrote: 93.7 the Fan was talking about the trade. 

Crowe projects to be a 4-5 starter like Roark.  Rated as Nats #3 Prospect by  He is age 26 though

Yean is projected to be a top-line starter as he develops.  Rated as the Nats #6 Prospect by  He is only 19 yrs old. 

I rate this a fairly good trade.  Bell will be a FA in two years and the Bucs would never spend the money that Boras is going to want for Bell.  I think this should have been done last pre-season and maybe we could have gotten better prospects. 

It will be interesting to see how the 1B-DH situation plays out for the Bucs this season.

Here is the problem. Roark, I mean Crowe, was the Nats' third prospect before the trade. He checks in as #17 here. Yean was the number 6 prospect in Washington and is now #7 here. If Crowe resembles Tanner Roark and he was the third best prospect there, that tells you where Washington's prospect list ranks. Crowe at 26 is a suspect. Yean will take a while to get up.

Dave has acquired 11 new players via the drafts and trades, nine of them arms (all rhp) and two SS. To me, that is a problem. We have more issues than P. Not sold on the dudes from Rule 5 and not sold on Crowe at all. Roark was/is meh.

At some point, he needs to fortify the farm system with other players besides arms.
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Josh Bell to Nats

Post by SCBucco »

3D6B7D69667C6C676A7D4F68626E6663216C0F0 wrote: None of us should be surprised by this move.  Even though he won't admit it, we all know Cherington is rebuilding the organization in every way, including the major league roster.  He knows he can't compete with the players in Pittsburgh, and that the minor league rosters have even less. 

This is not unlike what Huntington faced and what his plan was.  It's not the wrong plan, it just has to be done better than Huntington did it.

Bell wasn't going to be here by the time a competitive roster is built but, then again, neither will almost all of the other players who wore a Pirates uniform last season.  Bell had proven that he was half a player, and even that half had only been productive for short periods of time. 

I know nothing about either pitcher coming back in the trade but I do wish they were both ready to play in the major leagues.  After these past six seasons, we've waited long enough to root for a competitive team.

Not surprised in the least Bell was traded. Good dude, but far too inconsistent with the bat and crappy D. Felt he was going to be traded to an AL team to be full-time DH. I'm more upset that NH didn't deal him after the year of his monster first half. He would have gotten more than what we got in return. We got a 26-year old suspect who is linked to a Tanner Roark like guy (meh) and a 19-year old arm that won't be up for three years for a guy that had a lousy season offensively and defensively. Imagine if we traded him at the right time.
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Josh Bell to Nats

Post by SCBucco »

3E687E6A657F6F64697E4C6B616D6560226F0C0 wrote: Will they be pitching for the Pirates in 2021?  I'll ignore the personal attack.  I don't recall doing that. Doesn't help to make a point.


The can kickers are out ion full force tonight.  Many have already punted away 2021, and one guy on here has punted away 2022 and is pointing to 2023.  I wonder if we could get someone to punt away 2023 and 2024 and point to 2025 as our year.  The can has been kicked down the road to a dirt path, then it is being kicked down the dirt path  and we will need a machete to kick it any further.

I want the Pirates to win as badly as you do, as early as next year.  This current roster can't.  It's made-up of guys who won only one game out of three last year.  Few of those players will get much better, and there's no one to trade to improve that roster for 2021, as we just witnessed yesterday.  The owner will not allow for the acquisition of the type of free agent who can make the difference needed to win next year.

I don't like it any more than you do but it's going to take a minimum of two years for the Pirates to show signs of being competitive again, and that's if BC does miraculous work.  Sadly, that's the reality. 

There are no shortcuts.  I said months ago that if BC hasn't made legitimate progress by the 2021 trade deadline that I'd agree that kicking the can is his objective and I'll join you in your criticism.  Every GM deserves at least that amount of time to restructure his organization, especially one who works for an owner like Nutting.

This roster right now is an expansion like roster. Quite frankly if the fans don't show up and Bob cries and threatens to move the franchise somewhere - let him. MLB will give us an expansion team and we start out with a new owner and a roster like what we have right now. That is a huge gain for us.
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Josh Bell to Nats

Post by SCBucco »

6E697F77796E29255C7B717D7570327F73711C0 wrote: I view this trade the same as a long string of trades where we give major league ballplayers away for nothing to save BOB some money.  And then it is packaged to the fans as some strategic move for an undefined future that never gets here.  These two suspects will likely never wear a major league uniform.  We are destined for another year of Cherington seeing what he has.

We’ll see.  If Ben moves a couple of his best pitchers thus offseason then it will be very diffeeent than what you are describing.

By the end of NH’s tenure your description rings very true.  But it is unfair to assign this to BC at this point. 

I'm not assigning any bad stuff on BC right now with exception of his fascination of rhp and his lacking diversity of acquiring other positional needs. Can't wait to see what Frazier and Musgrove bring back. BC isn't done. We will be under 20 mill of salary after more trades.
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